first day

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"Of Couse of all days to be late it had to be today." I huffed running down the streets of Paris. Dodging through the crowds of people that swarmed the street. It's my first day of school and my mum just had to book a modelling shoot today and in the morning. I just want to pull out my hair.

My names (F/N) (L/N) and I'm a model for dessert. I'm the only child of the (L/N) family one of the wealthiest people in Paris. That being said mum and dad insisted that I was to be homeschooled until I said otherwise about a week ago. But in return, I must keep up with the modelling and my weekly plans. Because of the fact, I didn't get changed from the shoot I was still wearing my modelling outfit. Oh, and did I mention that my mum is one of the most famous fashion designers in the world and my dad is one of the best lawyers in the world, never lost a court case.

I heard the school bell in the distance and that made me run faster.

It wasn't helping that I was wearing heels. I ran around a corner and saw the steps to the school. I let out a huff and blew my hair out of my face. I took out my class schedule as I walked up the stairs. The open area of the school was deserted. Room 5B. It said it was on the second floor. I quickly walked up the stairs and kept my eyes focused on the top of the doors. 2B.....3B......4B and ha 5B.

I took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in." I heard from the other side. I slowly opened the door and walked in.

"I'm sorry I'm late I was just court up with work." I scratched the back of my neck. Then I heard a slam on one the desks. I looked over to a girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail and very fashionable clothes.

"OMG, you're (Y/N) (L/N) from dessert!" She screeched and ran over to me.

"Miss Bourgeois don't overwhelm her, this is her first day at school." The girl reluctantly took a seat again.

"Now Miss (L/N) would you care to tell us a few things about yourself." I nodded my head.

"Hi everyone my names (Y/N) and I work as a model for dessert. Ummm I like to design clothes, play the piano, violin, drums and there are others, it's a long list........Anyway I've been home schooled until today and I hope that I enjoy learning here with all of you." I smiled at them and watched them stare at me in aw. The teacher cleared her throat.

"Now miss (L/N) since there are no more seats in the class you can sit next to Adrian." She gestured to a blonde haired boy, he waved and smiled at me. I walked over and he stood up for me to take the seat in the middle next to a guy with glasses, headphones and a hat.

"Thank you." I slid across the wooden seat and then he sat back down.

As the class went on I noticed that I knew everything she was talking about, I guess I'm at an above-expected leave. I started drawing out some designs that I have been working on.

"Miss (L/N) I know it's your first day but you can't go along with other work."

"I'm sorry it's just I already know all about this topic." She smiled weakly at me, probably thinking that I was pushed to do well academically while still keeping up my parent's expectations for everything else in my life. It was true but she still told me to listen. I knew it was going to be hard to listen to something I already knew but I had to or I would end up going back to home schooling.

The first lesson was over and as soon as the bell rang people surrounded me.

"Everyone back off!" Chloe stomped over and pulled me from the group of people.

"Stay away from her she's my friend, not yours!" Sweat dropped, I've never even talked to her and... I let out a sigh and waved the others goodbye as she and her other friend dragged me out of the classroom. She kept on blabbering about her dad was mayor and she gets all that she wants. Also talking about how were alike. I didn't even get to say anything. To make things worse some guy walked past and bumped into her, even after he apologised she ran after him yelling. How in any way are we simular. I held onto the railing and just looked over the school. I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the same guy I sat next to in class.

"Oh hi uhh Adrien was it?"

"Yeah hi, the teacher asked us to show you around...." He scratched the back of his head, I think he may have been blushing.

"Us??" I questioned him and I looked behind him to see the other guy I was sitting next to.

"The names Nino and I don't know what you did to Adrien but man your acting weird." Adrien elbowed him in the rib and that's how I started my tour of the school. It was nice not having them ask so many odd questions about me like how I brush my teeth?

After we looked around the school we missed science class but I guess it was ok cos of the fact I didn't know where anything was.

"So did you to only show me around to miss class or...." I turned and smiled at both of them. Both shook their heads.

"Honestly I didn't think it would take this long to show you around." I laughed a little at his response.

"But I'm happy I didn't have to listen to the teacher rant on again." Again laughing.

Most of my classes I spent not listening to the stuff I already knew and drawed. At lunch I could not be away from people. Surrounded by fans and bombarded with questions. I managed to slip away saying I needed the toilet. I can just say I got lost anyway. After sprinting behind a tree after spotting Chloe looking for me. She must have spotted my rues.

"Hey should calm down in a few days, that's what happened for me." I looked over to Adrien and Nino sitting and eating their lunch.

"A few days, I can't take one." I fell to my knees.

"Don't you deal with this stuff every day? "Nino spoke

"Yeah but It happens here and there not every second unless I'm at an open photoshoot." I whispered. I heard Chloe' come closer.

"Adrien!" I jumped as I watched her wrap her arms around him. I climbed the tree as best as I could with heels. To the first branch. Hopefully, she won't see me.

"Do you know where (Y/N) went, she was meant to take another selfie with me, she is so photogenic." I'm a model how could I not be. There has never been a bad photo of me even if I try. I face planted. I heard Nino laugh and I stuck out my tongue.

"No, I haven't seen her since the end of class." Adrien shook his head and she let go.

" I bet some other stupid idiot is trying to take her from me." She looked pissed, Oh gosh. She huffed away and went looking for me inside the school. I climbed down.

"Thanks for that, she's a little over the top for me."

Time skip

I slouched into my chair in class. Its going to be so hard to get used to.

"(Y/N) do you want to go shopping after school?" I looked past Adrien to Chloe, oh great.

"Sorry Chloe but I have violin and Karate after school." I sighed into my seat. It's going to be a long night.

"You do Karate?" Adrien spoke up.

"Uhh yeah. My parents thought it would be good if I can defend myself. I already have a black belt in Taekwondo and I used to do fencing."

"Is there anything you can't do?" I looked to the other side of me to Nino.

"Fly, oh but I did go sky diving once. That was fun. I can't...... Give me a second." The two laughed while I was still thinking. I scratched the back of my head.

" I'll text you when I think of something...." I still can't think of something I can't do.


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