The plan

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Neal and I had just finished the final touches on our music project in both lyrics and instrumental. That was another 2 hours in the music room.

"Well, that's finally over." He whined out. I fake frowned.

"It's like you don't like my company, Neal. How rude." I said crossing my arms as I sat on my bed. Neal stood up from where he sat.

"No, no I didn't mean it like that." He quickly said. This only made me laugh.

"Awwww you're cute when you're flustered." I laughed out again. " Learn to take a joke." I giggled making him sit back down scratching his head. I glanced outside and saw it was dark out. Neal saw this and stood up after gathering his things.

"I should get going, my mum might be worried." I nodded my head.

"Do you want my driver to take you home?" I asked but he refused like always. I knew it didn't have to do with him being an inconvenience, it had to be something about his step dad. Neal waved goodbye and shut the door. I yawned standing up putting away the papers.

"I thought he'd never leave." I heard a groaning chat say flopping onto my bed, I jumped slightly not knowing he was even here.

"How long were you waiting?" I asked and he turned his head that was facing the sheets of my bed to face me.

"Only 5 minutes or so but I didn't like watching you being alone with him." He mumbled the last bit.

"Hey Neal is a good friend to me and your just a jealous chat that doesn't seem to understand that his girlfriend is head over heels for him," I said poking his side playfully. He grabbed my hand that I poked him with to pull me to the bed.

"Head over heels for me huh?" He grinned to himself as he cradled me in his arms. As the imbrace continued he detransformed back into Adrien. I let out a calming sigh.
He kissed my forehead smiling while doing so.

"I love you (Y/N)." My eyes went wide. This is the first time he has used my name in forever. I knew he really meant it, even if he has told me before this time felt different to me. My heart beat rose and my cheeks flushed.

"And I love you, Adrien." I smiled. He liked those words that came from my mouth. His grip got tighter and he let out a deep breath. We stayed like that for the whole night and at some point, he moved the both of us under the covers but by that time I was asleep.
Adrien woke me by pulling me into a tight embrace. He must have just woken up himself.

"Morning kitten." He hummed into my shoulder. I mumbled a morning in return. It was the weekend and Sarah said I was free to do whatever this Saturday. She pushed everything around because she said it is good to have a break sometimes. I guess sometimes means once a year.

"I would like to go out today." Adrien suddenly spoke sitting up while I stayed under the covers.

"Like on a date?" I half spoke still not awake.

"Yeah, that's what couples do yeah." He said with a cheeky grin. We've never been on an official date before, we've hung out at each other's houses and done things together but we've never called it a date.

"I suppose so but why all of the sudden?" I questioned him sitting up while rubbing my eye.

"Because umm..." He fiddled with the bed sheets. This made me slightly worried for his reason.

"We've been having sex a lot recently and it has dawned on me that you might feel used by me. So I wanted to show you that I truly want to date you not just in that way." I quickly shook my head and could feel the sting of tries in my eyes.

"No Adrien I know you would never use me and you thinking that only proves to me more that you care. I love you more then anything." I said, he looked at me and he too looked like he was about to cry. A single tear rolled down his face and I wiped it away. In that moment when our eyes met again it took my breath away, it was like I had only just met him and I fell in love for the first time again. He moved forward and kissed me. I shut my eyes and we fell backwards in the bed. While he sat on top I was lying against the sheets of the bed. We parted after the loving long kiss and I smiled.

"So what did you have planned for today?"


AWWWW so freaken cute!!! I'll update soon with the date your about to go on!! 

the same tail chat noir x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang