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Today I needed a lint roller for my shirt (it's black and I have cats so their hair gets all over me) and I searched my parents bedroom and I looked under my dads side table and there was a fan, AND A DOLL

now this doll gives me serious creepoids

but it was there, staring at me with the same glassy blue eyes she always had

A year ago my sister and I named her Jean Hermione because we were into Harry Potter and bored af but then the doll just really gave me bad vibes and so I was happy when my mom told me she got rid of her


I'm never going into my parents room again

Anyways, I got Xanadu on DVD today and I was watching it with my mom and older sister but my mom was like "don't you have chores to do?" And I got up and did them and had to listen to the beautiful music BUT NOT SEE WHAT WAS GOING ON
I've listened to the soundtrack since I was a toddler because my mom was obsessed with it as a teen, but like I still wanted to watch what was going on whilst the music was playing :((

And then my dad came home from work whilst it was playing and he was like "OH GEEZ I GOTTA WATCH THIS THIS'LL MAKE MY DAY"
So I'm probably gonna watch it with him later

And man I want Olivia Newton-John's body omg
My Summer goals
But actually though I need to tone up my legs and thighs because even though my thighs are a pretty slim size, there's a lot of extra jiggle which is 100% normal and almost every girl has it, buT I just don't want the jiggle

Also I've noticed all my friends look like well-known celebrities and I don't, my mom says I look "unique and pretty, not like anyone I've seen before," I wanna look like Olivia Newton-John MOTHER

I just look like a female version of my dad
But with hair
Because he's mostly bald
And I have luscious locks

And my sisters look like celebrities too
My older sister used to look like Dakota Fanning as a wee little child but now she's 16 1/2 and she looks like Amanda Seyfried
So I'm jelly

And honestly my little sister looks like a mixture of every blonde haired, blue eyed actress ever

And then there's me, who looks like no one but myself ;(((
My mom did once say I looked like Jodie Sweeten but that was a long time ago and my face is maturing a little more so

And then there's me, who looks like no one but myself ;(((My mom did once say I looked like Jodie Sweeten but that was a long time ago and my face is maturing a little more so

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How does one look that stunning at 30
That's my goals for 30, I have 17 more years to get prepared for my glorious 30s

QUEEN OF BEAUTYHow does one look that stunning at 30 That's my goals for 30, I have 17 more years to get prepared for my glorious 30s

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When bae says he's home alone lmao

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