→ Good News

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So, I don't know if I've mentioned this, but for a while I've been looking for sport classes and it's really hard to find them when you're homeschooled, but my mom found me volleyball classes and then I could potentially join a team from there, so I'm kind of very happy and hope we can register in time !!

Also, my grandfathers been in and out of the hospital (he's okay), but him and my grandmother have kittens and they can't properly care for them so my family may foster them for a little while, and my mom said I can keep them in my room so FUCK YEAH.

But bad news, I've been having horrible growing pains in ME legs for the past few hours and I hate it :'( normally I get growing pains and then shoot up an inch or so, but I'm already 5'7" and I don't wanna get any taller.

OOh oh idk why I'm telling everyone this, but today I watched E.T for the thousandth time and normally I don't cry whilst watching it, but today I had oceans pouring from my eyes, I just can't take seeing sad kids anymore lmao.

I'm super cold and tired, peace out.

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