When secrets are revealed

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===Devi POV

I avoided Kou for like 5 period of class and finally the last class is almost ending, because I don't feel like talking to them. They are very annoying, I know it's unfortunate I don't have the job back but myself have to follow "his" order to live under this Sakamaki mansion and go to school properly. I hate to explain stuff to them, so complicated.

The last class is math class, I wish time fly faster so I can go home. Never mind at all, I want to skip this class, your highness is already know what the teacher is going to teach anyways.

Devi skip the class and went around the halls to search for something to do, anyway she had an idea, she will gonna stay in the girls bathroom and play with her phone. Before she go in, Devi saw a girl on the ground unconscious between the bathroom signs of girls and boys. Without a doubt Devi kneel down to see what happen to her, she led her right arm to her face and checked her pulse but find two hole marks on her neck.

"What, someone bit her, who was it.."

She sniff the scent see who was it but couldn't figure it out that good, she predict that maybe Laito or Subaru, or either the Mukami brothers. Devi doesn't feel like getting her to the nurse room so she ignore it and went to the bathroom.

"I'm so tired, yawn* " I plug my earphones to my iPhone and clicked some songs to hear, school ends in 25 minute, good I have my bag. I fell asleep.

25. Minutes. Later.====

Devi woke up see crowd of people talking outside the bathroom, the bell Rang.

I wonder what happened outside, so loud, I check the time it was 2am, crap I be late if I don't go to the limousine and Reijipapa will yell at me. That was undone, I got surrounded by bunch of people looking at this unconscious body in here, so hilarious, why don't they carry her to the nurse room? Why they look at her like some sort of show watching? What's the purpose of it?

"Can you guys be quiet and let your highness pass through?" Devi yell at the bunch of kids, mostly human here, girls and boys.

"Devi-chan? Did you do this?" Girl 1 said.

"No, no? " what the fuck is wrong with them blaming on me?

"Then why is she here?" Boy 1 ask.

"I don't know, when I came to the bathroom I already see her here, " honestly, I hate this kind of situation. "Can you let me pass here already? " I squished through them but I fell on the ground.

"Ouch.." "What was that for? Let me leave!" I'm innocent dude.

"Are you sure you don't know this girl? She had two mark holes on her neck," a guy with glasses said suspiciously.

"I have no idea what you talking about, anyway I'm not those vampires, I'm a magician! " I lied bit and sway a smile on them. Okay this can't be helped so I snap my fingers with magic.

Finally they in the line,

"So baibai, I'm leaving here! " I ran and ran faster.. Then snap my fingers back to release the power. But why they end up chasing me??.?

"Aaaaahhhhhh!! Dowajuseyo! (Help me in Korean) . "

The limousine is outside thank god, the door is opened, it was Reiji, oh god holy and I jump inside. He closed the door and car start to move.

Diabolik Lovers :  Yui's Vampire sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora