4. Trip (2)

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It's a nice summer, a bright sun shine into the sakamaki mansions and woke everyone up.

It's 9am, Kyurin and Yui slept together last night and wake up under the extreme brightness.
Yawn** "ah, I slept well.." Yui stretched her arms and get off the bed to get ready. Yui snapped Kyurin's mind and she finally caught attention.
"What, let me sleep five more minutes.... Uuhhh," Kyurin rolled to the other side facing her head to the floor and rub her eyes.
"Hurry and wake up, we need to brush our teeth, change our clothes, and put in our last stuff inside," Yui pulled her left arm.
"Arrggghh!" Kyurin jumped off the bed walking wobbly cris cross her legs.
"I'm going back my room and prepare, hold your self," Yui slam the door shut.

Kyurin POV

I shrug my shoulder and return my normal self getting in my restroom, looking myself in the mirror, my hair was a mess.
I grabbed my vented brush and started to comb my hair neatly and straight.
"Yoshi," then I grab my purple toothbrush, putting the toothpaste and start scrubbing my teeth up and down, in and out. Got some water spill the liquid like paste away, brush again and spill the rest out. Cleaning my face with warm water is very nice. Last I put my face lotion on and wore on my black skirt plain white shirt, and my 5cm tall sandal.
"Okay, just need put my toothbrush inside, Yui would bring toothpaste, and the rest of my supplies. I closed the suitcase and realized its 9:15 am. I counted various of my stuff walking down the hall.
Phone ⭕️
Charger ⭕️
Swimsuit ⭕️
Three empty bag⭕️
Five pairs of clothes⭕️
Four pair of underwears ⭕️
Toothbrush ⭕️
Hairbrush ⭕️
Sunglasses and hat ⭕️
Wallet ⭕️
My cross body bag ⭕️
Waterproof case ⭕️
Towel ⭕️
Sunscreen, face lotion ⭕️
Flip-flops ⭕️
Swim bag ⭕️

"Yup that's all set! Since we live in a luxury hotel, there are good shampoo and body washes," Kyurin smiled and she saw Yui beside her.
"Yo, Kyurin, got all your belongings?" Yui asked holding a large pink suitcase she have. And Kyurin has a large black suitcase. The girls headed down first floor hall and they saw Kanato, Reiji, Shu, Subaru, and Laito here, the bus is outside.
"Where is Ayato?" Yui asked.
"Who knows? Anyway ohayo bitch-chan, Apple-chan," Laito answered cheerfully.
"Ohayo," the girls spoke.
"It's 9:27, where is Ayato?! The bus will leave soon!" Reiji said nervously. He grabbed the suitcase and bag without waiting, and walked up to the bus.
"I'm here I'm here! Wait waiT! " someone behind called. It's Ayato.
"Where have you been? Are you going or not it?" Subaru pissed.
"Sorry! I overslept! But I got all my things ready!" Ayato rushed up the bus panting.
We got our seats arrangement and numbers.
Kyurin and Laito #5,6
Yui and Ayato #7,8
Subaru and Shuu #13,14
Reiji and Kanato #15,16
"I wonder why we need to sit like this.." Kyurin mumbled to herself.
"Yui, I want to sit with you!" The purple haired girl whimpered.
"Who cares Kyurin, our seats are beside eachother, we could sit the seat outside," Yui replied.
"Well I still don't like this!" Kyurin cried as she sat down the bus with all the people that need to go, but left with two more empty seats.
Everyone sits down and the bus tour guy appears. He has a straight black hair in a bob haircut and slanted dark green eyes.
"Hi everyone welcome to our Starlight Bus Tour to human world three day trip, my name is Kohaku and now I will be explaining the rest of the details of our trip, thank you very much," the bus tour introduced.
The bus started to move and drive. Then the bus tour Kohaku started to speak.
"Because of the different address everyone live, we are now delayed our first day trip. We now is going to pick up the last two person that is going to the trip," said the bus tour Kohaku.

10 minutes later..

"Okay, we are here to the home of last two person attending the trip, let's wait them come up." He announced.

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