→ Becoming healthierrrrrrrr

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A part of my New Year resolutions was to become healthier and shit and I've been starting out and it's good.

Here's a list of things I'm currently doing

- drinking enough water, it helps get rid of toxins and it makes you feel better

- mindful eating! I'm controlling my portions and making sure I don't over eat.

- healthier choices. I'm staying away from the junk food and eating fruits instead. It's quite hard though because it's winter and fresh and good produce is hard to find but spring is coming and that means the farmers market !!

- exercising :) I can't go outside because duhhhhh it's freezing and snowing but there's plenty of good exercises to do inside that'll keep me in shape and build muscle.

- learning to differ hunger between thirst. Sometimes thirst disguises itself as hunger and you eat, but you actually just need to drink water.  

- drinking water whenever eating because it gives a full effect and helps you not overeat !!

- sit on an exercise ball when I'm on the computer. It helps me learn my balance and it does give some exercise.

I'm not trying to lose pounds at all, I'm only trying to stay fit and healthy :)
I'm at an age where I think trying to lose say ten or so pounds would be crazy because then I'd be 99-105 and that's underweight for my age and height, and that's unhealthy !!

Also I'm not extreme dieting because that can also lead to bad things especially since I'm young and I'm merely making healthier choices.

Dani out *mic drop*

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