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Idk if I've talked about this before but I have generalized anxiety disorder,  Physiological anxiety disorder, ruminations, Existential Anxiety, and mood instability and it sucks because I'm super young and should be happy and enjoying my life but I'm not.

I'm always overthinking things, expecting something bad to happen, doubting myself, feeling meaningless, and craving something to do with my life.

And I just am stuck in a state where I feel like I'll never feel better, like I'll never have anything to do with myself and my life but I know that I can fix that but I just feel too weak.

So, since it's almost 2017, I'm gonna try to put myself in the best situation, no matter how weak I am because that's the beginning to not feeling that way.

I'm gonna try and join a sports team. (Probably soccer, field hockey or lacrosse). I'm gonna eat healthier, and work out more (I'm in perfect shape but it'll make me feel better).

And I'm gonna try to make friends even though that's really hard to do when your homeschooled but If I join a sports team, I can make friends with my teammates.

I'm also going to try and have a better state of mind, I really want to rid all negative thoughts of my mind and I wanna think positive and feel better.

And I also, wanna get into some acting classes because I've been meaning to do that for two months now so what better way to do it than in the new year !!


^ so shitty and cliche but honestly

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