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Kyurin: let me tell you. Recently I don't know what's wrong with me, I kept seeing energies everywhere in all of y'all bodies and I became very craving on it. It's like mue is changing, is accepting another side of me, since I'm a part angel and a part vampire. I don't know what to do. Help...
Reiji: so instead of craving for blood, you're craving our energy inside us?
Kyurin: yes you have to fix me before I kill myself
Laito: our souls? Spiritual energies?
Yui: Kyurin, what do you also see?
Kyurin: I think some kind of like that, and whenever I go that zone, my eye became really bright blue and I cannot...
And I become numb. I see a lot of bluish nerves and nucleus connecting from the center to the chest to shoulder, neck, arm, and legs. They are like vibrating, and I want them so bad that I can't breath. I wanna get rid of that feeling before I stab myself😒
Kanato: don't stab yourself, endure it, just like blood crave, resist it, train it. If you die, I will kill myself
Ayato: I don't know what's going on with you but you have to need it, and you should go for it. Here... come to yours truly
Kyurin: the hell ayato, what if I took all your energy and I swallowed you. I don't know what is gonna happen once I crave it. I need to try on a human...😢
Shu: then we should go find a human to test it. 😴😴😴😴
Subaru: just hop on it don't wait, we got to do something. Let's go, I will help you;)
Kyurin: huh?? Wait. -

Subaru grab Kyurin hand and took her outside. Everyone followed behind them.

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