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*extra rant, I'm high off Benadryl right now sordy* Really I'm not the type of person to want to date or even think about dating BUT BITCH I need to get me a motherfucjing BOO I don't care who they are or if they come from Pluto I just need a cute ass boo to be cute with. I don't knOw if me craving a sweetheart in my life is a spur of the moment things because of hormone induced emotions and I'm also on allergy meds and fuckin drowsy  BUT ITS KILLIN ME BITCH like I NEED TO GO OUT AND TALK TO PEOPLE. I'm desperate, I'm about to hit UP PEOPLE FROM THE FOURTH FUCKin graDE. Like there was this motherfuciing cute ass boy named RYAN and I used to  be in the drama club with him and do school musicians wit him and he was a runt FOR SURE A RUNT but hE WAS CUTE and we used to get the lead roles together but he didn't really talk to me, in fact he would just look away when ever I'd sing likE BITCH DONT ACT LIKE MY ANGELIC VOICE ISNT SEDUCING YOU okay oh my god and like I was way cuter at age 10 than I am now, I had my adorable ass short blonde hair and my eyes were super green anD NICE BACK THEN. SO LIKE RYAN CANT EVEN ACT LIKE JE DOESNT LIKE ME ESPECIALLY WHEN HE'D GET BLUSHY WHEN TALKING TO ME, don't act fake ryan u trick ass hoe. And THEN HIS BEST FRIEND LIKED ME BUT HE GOT AN UGLY HAIRCUT AND HE WASNT CUTE, but they were friends with this one chick and she was really pretty to me, LIKE REALLY PRETTY and I wanted to be friends wit her and get to know her like I was gay for her and i'm still gay for her BUT TOO BAD she was a B U L L Y or I would've really acted on it, she was dating her cousin or somethin though but that's none of my business. But like she was all stunning with her ponytail and her blue eyes and her little sashay as she walked like what the fuck I stan her, I'm gonna have to base a story character off of her because she was gr8. but I JUST NEED TO SOMEONE TO LOOK AT ME AND NOT THINK AH FUCK THATS A RAT YKNOW????? I NEED SOMEONE WHO WILL HOLD MY HANDS AND TUCK STRANDS OF MY HAIR BEHIND MY EARS AND KISS MY FOREHEAD AND DANCE WITH ME LIKE IS THAT TOO FUCKING HARD TO ASK FOR BECAUSE NO I DONT THINK IT IS

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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