→ a real rant and im pissed off

58 9 18

Once upon a fucking time, I made my first internet friend.
She was my age, and I thought she was cool. Except she would never stop texting me and it was ridiculous. (Let's call her Meghan)

And so, as we became best friends, we Skyped all day everyday and we played minecraft together (ew right).
We played in a server and it had people our age and older (11-30) so it was lit and we made so many friends.

And one of our friends was 11 like us, and she happened to be the girlfriend of a guy who also played on the server but he was about 15-16. And Meghan would laugh about their relationship and stuff, whilst I was worrying about her because I mean, you're 11 and you're with someone 4-5 years older than you? And the boy was crushing her heart and shit and whilst Meghan laughed, I was there to clean up the pieces I WAS 11 but I'm a good friend so.

And then there was this guy, and Meghan liked him and he was older than her, so SHE FAKED HER FUCKING AGE. He was 15, so she pretended she was 15 THATS FOUR YEARS OLDER THAN SHE WAS.
I was like "nope nope Meghan stop, that's not good" BUT SHE DIDNT LISTEN.

She faked her age, name and practically her personality and life.
Do you understand how fucked up that is? She wanted to date this guy, but he'd basically be dating someone that didn't exist because she faked literally everything about her.

Peer pressure was a big thing for me, especially with her, she'd pressure me into a lot of things. One of those things being to STEAL A PHOTO FROM A GIRL I KNEW and let her use it, and say that that was her.
That's so utterly wrong, but she threatened me and she was the only friend I had besides all of her other friends, and she would tell me that If I didn't, she'd turn on me and get her other friends to turn on me.

I honestly didn't know how I was so blind, but I just wanted someone to talk to.
And so, there was this boy (he looked like Sean Astin so I'm gonna call him Sean) and Sean was sorta rude but if you got to know him, he was very kind and lovable.

And Sean had a girlfriend (let's call her Claire) and Sean and Claire were like the couple of the server, everyone thought they were cute together and they were, but Meghan didn't believe so SO SHE STARTED BULLYING CLAIRE AND SUCKING UP TO SEAN.

So, there I am of course STUCK IN THE MIDDLE, Meghan is bullying Claire and I'm being dragged along like a fucking rag doll and then I'm also talking to Sean and he's telling me how he's upset that Meghan is bullying Claire and I was apologizing FOR SOMETHING THAT WASNT MY FAULT but if Meghan wasn't going to, I knew I had to.

So, during the bullying, this older boy Meghan liked comes back (im gonna call him Lynn) so Lynn starts talking to Meghan and I start talking to Lynn too, but I only wanted to be friends with him WHILE Meghan wanted to marry him basically.

And one day Meghan came up with what she thought was a genius plan, FAKE BEING DEPRESSED, FAKE A FAILED SUICIDE AND FAKE HAVING A SISTER just to really grab Lynn's attention. I AM NOT JOKING, but I truly wish I was.

And so she made a fake kik account for her "sister" and got on our group chat and was like "Lynn, today Meghan attempted suicide, and she's now in the hospital with a small chance to live"

You wanna fucking know what happened? Lynn started messaging me saying that he felt horrible Meghan was in the hospital and he felt so horrible about that he wanted to commit suicide too.
And I really wanted to tell him what was up, but Meghan was always beating down on me and threatening me and she even threatened to DDoS my family and I which is actually so low and shitty and that could cost my family a lot of money and I didn't wanna do that to my family. (Honestly when she started bringing up my family, I should've put my foot down and she also talked shit about my little sister and my little sister is my best friend so I actually wanted to beat her ass)

The suicide joke (which suicide should never be joked about, Meghan knew that and didn't give a single fuck) went on for a long time and it was fucking Lynn and I up, so I took a break. I was like YEET.

And during that break, I messaged Claire and apologized to her for Meghan and the plethora of things she probably told her I said, and Claire messaged me back and was thrilled, she said I genuinely made her day. And we became friends, and by then she wasn't with Sean anymore she was with a guy named Charlie (lmao not his name I just don't know if any of them are reading this soooo)

And because I messaged Claire and she was really happy, she told Charlie and he was really proud of me for apologizing and standing up for myself and Charlie was the nicest person ever and I was so happy that Claire had a sweetheart for a boyfriend because after Meghan bullying her, she deserved someone nice to be by her side.

Sean and I grew really close, and I was both friends with Claire and Sean equally and they both knew that and they were okay with it.
Sean and I would stay up till 4am chatting about everything and it was a really great time, he was such a cool person once you got to know him.

So, sometimes when you grow really close to someone, THERES A CHANCE THEY MIGHT HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU. And Sean did have a crush on me for sure (and he really looked like Sean Astin and Sean is my daddy but the sorta rude part of him turned me off of him real quick, oh and by this time I was 12 and a half)
And Meghan found out she went through the roof because "how could he like YOU? I've liked him all this time, how could you betray me like that?!"
Uhm excuse me but I don't like Sean back and I never knew you liked him AND IF YOU WANTED HIM TO LIKE YOU MAYBE YOU SHOULD START BEING A KIND AND GOOD PERSON.

Meghan actually made my life a living hell because Sean liked me, and she thought that would get me to stop talking to Sean BUT IT DIDNT BECAUSE HE WAS AN AMAZING FRIEND.

And so, Claire, Charlie, Sean and I were like a group, we were buddies and shit and Meghan was on her own.
Which she said that She would get everyone to turn on me, but everyone ended up turning on her and I didn't tell them to, they just saw I was friends with those three and caught onto it.

And then I stopped playing minecraft all together, I stopped talking to Meghan all together, i fell distant from Claire and Charlie, but once and a while I text Sean and check on him and make sure he's okay, because he was such a good friend that he deserves to be happy forever.

(Oh yeah and whilst I was talking to Meghan, I made two best friends on Instagram and I was tagging them in things because I loved them and I was so happy and I wanted to show people that I literally am friends with the two coolest people ever, AND SHE GOT SO MAD AMD STARTED REPLYING TO MY TEXTS WITH "k" wtf)

And yeah so that was probably the hardest two years of my life, because I was bullied into doing stuff I never wanted to do at all, and if you've never been in that situation, it's hard to explain the type of pain you feel.


But, I'm very happy now because I have multiple friends and all they've been to me is kind, Wattpad and Instagram have been an amazing place to make friends.

I literally have so many best friends on Wattpad (yall know who you are and i love you all with all of my heart) and I have best friends off Instagram and I'm also in a group chat with a whole ton of amazing people who are there for me whenever I need them.

don't ever take your nice friends for granted (:

(And yeah I kind of liked Sean a lil but nobody knew so)

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