Chapter IV

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It had been months since Edward, or as Jake called him: the douche-bag, left. Bella was completely unresponsive. If she went to school, which was questionable, she came home and planted herself in that damn rocking chair. She sat before the window and stared out into the forest. If it wasn't for Jake, I probably would've crashed and burned by now.

After I'd skipped school, Dad started sending me to the Blacks every weekend. I used to come down to the Blacks to hang out with my friends and be a normal teenager. Now, I went down there so that I could actually sleep.

"Annie, your dad wants you home," Jake called through his bedroom door. I groaned and rolled over.

I heard the door open and close but I still didn't move. Jake settled on the bed beside me, like he did every time I refused to wake up. "Your dad wants you home. He says he needs to talk to you about some stuff," Jake said. I still refused to move. "I'll drive you," he tried to entice. I still didn't answer. "I'll buy you coffee on the way there."

I rolled onto my back and looked up at him. "Coffee isn't going to help me; sleep will," I whispered. My voice sounded gross and groggy, but there was nothing I could do. Jake pulled me up so that I was sitting beside him.

"I just want to sleep a little while longer," I said. Okay, I actually whined. I hadn't been able to go to the gym since Douche-Bag left and I felt like I was drowning. I needed to hit something, to run away, to pretend, even if it was for an hour, that there was nothing wrong with my life.

But, unfortunately, I needed to get back home. My dad needed me. He wanted me back home and there was nothing I could do other than go home and face the daily set of problems. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, but I would never let them fall. Jake pulled me against his side again and pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "Get dressed. I'm going to go talk to my dad and then we'll head home."

He was out the door before I could say anything else. "I am home," I whispered. I laid back down with a huff and wrapped myself up in the blankets again. I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted to escape for a few hours. That was all.

"Just talk to Charlie," I heard from the kitchen.

"She's exhausted Dad!" Jake's voice was rising with every moment.

"She just needs a little more time." There was some quiet response that I didn't hear.

"He's your best friend; please." There were some more mutterings before I heard Jake sigh.

"Okay, we're heading back to her place."

I could hear his footsteps coming down the hall into my-his-room. I pushed myself out of the bed and pulled a sweater over my head. I opened Jake's center drawer and stuffed my clothing in it. I had long since given up on packing an overnight bag. Instead, I kept a few bras, some underwear, and pajamas in his room.

"You ready?" he asked quietly. I wanted to shake my head and cry, but I just nodded, shoving my cell phone in my sweatshirt pocket.

We walked in silence back to the car, where I slid in and buckled up. Jake had me cuddled against his side, still half asleep with my resting on his shoulder. He hummed quietly as he started driving. "If you don't want me to fall asleep, you should stop that," I said quietly. Jake laughed.

"Can I get a triple shot vanilla latte?" Jake ordered as we pulled up to the drive-through cafe. I was so far gone, I didn't even hear anything about how much it would cost, what window we were supposed to pull up to. I did, however, recognize the wonderful aroma of coffee and the warmth in my hand. "You want me to stay?" I nodded.

I only just recognized the fact that we had pulled up to the curb by my home. Jake slid out the car, pulling me along with him. I marched up the stairs, surprised that I didn't trip. "Charlie, we're back," Jake called.

The Consequences {Jacob Black} Where stories live. Discover now