Almost went too far

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I sat down at my desk as I waited for the art teacher to come into the room. Adrien and Nino had sport now and Marinate wasn't talking to me. I wonder why? Well of course I know but I didn't mean for this to happen. I sighed drawing a little cat in the corner of my book. I sighed and went into a daze. 

School flew by so fast today. I couldn't think, I didn't even know why. Lucky for me today I only have violin , piano, and dance after school. Which is what I'm doing now. 

"What is with you today (Y/N) more passion." The buzzer went and the teacher sighed.

"Ok will get back to this next lesson." I nodded and walked out. This was the last thing I had to do. I walked back up to my room. I yawned opening the doors and stretched. Falling onto my bed I heard a groan. I opened my eyes to see Chat sitting beneath me. I'm so out of it, how on earth didn't I see a fricken person on my bed!

"S-Sorry I guess I'm just tired." I lifted myself up only to be pulled down again into a kiss. I hummed in surprise. He spun us to the side and pulled me closer. Chat's tongue glided across my bottom lip making me open my mouth. I wrapped my tongue around his as the kiss continued. He suddenly broke from the kiss breathing heavily and a strand of saliva connected us. 

"Are you awake now?" He smiled at me, this only making me blush and nod. Moving his hand from my waist to behind him and a bunch of red roses came into view. I sat up grinning as he handed me the flowers. 

"Are you sure you're ok (Y/N), you seemed a little out of it today." Chat tilted his head and I nodded.

"I just think I didn't get enough sleep last night." I yawned. Placing the flowers in a pot next to the bed. I was pinned against the wall Chat transformed into Adrien and his Smirk stayed in place. 

"I thought I woke you up?" He whispered into my ear making me shiver. Kissing my neck a few times before sucking on the skin. I let out a moan and he only sucked harder on the skin on the left side of my neck. I felt a bruise arise and Adrien's eyes met mine. I moving forward and kissing him deeply  I got out of his hand's grip above me. I was pull forward by my top to the bed and rolled over to he was above me. 

"You guys seem to do this a lot." I opened my eyes and saw plag eating some cheese. I tried to pull away but Adrien put more force into the kiss making me moan. Tangling my hands in his hair making him groan in the process. 

"I'll be in the other room if you need me." Plag rolled his eyes and flew out of the room. Adrien ignoring the small cat kneeing me in-between the legs.  Breaking the kiss quickly he kissed me again but it was starting to feel different more lust. 

"Did your mum talk to your dad about us?" He quickly spoke not giving me time to respond. I doubt in this situation it would matter anyway. I was giving into my emotions and wrapped my legs around his waist getting a reaction from Adrian. Sliding his hand across the hem of my top I left his fingertips on my skin. A knock on my door was heard and it opened showing Sarah. 

"Sorry to interrupt but it's time for dinner Miss (Y/N)." Both me and Adrien quickly broke the kiss and turned to see Sarah not looking bothered at the position we were in. I detangled my legs from Adrien and sat next to him on the bed. 

" I don't mind what you to do but I think your parents would want you to hold off on the grandkids for now." My face went deep red and Sarah walked out again.  

"I guess I should head out before she tells your dad I'm here." I looked at him and nodded, I don't know how my dad will react but it will be nothing good. I stood up from my bed and he transformed into chat. I gave him a hug goodbye.

"So you're sure you're ok?" He whispered lovingly into my ear. I nodded and smile. 

"Like I said I'm just tired." He kissed my forehead. 

"And I thought I fixed that." Chat laughed before running out. 

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