Chapter Ten- Piercings and surprises (EDITED)

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I should've been tired from all the drama but my body has been functioning weird lately. I was actually energetic, and I couldn't wait to see Vince and ask him about it. 

For the next period, which was Art, Vince was nowhere to be seen, as usual. I felt disappointed but just shrugged it off. I didn't even remember him turning up once for this class geez. Why would he come today? 

I ended up getting paired with Chloe.

"Do you want to do the tracing first?" Chloe asked, holding a pencil in one hand and a drawing we were supposed to be doing in another. 

"Sure. it's faster that way." I agreed. Quickly, we completed the sketches of some landscapes together.

"Good work, both of you." Our art teacher complimented.

After Art, I walked to my next class wondering about my next science project and yet again got sidetracked by Vince.

He's always at the back of my mind. I had some lingering questions though. How can he even manage his schoolwork, what more become a tutor if he doesn't go to school?

He must be a genius. Note the sarcasm.

I was ranting inwardly to myself before the History class. I was early, as usual, but there were already other people in the class.

The nerds were there at the front as well as a few preps at the back. That was surprising. They were usually late for class.

Upon closer inspection from the middle of the class, I noticed something even more surprising.

They were studying. When they saw me watching them, they scowled at me.

Those idiots. I rolled my eyes. Trying to act all studious like the prep they are.

Without warning, someone slammed his bag down on the chair beside mine loudly.

I jumped.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized it was Vince.

Speak of the devil indeed. I was just wondering if he would turn up, and surprisingly he appeared right in front of me. It must be my lucky day. 

He looked hot as usual, his hair sleeked back and his hazel eyes warm and inviting.

However, I noticed a tiny black barbell on his bottom lip which I haven't noticed before.

It looked tempting to run my fingertips across it to see how it feels like. Quit it... I scolded myself. No one should look that good.

He shot me a lopsided grin. Despite myself, I couldn't help but grin back at him.

"Decided to turn up for this class to annoy me?" I teased him, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Not exactly," Vince smirked for whatever reason I don't know.

"After you left my house yesterday, I received a note written in all red. Do you know anything about it?" I asked, whispering. Just thinking about it makes me already feel creeped out.

"No, but that sounds really shady. Do you still have it with you?" Suddenly, Vince's playful disposition was gone. He looked concerned at me and pulled his chair closer to mine. 

"No, unfortunately. I threw it away." I said, covering my face in my hands. Maybe I shouldn't have done that.

He sighed. "I just hope it is nothing to do with me. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt because of me." He said with seriousness and sincerity, his brown eyes searching mine and a shadow passed across his eyes.  

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