Childhood idol bitcjwjejsk

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I loved Selena GOMEZ at ages 7-9

I was her biggest fan guys
2008 fangirl

I was always a fangirl
Once a fangirl always a fangirl

I just found my kiss & tell album and a year without rain album

I still know all the lyrics to every song
Listen to each album after school everyday for about 8 months really paid off guys

I also found my big time rush albums
And my sisters one direction albums

And I know all the words to most of their songs and I loved them but
Big time rush > one direction

Did 1d have a show that ran for 4 seasons?

I remember though that about a year after I became a huge Louis Tomlinson, the popularish girl that I was friends with in kindergarten but she turned on me and became a bîtch WELL SHE HAD A CRUSH ON HIM
and I was like "FUCK YOU" on the playground and I laid down the law guys
Rude girl's ain't allowed to like my bae

And she was like "UGH whatever"
And I sashayed away to my cool friends

OMF I just remembered that I wanted to join a club with these odd kids and it was chill because I was odd, I mean cmon I had an anxiety attack everyday and I'd sob and throw myself into the floor
So I was like "can I join?"
And the only boy was like "eat mulch" and the girls were like "NO TYLER JUST LET HER IN she's cool"
But I only hung with them once before I started playing basketball with the hot boys

HAHHAHA can you imagine little ugly snail ass Dani playing basketball with the rich cute boys
I was good too and they also thought that I was

But my whiny who friend (who bullied the actual hell out of me) was like "I WANNA PLAY" and we all looked at each other and rolled our eyes and passed the ball to her and it slightly grazed her pinky and she started wailing
She never played basketball again
It's was a blessing in disguise for us because at first we thought we were gonna be in deep shit but it turned out to be a miracle

And I hate myself for this
But oh my god I was boy crazy
I'd sit at the bottom of a huge tree we had near our playground and every time a cute boy would walk by I'd be like "hey hot stuff I like you"
AMD OME TIME THE HOTTEST BOY GOT ALL BLUSHY and was like "you do not!! Ahaha don't lie to me Dani" but then I fell in love with his best friend in the third grade and then in the fourth grade his best friend got an ugly hair cut and I was like "no" but he fell in love with me then

I didn't want his clammy, warm boy hands on my precious female angel hands, y'know?

But he's like cute now and stuff but he doesn't message me ever so

My life is sad

I could've easily had my first kiss then lmao


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