What happened to you?

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I saw Neal walking down the hall. Running up to him he looked at me.

"What is this all about? What did I do?" I asked even though I already know. He turned to me.

"I saw you with him." He said and I shook my head still acting confused. Neal let out a sigh and grabbed my wrist. I didn't say anything worried I'd draw attention to the situation. He stopped when we got to a quite end corridor. "I saw you with chat noir on a roof Saturday making out." I have no idea how I was going to get out of this without telling him who chat was.

"I understand now why chat didn't let me kiss you that night on your balcony." I looked him straight in the eye as he spoke.

"It was because he wanted you for himself." I let out a sigh as he went on. "Just please tell me he forced it on you, I hate to admit it but Adrien is way better than Chat." I tried my best to keep a straight face after he said that. But I guess he saw through me because I was against the wall.

"I thought you of all people would take this seriously." He said holding my wrist highly against the wall. I could see his eyes glowing darkly, what is happening to him? I was unable to say anything still not knowing what to do, I was still thinking of what to say. His breath closed in at my lips and his eyes glowing a deep red I shut my eyes quivering. I let out a small yelp as his lips hit mine. I could tell he was enjoying himself from the way his lips played with mine. I struggled against his hand holding both my wrists. A hand touched my skirt before moving higher up. A few tears fell down the sides of my face. This is not Neal, this is not Neal. I repeated in my head as he bit my lip making me open my mouth.

"Stop right there!" I heard someone shout. Neal moved away from me and I gasped for air. Ladybug stood there twisting her yo-yo around. Neal took a step back.

"What has happened to you Neal?" I asked sliding down the side of the wall. His hands were shaking and he threaded his hand through his hair. Neal didn't say anything but walked right past ladybug. Adrien came running around the corner.

"Kitten, what happened?" He said helping me stand up. I looked back and ladybug was gone. Where did she go and why was she here? I just shook my head.
"I uh it was Neal," I said and Adrien glanced at my lips before I stopped him from running away.

"Let go! I need to kill him!" I wrapped him in a hug from behind.

"I think something is wrong with him," I said not letting go.

"There definitely is and I'm going to make it worse!" He yelled out but I still didn't budge. I shook my head.

"No Adrien not like that!" I said moving in front of him. But he still tried to get past me. I moved in front of him each time. All this boiling up inside of me. All these secrets. I could hold it anymore.

"Neal is Takashi!" I said to Adrien making him stop. My hand was against his chest and he looked shocked.
"I think something is wrong with his acuma. He's not acting like himself. That's why he...." I looked off to the side and felt tears fall down my face. Adrien's face softened and he let out a sigh and wrapped me in a hug.

"That's why you asked those questions on Saturday." He said and I nodded. The bell went, the two of us walked out and Marinate came running up to me and Adrien. 

"Are you ok (Y/N), what happened with Neal?" She said looking around for Neal. I raised my eyebrow. 

"How did you know something happened with Neal?" I asked and she stopped laughing awkwardly. 

"You uh left the class to find Neal and now you're with Adrien...... and umm Neal isn't with you?" She stumbled on her words, that was weird and I don't see how she could have gotten to that conclusion. I laughed and tapped her shoulder.

"It's fine you don't need to explain yourself." But I'll need to look more into that after I work things out with Neal.  Because it was lunch time we had around an hour to look for Neal. 

"Ok I'll try the park and you can go to the shops," I said about to run away from Adrien but he grabbed by the wrist.

"No will look at the park together and then the shops." I gave him a 'really' look. "If you go around looking for Neal by yourself he could hurt you." He said not letting go of my wrist. I let out a sigh. He does have a point.

"And if you go around looking for him you'll lash at him when you find him." Adrien nodded with a smile making me roll my eyes. "Fine come on we don't have a lot of time," I said running along with Adrien. I'm glad I'm wearing something that doesn't have heels. That would make this ten times more annoying. 

The park was empty when we got there and was quite. Come on (Y/N) think where could he have gone? Next trying the shops near the school only older people were around.

"I have a thought." I looked at Adrien as we looked around. 

"And what would that be?" I said still focusing on find Neal.

"If he is Takeshi then he could be anywhere." I stopped and face planted. Great, we've been this all wrong. I grabbed Adrien's hand and pulled him down an alleyway. 

"Let's go," I said looking at my watch, we wasted 20 minutes already. 

"Where's my kiss." He said and I gave him a glare. "Not the right time?" Adrien said with a smile and I nodded.

"Not the best time," I said and he transformed into Chat. Taking us up to the roof tops I held onto him tight as he ran around looking for Neal or Takashi. 

"But you'll be sure to give me something after this is all over right?" He said staring down at me and I weakly slapped his arm. 

"Fine whatever let's just focus on Neal right now." He seemed to run faster after that, that only made me think of the reason why. 


Adrien panted by the time we made it back to school. I just calmly walked up the stairs, I guess running around for an hour can make a superhero weak. 

"Come on where going to be late," I said going up the stairs. Adrien let out a huff and followed me back to the classroom. A part of me was hoping to see Neal just sitting in his seat like he was this morning but swinging open the doors Neal wasn't in the room.

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