In the hospital

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I woke up to a white ceiling. My eye's fogged from the light shining through the windows light to my left. I remember the glass falling and Chat stopping most of the glass from falling on me. I touched my left cheek. A small bandage was placed there and a slight sting was felt as I touched the side of my face. This making me wake up a bit more. I sat up still under the covers of the bed and looked around. The clock hanging on the opposite side of the room stated that it was 11 am. My gaze went over to my phone on the bedside table. I clicked it on and I had about a thousand missed calls from Sarah and My parents. The door was swung open showing Sarah out of breath. She walked over to me with a pissed off face, looking like she was about to attack me with no mercy. But she pulled me into a hug before I could explain what happened. 

"I was worried sick about you. As well as your parents." She hung onto me tighter. She almost never showed any emotion towards me and yet here she is tearing up.

" Sorry to make you worry." I joined in with the hug. Only for it to last another few seconds more before she let go and took a seat next to my bed. 

"Your parents are oversea's. They went last minute last night at 10. They didn't know what happened to you until after the plane had landed." She spoke wiping away the few tears.I only lightly smiled and stared down at the few bandages on my arms.

"You should call them." Sarah told me. I nodded my head and she went out to talk to the doctor about my condition. I rang mums number and only a millisecond after she answered.

'Honey, are you ok? Did you get my messages?' I smiled, both my parents are always working and we almost never get to have a normal day together.

'I'm fine, mum just a few cuts, It could have been worse.' 

'Oh thank goodness, should we come back just to make sure?' I only thought about it for a moment.

'No, you're overseas for work and I'm fine, so there is no need.' There was a small part of me that wanted them to come back for me but I couldn't.

'Well if you're sure honey. We love you.' She hung up. Sarah came in and said I should be fine to leave by tomorrow after they go through some tests and I get some more rest. I lied back down and slept for most of the day. 

It came to 4 and I was just doing some homework for the project that we didn't finish yesterday when the door was slammed open for the second time today. This time making me jump. I saw Adrien, Nino, Marinate and Alia standing at the door. Alia was the first to come over to me.

"I heard that you had another visit from Chat?" She said handing me some flowers. 

"uhh yeah." I laughed awkwardly. They all stood around the bed.

"What happened?" Nino questioned. 

"Well,  I was heading back to my room after getting a snack. I went into the living room which has a glass ceiling and someone just started smashing the glass." I didn't get to finish because Alia butted in.

"And that was when Ladybug and Chat noir saved you right!" I laughed a little and nodded my head. 

"Maybe a glass ceiling wasn't the best design plan." Marinate commented. Making everyone laugh.

We spent an hour talking about school and whatever. Adrien was just staring at me most of the time not saying anything. I think he feels guilty for not being able to do more. Well, that's if I'm right about him being Chat. They all said goodbye other than Adrien and left. I grabbed out my phone and texted Adrien.

'Hey are you ok, you didn't really talk today?'

'Yeah, I just have a lot to think about recently.'  I sighed, I guess he'll talk to me when he wants to. I got out of bed and had a shower followed by some dinner and TV. It was 6 and the sun was setting. The nurse told me to go to bed so I could leave for school the next day. I sat down in my bed and got under the covers and as if on cue Chat was standing over by the window.

"Hey chat." I said getting comfy under the covers. He came closer towards the bed. I was looking at him a little worried.

"I never did get to thank you for yesterd...." He pulled me into a tight hug. It stung a few of the bruises but I didn't care. I hugged him back, I felt a few tears fall onto my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I heard him lightly say into my neck. His hands tangled into my damp hair from the shower. I pulled him away from my neck and stared at him for a moment.

"What for, you saved me. I would be a lot worse if you didn't come when you did." My forehead lightly touched his. A few tears still streamed down the side of his face. He\is breathing calmed down and his eyes never left mine.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to tell you." He breathed, I slightly tilted my head.

"Tell me what?" I spoke quietly.

"That I...." He stopped himself and pulled away. I got out from under the covers.

"Night (Y/N)." He said as he tried to leave. I grabbed his hand before he could jump out the window and spun him around. I pulled him forward by the bell around his neck, going on my tiptoes to gain a little more height and kissed him lightly on the lips. I shut my eyes and I released he did too when his hands wrapped around my waist and put more force into the kiss. Pulling me forward not wanting the moment to end. I moved my hands around the back of his neck, ignoring the suffocating feeling throughout my body. I broke from his lips for air that I greatly need and whispered into his ear.

"Night Adrien."

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