ballroom party (part 2)

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We were all seated at the table and waited for everyone else to get to their seats.

"(Y/N)." I knew that voice and turned to see father standing by the table. Only Adrien knows about what happened between us recently. I made sure to hold his fist down. "Why aren't you sitting at our table at the front?" I let out a sigh and stared at him.

"If you're wondering if it's about you it's not. I'm sitting with my friends." I spoke not looking him in the eye. Everyone on the table was silent as well as a few people around. 

"Since you seem so strong about this I'll let this slide for now. But we will be talking about this later." Father turned around and I rolled my eyes.

"And you don't want to course a seen," I whispered out. I knew he heard from the way he clenched his fists and froze for a second before walking off once again. Sitting back up straight Neal was the first to speak.

"What the hell is with that guy. He seems so strict. Is he your uncle?" He said having no clue who he was. Adrien was the only one to see father up close compared to everyone else.

"He's uh my father. I normally sit with them every year but that was when I didn't know anyone." I said and Neal went silent for a second.

"I didn't mean anything by it, he seems like a....." Not knowing what to say Nino quickly butted in.

"Like a cool dude, he's just stressed about the party right?" He asked more like a question. That's when I couldn't hold it. I laughed grinning widely. The thought of my father considered being 'cool' made me tear up. 

"Oh no, I think we broke her," Marinette said on the other side of the table as I continued to laugh. Adrien chuckled a little himself but was too worked up about my father to enjoy himself too much. 

"No, you're fine." I took a deep breath in. "I'm not on good terms with him right now that's all."  I said staring back down to my empty plate. I heard the signal for the first corse and waiters started coming out with the dishes. 


Dinner was over and now I snuck off to do my performance. No one knew about my performance or what I was doing but for my Karate teacher. I sat at the piano and all eyes were on me. Father and mum stood near the front and so did my friends. I took a shaking breath as the room of people waited quietly for me to start.

(Tilted writing is the lyrics from the song)

'Well, you almost had me fooled. Told me that I was nothing without you' I sat at the piano playing making sure not to look out at everyone, but I was sure father knew I was talking about him.

'Oh, but after everything you've done, I can thank you for how strong I have become' I glanced out to see his face, I couldn't make out the facial expression. Sad, angry, proud even. It was all plastered on his face. 

'Cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell I had to learn how to fight for myself And we both know all the truth I could tell I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell" I started thinking of all the training and things he made me learn over the years, the hours I spent doing all of that. 

'I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin' I hope your soul is changin', changin' I hope you find your peace Falling on your knees, prayin'. I had a screen set up behind me and it continued the song on the piano as I stood from my chair and went to the front of the stage.

'I'm proud of who I am.' I started right at his face, I could see it go pale. 'No more monsters, I can breathe again, And you said that I was done Well, you were wrong and now the best is yet to come.' I shut my eyes holding the tears. Hoping no one would see them. 

'Cause I can make it on my own And I don't need you, I found a strength I've never known.' I held in the tears as they threaten to spill out, I'm strong I can do this. Plus Donna will kill me if I smudge the makeup.
'I'll bring thunder, I'll bring rain, oh When I'm finished, they won't even know your name.'  

'You brought the flames and you put me through hell I had to learn how to fight for myself And we both know all the truth I could tell I'll just say this is "I wish you farewell" I don't know when I'll be leaving home but it'll be just after school that's for sure.

'I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin' I hope your soul is changin', changin' I hope you find your peace Falling on your knees, prayin' The song was building up with multiple versions of my voice singing throughout the room.

'Oh, sometimes, I pray for you at night Someday, maybe you'll see the light Oh, some say, in life, you're gonna get what you give. But some things only God can forgive' I took a breath in and sung the highest note I could. That was when everyone went wide-eyed. 

'I hope you're somewhere prayin', prayin' I hope your soul is changin', changin'  Sweat was slightly rolling down my face as I went back over to the piano to finish the song. 

'I hope you find your peace Falling on your knees, prayin' I breathed in and out into the microphone playing the last few cords. Turning my head out to everyone cameras were flashing and people were cheering. It was all a sorta blur my ears rang as I went behind the stage into a small room wear my makeup was quickly redone. Fathers going to kill me. 

Instead of going out the door I went to the balcony outside that stretched across the two rooms. No one was out here because of the coldness, but It felt nice on my hot skin. I took a long sigh out staring at the city lights. It was quiet for a while as I regained my senses. One of the many doors opened and Adrien came out with two glasses of water. Neither of us talked for a bit just looking out into the night sky. 

"That was really something Kitten." Adrien breathed out making me glance over at him. I leant my elbows onto the railing holding my glass still. 

"Fathers gonna kill me." I chuckled out shaking my head. 

"After you went off the stage all the interviewers were questioning him about it, though he didn't give a straight answer." I looked behind me and could see people starting to dance to some music playing. Even our friends. They did well since it was only one class. A sudden gust of wind with an extra cold breeze danced across my skin giving me slight goosebumps. 

"Care for a dance my lady?" Adrien said bowing making me giggle. Taking his hand he moved us over to the center of the balcony spinning me around again and again. Putting my head on his chest I heard his heartbeat. It was so calming, "You look amazing tonight Kitten, how did you know I love black?" I laughed looking up at him. 

"I don't know Chat noir, maybe you could tell me." I continued to laugh before feeling something soft and light fall onto my head. I stared up at the sky and noticed it had started to snow. The first time in ages ( I know could I have made it anymore cliche') Adrien pulled me closer snapping me back into reality. 

"Would you look at that, good luck is coming for me," I said looking up again smiling. (You know because some people think if it snows on your birthday good luck is sure to come or whatever)

"I don't see how I could be any more lucky." Adrien whispered out to me kissing my chin. I blushed slightly as he continued to kiss up to my lips. I kissed back straight away shutting my eyes. This moment was perfect like a scene from a movie but what happened next neither of us saw coming. 


 Dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!! I left it on a cliffhanger, SUFFER! I've been planning to use that song for this chapter forever!!! It just worked so well! Hope you liked it ^0^

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