Untitled Part 12

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I was so worried about Adrien/ chat. I didn't know if he was ok, I knew the fight was still going on from Alias constant posts on her blog. I told Sarah I was dating Adrien and she only sighed and said her opinion Doesn't matter. It just depends on my parents' decision. I flopped on my bed watching upside down at the sun set slowly fading into a darker sky. Not noticing that it was night before I realized it. I looked back at her blog and saw it was all over around ten minutes ago. Time to practice my Violin. I jumped up and grabbed out my Violin and went outside, hoping that maybe Adrien will hear. 

(I love this song from la la land, Oh and no piano is heard when you play.)

As soon as I stopped I felt a pair of lips kiss the back of my neck because my hair was up it only made it easier for him. I spun around blushing and slapped Chat on the arm. 

"You scared me half to death." I held my hand over my heart and breathed in and out a few times. I only heard him chuckle. 

"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist." He grinned at me. I puffed my cheeks and went back inside, putting down my violin I was tackled onto my bed. 

"Adrien you're squishing me." I whined having little breath with him squeezing the air out of me.

 "Sorry m'lady I'm afraid you're under 'Agrest." He said making me laugh.

"......Really." I tried my best not to laugh through the sentance. 

"There's some 'pressing'  matters to descuss." He continued. 

"Oh my god.."  I breathed out laughing a little. 

"......Like you're 'smothering' beauty." 

"Stoooop." I laughed still trying to get him off me.


(found this little seen on pintrest. https://au.pinterest.com/pin/160792649175568064/)

He sat up again and kiss my nose.

" You know I was really worried about you." I quietly spoke. This only making him smile lightly. 

"Sorry to make you worry." He hummed as he leaned in and kissed me. Detransforming Plagg came out and went over to some Camembert I left out in case. Adrien threaded his hand through my hair as he started putting force into the kiss. My doors burst open in the other room, this only giving Adrien enough time to pull up still hovering over me. Both our heads turn to my mum standing on the other side of the two room staring at us.

"H-hi mum your back." I said to break the silence. She giggled and a few tears came from her eyes. 

"You're ok." She ran over and hung onto me and Adrien. We both looked at each other a little worried.

"I'm fine like I said over the phone." I breathed out. She pulled away still having a hand on each of our shoulders.

"I know but I still get worried and I see you got yourself a boyfriend when we were gone." She grinned over at Adrien who didn't know whether to be worried or happy by her reaction.

"Perfect choise in my opinion." She winked at me. Making both me and Adrien blush a little. 

"But you should be lucky your father wasn't here to see the position you two were in."  This only made me blush more. She quickly hugged us both again.

"Oh you two are just too cute!" She squealed standing back up.

"I will break the news to your father tomorrow when you're at school ok." And after that, she left.  I fell down on the bed and sighed. I heard Adrien laugh a little.

"That was the best response we've had all day." He laughed making me do the same. I heard louder footsteps coming down the hallway. 

"You should get going before my dad comes." I whispered, he nodded and transformed into Chat. Kissing my cheek before running out the window. Dad came into view.

"Hey, dad how was your trip?" I questioned him still looking out the window. 

"It was fine.....I heard voice's. Were you talking to someone?" I turned back to him and shook my head.

"Other than mum before no." He nodded and gave me a quick hug. My dad doesn't normally show affection so I was a little surprised. 

"I'm glad you're ok." He showed a small smile before walking out and shutting the doors behind him.  I decided to go to bed before any other comotion happend. 

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