Chapter 41

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We bound down the hallways of the apartment and slip out of the front door. We make it without Magnus learning of our plans. I follow Alec down block after block until I see Jace. He greets Alec cheerfully, then his expression quickly shifts when he notices me.

"What's she doing here Alec?" He asks.

"Funny I ask the same question about Clary all the time." Alec jokes, but Jace just rolls his eyes. "I brought her so she could get the extra field practice. We had been training when you called. So where is it?"

"It went off that way." Jace points with his seraph blade, away from the city. " I actually decided to wait for backup this time. Are you proud?" Jace's voice is filled with some much sarcasm.

"Very." Alec rolls his eyes, then crosses his arms.

"Can we just get this over with before my Dad realizes what we are doing?" I impatiently ask, tapping my foot.

"Magnus doesn't know about this?" Jace crosses his arms and scoffs. "Man Alec you are really letting yourself go. Breaking rules and everything-"

"Lets go." Alec grabs his parabatai's arm and drags him in the direction of the demon. We find it, hiding out in an alley. It immediately goes for Jace.

Jace only yells. "What can I say? Demons dig blondes." He laughs as they begin to battle it. It overpowers Jace and throws him against a wall. I run into the battle, despite Alec's command to stay away from the battle.

"What are you doing?" He demands, firing an arrow into it.

"You looked like you could use the help." I flip my hair out of my face, despite the fact that it is in a ponytail.

It corners us in the alley, I see Jace slumped unconsciously against the brick wall. Alec is aiming his bow at it, I grab one of the knives out of one of my several sheaths on my gear. I plant my feet firmly, using the same form we practiced early. I hurtle the knife at the demon, missing my several feet. I cross my arms angrily. Alec shoots an arrow carelessly at it, hitting it, even though he barely glanced at it. It disappears instantly.

"Keep your head in the game next time." He critiques. "Getting mad because you missed in the middle of a battle won't help you."

"You make it seem easier then it is." I cross my arms agin.

"I've been practicing since I was 9." Alec retorts, "pick up your knife, I'll get Jace." Alec walks over to his friend and scoops him up in his arms, I grab my knife off the concrete. I sheath it, then lead the way back to Magnus's apartment, Alec and Jace in tow.

We get upstairs only to see my Dad standing behind the door.

"Oh." I force a smile, "hey Dad." I give him finger guns to play off what's happening. "We were just- picking Jace up."

"Was Jace taking a nap?" He stifles a laugh.

"No he just usually lays like this." Alec comments, laying Jace down on the couch.

"So you guys didn't go out to fight a demon with out me-" he makes air quotes, "-knowing."

"Nope." I shrug, "would never dream of it."

"Alexander, do you typically carry your bow on you?" He asks, placing his hand on Alec's arm. Alec shakes his head. "Exactly."

"Are you mad?" I nervously ask, "I made Alec let me come, so-"

"I'm not mad." He shakes his head, "just feeling very left out."

"I promise not to do it again." I swear, he smiles.

"Good." My Dad tells me, "next time invite me."

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