How could I hate you?

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We've been wondering around for a few hours now looking for Neal. But no luck, right now I'm just hoping he went back home to his mum. She seemed worried and I really don't want her to be alone in that house all day with that crazy man with her. The two of us stood by one of the main streets thinking of where to look next. 

"Maybe we could try the park again,"  I suggested having no Idea where he could be, we've looked everywhere twice. Adrien sighed and shook his head.

"I think we should give him some space, I mean he was shaken after what happened yesterday." I looked down at the ground =, he's not telling me something. I was about to say something but a car pulled up on the side of the road. 

"Adrien your father wants you for a photoshoot asap." The same lady from the other day was getting out of the car. 

"I forgot about that," Adrien said whispering to himself before he turning to me. "I'll be back in a few hours." I nodded my head and he quickly hugged me. 

"I'll be fine, I'll stop by Marinette's house." He nodded looking less worried knowing I was going to be with a friend. The car drove off and I went on my way to Marinette's house.  It was about a 10-minute walk from here. As I got out my phone to check the time I saw Takashi's reflection quickly pass my screen. My head turned in that direction making me go into a sudden sprint down an alley. Why do superhero's need to be so fast? I questioned myself running faster down the cold streets trying not to bump into anyone. Takashi was still slightly ahead and this went on for anything 5 minutes of me sprinting for my life until he stopped on a tall building. He mustn't know I'm running after him. I halted taking a sharp breath in.

"Oh God!" I breathed outputting my hands to my knees. Looking up I couldn't see him from here. Looking around I couldn't see away up. making my way down the side of the building I saw the fire escape. Yes, that will work. It looked pretty old from what I could see, the lock stopping people going up had rusted and it was easy for me to break it off. Climbing up quickly before something snapped I made it to the end of the fire escape. It didn't go to the roof though. 

"Seriously, what you make me do Neal," I whispered to myself jumping to grab the edge of the building. This is one of the few times my karate lessons actually mean anything. Lifting myself up from the edge I let out a sigh of relief flopping onto the ground. Takashi saw me and stood up from where he sat. "Don't you dare run away." I breathed pointing a finger at him. "I need to have a serious conversation with you." I stood up straight, he didn't say anything but looked away from me. "Why are you running away from me now and this morning?" I asked stepping closer. 

"I just had to get back to mum in the morning and I didn't know you were following me now." I squinted my eyes at his stuttering words. 

"That's funny because your mum said she hadn't seen you today."  He let out a heavy gulp. "Look, Neal, you can tell me whats wrong. Even Adrien was reluctant to tell me why you didn't want to talk." He let out a shaky breath. 

"When you 'died'...... it was my fault." I knew it was the reason but even when he said it I still was shocked. " You died right in my arms and I couldn't do anything to save you." I thought Adrien was the one holding me, maybe that's why he didn't want me to see Neal. I went out of my thoughts when seeing tears fall from his eyes. 

"Neal it wasn't your fault," I said coming closer but he became angrier. 

"I killed you! No matter what you say it won't change." I shook my head standing in front of him. He detransformed back to his normal self-falling to his knees. This must have been building up inside of him all day. I went down to my knees to be at his height. I sighed out taking his hand in mine, he tried to pull away as I brought it over to my stomach. 

"Neal I'm fine, not even a mark," I whispered to him as his hand went over where the wound was meant to be. This is the only way he'll let this go. Knowing I'm not hurt. His hand relaxed rubbing the spot and he looked me in the eyes, his were slightly red from the crying. We were very close already and he pulled me forward into a hug. I smiled lightly to myself expecting the hug. 

"I'm so in love with you it hurts." He breathed out as I felt tears stain my jumper. I didn't say anything and hugged him still. "After everything that has happened how do you not hate me?" I heard him mumble into my neck. Taking a  deep breath in we parted from the hug. 

"You're my best friend stupid, how could I hate you." I smiled at him. What he did next wasn't surprising, I saw this coming the whole time. He kissed me, it was more soft and gentle then everyone time he did this. My breath froze and my eyes stayed open, I couldn't let this happen. I put a hand on his chest to stop him. "I can't do this Neal, you know that," I spoke slightly out of breath. Neal removed his hand that was on my stomach, to be honest, I forgot it was there.

"I know I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself. You're just so amazing." I laughed standing up from the ground dusting myself off. My phone buzzed and I saw Adrien was calling.

"Hey, Adrien." A smile landed on my face.

'where are you? I went to marinates house but she wasn't home? Did you find Neal?' I rolled my eyes from all the questions.

"I'm with Neal now I'll meet you back at my place." Adrien agreed and hung up the phone. "I bid you a adieu." I bowed walking over to the same place I came up.

"(Y/N) wait." I turned back to him before I went down. "Don't tell Adrain what just happened ok." I nodded in understanding. I shouldn't read too much into it. I mean I did set myself up for that one. I sighed remembering I didn't have a way home.

"Hey, Neal could you maybe take me home.... I don't have a driver with me today." He let out a small laugh, transforming into Takashi again he took me back home where Adrien was waiting.


Such an emotional chapter, I think I might cry>"<  I'm thinking of bringing this book to a close..... But I'll be making another book (MAYBE) I have a few Ideas but you guys can suggest a few things. All good things must come to an end......But not just yet. ^_~

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