→ deep questions tag

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I. If you were a song, which song would you be?
Probably New Person, same old mistakes by tame impala or let it happen by tame impala

II. If you were a color, which color would you be?
GooD question, probably a medium toned grey.
Makes me seem sad but the color is so beautiful.

III. What would you name yourself if you could re-name yourself?
Probably Alyce Grey or Nancy Grey because I love thoSe namEs so much.
Definitely nothing too unique or flashy because that's the complete opposite of my personality 😅

IV. Is there any film in which you were able to completely relate to?
Wellllllllllll dead poets society in a way, there's just things I'm able to relate to on a special level. But I do relate to the perks of being a wallflower which is so cliche, everyone says they relate to it, but I can really relate to every character on an emotional level and it makes me feel normal in a way so yeah. :)

V. If there was a film based on your life and yourself, what would you want the title to be and who would you want to portray you?
I love this question.
Well, it'd probably be called 'obstinate disposition' which would work better as a book title but hey, I'm not a creative person. And someone who would portray me would have to play a very anxious, paranoid and obsessive compulsive girl so, Probably young Carla Gugino or young Drew Barrymore, both really lovely people.

VI. Someone you'd like to kiss right now? Or would you rather have a certain someone kiss you?
I'd definitely have Wil Wheaton kiss me 100% and I would 100% not be the one to kiss him first because YiKes
And I also would kiss my third grade crushes (:

VII. What age do you feel like you'll be happiest at?
20 and my 50s and 60s. Reasoning for thinking I'll be happy at 20 is because I'll most likely have just gotten out on my own and being the independent person I am, that'll be very exciting and good.

VIII. If you have to write a book right now, what would it be about?
Interesting question.
I am actually working on a novella for fun and I'm not gonna say too much besides it takes place in the late 50s, has to do with kids and teens and is a psychological thriller and it's current name is Jude's Circle but I'll definitely change it.
I'm very excited about it and who knows, it might be something to get published in the very far future if I come across it again and clean it up.

IX. Something you completely and utterly believe in?
Equal rights for everyone and aliens.

X. If you plan to go to college, what do you wish to major in?
Literature. I know some colleges offer intensive literature and standard, but the college I'm planning on attending may not offer intensive literature but if they do, I'd definitely enjoy it.

XI. (Not a question anyone who is uncomfortable has to answer)
Religion? Your opinion?
I think religion is a very complex and interesting thing and I have no problem with it at all.
I am agnostic atheist though, so I don't believe in God or anything but I also believe there's really no way to know. Some may disagree and say the bible is proof, but since I have different beliefs and think that the bible was a fairytale that some old man wrote back in the day, it's not enough proof.
But I do fully believe in aliens putting humans on earth, it's logical (not saying God isn't logical) us humans have a different trait no other species on this earth has, logic, and aliens would have had to have logic in order to build any sort of spacecraft.
I don't know call me crazy lmao.

XII. Describe your family.
Well there's five of us and we call ourselves 'the *my last name* force five' so that basically says we're sort of quirky.
But mostly we're all just huge dorks and nerds, my dad and I are into Stephen King, horror films and old things. My older sister loves marvel with a burning passion, my little sister loves gaming and my mom is literally the biggest bookworm in the whole world and all of us are humorous idiots.
We also all have multiple mental illnesses so it can be tough, especially with my mom, she can snap very easily and she gets so drained easily so we have to be very careful.
But otherwise we like to laugh together and all that cute shit.
and last summer, every weekend, we always went to this local ice cream shoppe which is so bomb and we would get ice cream and sit in the parking lot and eat it and then all complain about brain freeze and then we'd go to the really big park and stay there till dark fooling around.
We're fun.

XIII. A memory you remember vividly?
I have two actually.
First one was late August last year and it was 9ish pm and I was having the worst anxiety attack, the kind of ones where you wish you were dead. And my mom told me to sit my ass down on a swing because we were at the park and I did it and for some reason it was the most calming thing ever. I remember the wind blowing through my hair and how calm and at peace I felt, and the angle I was at had a great view of the stars so I highkey felt like I was in space.
And my second one was a few years ago, and I was at the beach and my little sister and I were standing in the waves and she got knocked down and nothing was sticking out but her hair so I panicked and yanked her up by her hair, she coughed a bit but was alright, it was freaky though.

XIV. Last question, something you wish to be?
An author definitely but firstly a mother.
The kind of mom that's there for their child no matter what, and doesn't give them hard times because those suck.
And I hope to be a happy mother of five kids, it's a lot but I think it's good to have family who are friends and it's my dream to have a big family.

Thanks to my friend who sent these questions to me !!

I tag:
timidlila  (because I wanna see what she has to say)


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