Chapter CI

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"She's what? She can't be. Vampires can't have children," I argued.

"But humans can. She is still human, Ryanne. And this thing is killing her," Edward insisted. "She needs you Ryanne. She's dying and she won't listen to anyone. She's going to die." The world around me began to trembled as Jake wrapped his arms around my waist, clinging to me. His breathing was strained as he fought for control, his nails kind of digging into my skin.

"I can't Edward. You say my sister loves me, but I think that you're wrong. Charlie lost Bella when she made the decision to marry you. I've been there for her for long enough; I won't do it again. Goodbye, Edward." I could hear him protesting as I pulled the phone away from my ear. Jake's hand closed around mine, slipping the plastic from my hand and slamming it down on the receiver.

Sparks flew as the wires were ripped from the wall, Jake snarling the whole time. I ducked under his arm and went back to my painting. Jake ran out the door without a backwards glance. I continued to paint until I heard a howl and knew Jake was gone.

Why did my sister have to ruin everything? She was supposed to be gone and I was supposed to be living my happy ending. I threw the paint brush down on the plastic tarp and pulled my paint slicked shirt off. The cold wood pressed into my back as I slumped against the cabinets. My sister found ways, even on her deathbed, to ruin everything good in my life. I guess this was the other foot finally dropping.

But was right about what I had told Edward. Dad would have been told Bella died; why did it matter if it were true or not? It was wrong to try to save her. Even my bleeding heart knew it was wrong. MY sister had made her decision. And whatever was growing inside her was not natural. No; it was a parasite just like its father. A parasite that was feeding on her, killing her from the inside out. If Bella wanted to die to save this thing, that was her prerogative.

It took me a few deep breaths and some long moments to mourn the loss of my happiness again. Finally, I pushed myself up and grabbed my brush, determined to finish what I had started. Sarah had made sure that I knew that much; you always finish what you start. I had done it my entire life, even where Bella was concerned. I had protected her until she was officially Edward's.

Superchick was still playing, the CD having started over. I had an addiction to the band, to the songs that touching your soul in ways few other things could.

"My dreams ran like sand through the fists that I made," I whispered along. The problem was that I wouldn't stop clinging to my dreams. I wanted Jake and a family and happiness. And I would be damned if little old Bella was going to take them from me.

"After all this has passed, I still will remain. After I've cried my last, there'll be beauty from pain. Thought it won't be today, someday I'll hope again," I breathed.

This was what I was going to hold on to. If my sister died, everything would be over; my life would go back to normal. And if she lived... Well Edward had made it clear that the only way that would happen was if Bella became a vampire. If my sister was a leech, they would leave with their demon spawn and my life would go back to normal. After all this had passed, there will be beauty again.

I finished painting, surveying my work. It looked good, something that Sarah would have liked. But even knowing that my dreams would eventually come true, I couldn't bring myself to be happy. Bella had fucking ruined everything again. I heard the front door open, Jake's quiet footsteps echoing despite the music playing. I rolled the tarp up, making sure not to spill any of the paint that had been the source of our fun earlier.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"Don't be,"I replied with my back to him. What did he have to be sorry for? He wasn't the one messing up my life at every turn. No, Jake was the one that managed to make all the pieces fit together again.

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