Chapter Eleven

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I wake up to my alarm which is the song 'Out of My League' by Fitz and Tantrums.

Yeah, I kinda love that song.

Anyway, I turn it off and check my phone. I have 2 missed calls and a text from Luke.

'Morning beautiful ;) I kind of miss you and your beautiful face, smile, and kiss. I know that this is cheesy and all, but it's true. Text me when you wake up!'

-Luke <3

He seriously put a heart by his name.

I shake my head and get out of bed, deciding to go for a run. It's kind of warm outside so I put on t-shirt and running shorts. I grab my Beats, my armband and my iPod. I run out the door and jog down the street. As I run down the street, I start rapping to 'Can't Hold Us' by Macklemore.

Matt's POV

I've been dating Victoria for a while, and I have to say, I've lost that spark. I really did think that I loved her, but I just don't feel it anymore.

She's sitting right beside me right now, her hand in mine. We're watching a stupid movie, something that she likes.

I'm going to break up with her. You know, I noticed Miranda staring at me the other day. Maybe I can hook up with her. She's super hot.

"Umm,Victoria?" I say, rubbing the back of my neck. She looks up at me, her pretty smile on her face, but it soon fades to confusion.

"Yeah?" She answers uneasily, playing with her hands.

"I'm uh. I don't think we're meant to be together," I move my arm from around her and scratch my neck. I can't help but feel bad when I see the tears in her eyes.

"I should have known," she says angrily, making me flinch. "I was right when I first met you. You'll never be anything more than an asshole who's caught up in himself. I feel bad for whoever falls for you next."

Victoria's hand hits my cheek before she storms out of my house, slamming the door behind her.

"Victoria, I'm sorry!" I yell as she walks to her car. The truth is, I really was sorry for hurting her. She is a really sweet girl, but I'm not ready to commit.

"Just fuck off Matt! Go hug one of you whores," I hear her reply as she gets in her car and drives off. I feel bad and it hurts to know I hurt her. I hope that she can get over me sooner than later.

Victoria's POV:

I sob the whole way home.

How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me! I turned my back on my sister and my friends for that asshole! I can't believe myself! They all told me that he was a douche. Did I listen? No. I fell for him, and now I'm heartbroken.

I just want to go home and cry while eating ice cream. For some reason it always makes me feel better.

Hannah's POV:

I hear the door open and sniffles from downstairs. I know it's Victoria, since no one else is usually home at this time. I run down the stairs to see my sister with tears falling from her eyes.

"Victoria what happened?" I ask calmly hugging her comfortingly.

"Matt broke up with me," she stutters, sniffles in between each word.

"I'm so sorry, Victoria," I say, hugging her tighter. "It's okay though. He was no good for you. You'll find someone so much better than him some day."

She just nods and cries into my shoulder. I take her upstairs to her room and sit her down on her bed. She lays down and cries in a pillow. I turn her TV onto Lord of the Rings. The station that it was on was playing a full marathon of the movies, and this was the first one.

She finally speaks up after a long silence.

"I shouldn't have trusted him. I should've trusted you and the girls. I'm sorry for stabbing y'all in the back and putting him before you. I was wrong. Can you please forgive me?"

"Of course Victoria. I'm always going to forgive you and I'm sure the girls will too. I love you sis," I say, hugging her tightly.

"I love you too Hannah." She hugs back even tighter.

"I'm gonna get ice cream and popcorn and we're going to watch Lord of the Rings until we fall asleep," I tell her. She just nods into my shoulder and I pull away.

I run downstairs and pop four full bags of popcorn and get two gallons of ice cream. After all the popcorn finally pops, I stack the ice creams and go back upstairs to find Victoria huddled underneath the blankets, watching the movie. At least she finally stopped crying.

I hop underneath the covers with her and give her a tub of ice cream and popcorn.

During the third movie I look over at Victoria to see that she's passed out, ice cream and popcorn still in her hands. I take all of the leftover food downstairs and kiss her forehead. I go back to my room and plop down on the bed and soon fall asleep.



I'm sorry that there are so many POVs in one chapter. If you have any ideas or dislike my way of writing please tell me. I won't be offended. :) Thanks so much for the votes! iLYSM


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