Chapter Thirty-Nine- Confessions Of Confessions

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Vince's POV

"All pens down, stop writing." A French teacher said, her accent so thick it sounded like she was chanting a spell.

It was a French exam that I was sitting for. Amanda took economics instead of French, which was probably the smarter option.

I looked around the classroom. Many people were still writing as usual. I still needed one more line.

I lifted up my pen and continued writing. The Franco teacher looked at me, smirking slightly.

I was getting caught. This wasn't good. I'd better think of something.

"What do you think you're doing young boy? " She muttered, narrowing her eyes successfully without making it look weird. She was quite young, tall with nice grey eyes.

"Oh sorry? I couldn't hear you. My apologies. And on a side note my name is Vince." I said pleasantly.

"No young boy you do not know the way, you are not a good boy. I'm afraid I have to report you now." Franco creep said, scribbling furiously on her notebook.

Oh my. It didn't go as expected. Why didn't she let me go?

The class started to buzz at every corner. They seemed to be taunting me, vibes are not good.

"It was an accident. I really didn't hear. Ma'am." I gave my best charming smile, trying hard to persuade her.

Please let it work. I don't want to get in trouble again.

She stared at me for a moment, her eyes unreadable.

Finally, the Franco teacher beamed at me. "Good boy, I shall not report you." at least that was what I could make out.

I let out a loud sigh of relief. Until I heard her next words.

"That's only because you look hot, young boy." She hissed darkly, clicking her tongue dramatically, and leaned back.

"My name is Vince," I said coolly. Yes, I was relieved that it had worked.

However, inwardly, I shivered. Issues with female teachers these days. My modesty was at stake.

She walked away, turning to address the whole class.

"Class dismissed."

Before she finished her sentence, half the class was out. I, however, stayed in my seat. Matt walked towards me, swaggering slightly.

"Nicely done mate." Matt slapped my back. His Australian vibes were coming back to life.

"Yeah, I couldn't wait for the lesson to be over. She was one thirsty French fry." I remarked.

"That's for being such a looker," Matt replied, jabbing me in the rib.

"Aren't you not gonna go meet Layla?" At the mention of her name, Matt had a stupid grin on her face. His tousled blond hair was slicked back.

"Whoa Matt, you're whipped. This is gold." I smirked.

"Shut up, go find Amanda." He said, waving me away.

Oh yes. Amanda had something to tell me after the exams. I'd wondered what it was.

"See ya." I gave him a brofist and headed out of the classroom.

Amanda was already there waiting by the lockers. She looked at ease. Me, on the other hand, felt anticipation.

What did she want to tell me? Questions buzzed in my head.

"Hey." She said, and planted a kiss on my lips.

"Hey yourself." I whispered against her lips.

Quickly, as we were walking to lunch, I explained to her my encounter with the French teacher just now. She frowned, saying nothing.

"Are you jealous?" I said, smirking.

"Of course not." She replied dryly.

"Don't have to be, she's nothing compared to you," I said sincerely.

"I have something to tell you. "She said nervously.

I linked her hands with mine. And dragged her into an empty classroom.

"I've been anticipating it the whole week. I'm dying of suspense here, kitten." I whispered against her lips.

Her lips parted, her eyes burning into mine with intensity. Her eyes looked so bright, I could see my reflection in them. She didn't reply, so I continued.

"Tell me. My imagination is running wild." I bit my lip, letting my piercing run across her jawline, knowing it drives her crazy as well.

If she's messin with me, I'm messin with her, yo.

"Okay. But on one condition." Amanda whispered, looking through her lashes at me.

We were so absorbed in our conversation that we did not notice the door opening.

"Ooh la la! Le rendez-vous est ici, excusez-moi mais vous ne restez pas ici s'il vous plaît. " A high pitched voice croaked out.

I stiffened. Dont tell me it's that French teacher.

We jumped apart immediately. "Ah, the young boy." She said, recognising me, her lips curling up in a creepy manner.

Oh my jeepers. It was her again. This was possibly the worst day of my life.

I threw Amanda a look of disgust. She looked confused, and a bit amused.

Why do we always get interrupted at important times like this?

"Au revoir, le beau garçon." The teacher, which I still do not remember the name of, blew me a kiss and left.

"Okay look I can explain. It's not what you think. It's way more complicated than that. I mean simple-" I said once we were out of earshot, and started ranting.

"Go on." Amanda said.

"She was hitting on me." I said frankly.

"I could tell. I do not need to know more, thanks." She said curtly.

"Alright. Now what did you want to say? "

" I can tell you on one condition," Amanda said gravely.

"You cannot tell anyone else, no matter what."

"I promise," I said, dead serious.

"Alright, I have to ask you a question first. Are you a virgin?" Amanda asked me.

What kind of question is this?

"No I'm not." I said slowly, and she bit her lower lip. I didn't know where this conversation was going.

"Well then are you?" I asked her in return, though I had a good idea about the answer to that question.

"No." Amanda whispered. My suspicions were confirmed. That wasn't that bad. I really didn't mind if she wasn't. What else was she concerned with?

Finally, I asked the question she was waiting for.

"Who did you lose your virginity to?"

She took a deep breath, then answered quietly.

"My dad."


Vote and comment! I'm sorry if this chapter killed you. Good luck. - love, Solaire

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