Chapter Ten

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Luke's POV

Even though that wasn't my first kiss, I wished it was. It's as if we were made for each other. I've had feelings for her for so long now, I was about to go insane. I needed to make this official, even though we had only gone out once. It needed to happen now.

"Haleigh Williams, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. We're in a hug-like position to where I'm talking into her hair.

She's silent. I wait a bit until I pull back and see her eyes. They are beautiful, but there's a little bit of fear and confusion in them. I don't want to end our relationship already so I just add on:

"Unless you don't think it's time for that."

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "I just_" I let down my arms. "I don't know. I guess I'm just being selfish with you and you deserve someone who won't treat you that way. I'm sorry. Have a safe ride home." I begin to turn around to walk to my house. Before I can, she touches my arm gently, telling me to wait.

"I'm sorry, Luke. I was just in shock. I will gladly be your girlfriend." She smiles.

I turn to her completely and pick her up and spin her around. When I finish spinning, I lean toward her and kiss her lips. This kiss is slow and passionate, unlike the first which was hungry and wanting. This time she pulls away, and I'm the desperate one. She notices this and smirks.

"Dat wasn't very nice." I pout like a little kid and cross my arms.

"I know. You poor baby. Too bad we aren't aloud to kiss at school, so you won't even be able to kiss me till after."

"Pwease?!" I say with my puppy dog face.

"Nope. See you later, alligator," she says, beginning to get in her car.

"Not so fast Missy." I pin her to the car. "You're not going anywhere."


Haleigh's POV

I'm on the hood of the car with my hands pinned above my head and Luke between my legs. Well, this is awkward. He sees our position and looks at me mischievously.

"Pretty comfy for me," he says pervertedly. I blush hard. He leans in and kisses my lips hungrily. I kiss back and before long my hormones are going crazy. He licks my lip, asking for entrance which this time I grant. Our tongues were battling for dominance when we hear the front door open and close. We pull away at the same time and look to the side. Brandon is sitting on the porch. I look up at Luke and shrug. He lets my hands go and puts his fingers to his mouth, motioning for me to be quiet.

He tiptoes over to the dark side of the porch and walks towards his brother stealthily. He gives me a thumbs up and a smile before he runs up to him and squeezes his side, 'tazering' him. Brandon jumps up and squeals like a little girl. Luke and I laugh really hard and Brandon eventually joins in on our laughter. After what seems like hours of laughing and crying, I stand up to leave.

"Bye, guys! I have to get back home."

"Bye" Brandon says simply.

"Wait! What about goodbye kisses?" Luke asks.

"I don't think you deserve a kiss because of what you did to 'poor little Brandon' over there," I joke, motioning to Brandon.

"Haha! Serves you right bro!" Brandon points an accusing finger at Luke, who sticks out his tongue at Brandon.

I get in my car without another word and drive off. As soon as I get home, I shower and go to bed. Maybe I have a chance with Luke, only time will tell.

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