→ the brain of an apsiring author

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My brain is constantly cranking out story plots, characters and random and strange dialogue and although that may be a gift, it's tiresome.

I have to keep up with my brain which means I have to have a pen and paper around at all times, or at least my phone.
It's actually quite awkward when I'm in public and something triggers my brain to birth this beautifully complex character and I have to go onto my phone and vigorously slap my fingers onto my phone screen so I don't forget the gorgeous human that came about in my mind.

The plots, characters and dialogue my brain cranks up are never used in any of my works on any of my Wattpad accounts, they're kept for something better and bigger because their just that beautiful and extraordinary to me.

Something unfortunate is that the people that pop into my mind never come along with names, so it's very hard to choose a name for them, especially when your mind has already created an image of what they would look like, I have to find a name that goes with their looks then.

But, fortunately my characters never end up with a boring or basic name. They always have something extremely unique or simply unheard of.
Most have multiple middle names because I find it adds more character and sort of gives you more of an idea of them.

And it's sort of funny, these characters have their own unique voices with any accent or speech impediments.
Plenty of my characters have lisps and plenty of them clutter but the thing is, it's sort of hard to know when to bring that up in the story.

That also goes for any type of illness.
I believe giving characters illnesses whether they be mental or psychical, can add more depth and sort of draw people and it can also raise awareness.

My mother had sarcoidosis back in college, since I know a lot about the life-threatening disease, plenty of the wonderful characters that I unintentionally create have it.
But though I am very much educated in what happens when you have the disease, I think I'd have to experience it myself to fully understand and be able to write about it.
I do have a chance of getting it since my mother unfortunately had it and we believe my grandmother even had it, so, even though I'd love to write about a character struggling with the disease to raise awareness, I wouldn't wanna experience the life-threatening disease just to do so.
And I'm happy that I'm a healthy  person as of now (:

I hope this gift of a vividly beautiful imagination sticks around with me, it's definitely not taken for granted.

And there's something I do feel bad about and it's that I don't not put my all into my works on this platform.
I most likely only put 35 percent out of 100 percent of myself into everything and that upsets me but otherwise I would be completely drained.
My creative juices would be sucked out of me as fast as winter air sucks the moisture from your skin 😂

Also I just randomly remembered my favorite book from the third grade (3am thoughts lmao) and I don't know why I just thought of it but VAMPIRE STATE BUILDING BY ELIZABETH LEVY was the best book my little self ever read and I read a ton of books
It may not be as good as I remember now, because memory isn't always 100 percent clear but my brain is telling me that it was the absolute shit (:
It had 100 pages which was an okay amount for me back then and I read it in like two days which was PRETTY GOOD FOR ME

but now I read 1000 paged books and can read more than 100 pages in a day

I'm happy to say my reading skills have improved nicely.


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