Cecily's Birthday

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It was the morning of her 16th birthday. She walked out of her room to be greeted by Magnus and Alec who are now engaged. February 23th. Her birthday. She smiled as she greeted them.

"Happy birthday!" They said to her as she walked out into the entry way.

"Thank you!" She said with a smile back at them. She glanced at them to see their hands clasped in each other's.

"We made pancakes!" Alec exclaimed excitedly.

"Alexander, I believe you mean I made pancakes." Magnus playfully told him. "You just stood and watched. I bet you're as bad a cook as Izzy is." Alec gasped.

"How dare you accuse me of such." Alec looked shocked as he grabbed the nearest spatula and pointed it at Magnus. "I challenge you to a cooking duel!"

Magnus grabbed the tip of the spatula and pulled it down as Cecily stifled a laugh. "All right pretty boy, I take back what he said." Alec lowered the spatula with a smile, then he set it back down on the counter. "You're so cute when you're into something. You know that right?" Magnus went up on his toes and kissed him on the cheek. Cecily turned away.

"Eww no PDA!" She exclaimed, despite knowing them to be an adorable couple.

"PDA?" Alec joked, pretending to be oblivious, "Does this count?" He grabbed Magnus's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. In turn, Magnus wrapped his arms around the Shadowhunters waist.

Cecily tried her best to act mad, but eventually a smile won it's way to her face. "Sometimes you really get to me Alec Lightwood."

Magnus pulled away, "Sometimes you really get me Alec Lightwood." He mimicked dropping one word. Magnus smiled. "Alright Cecily, I'm assuming you're hungry?" Cecily nodded, "Good."

Magnus snapped his fingers, sending blue sparks out. Instantly the table was set with pancakes, eggs, sausage, orange juice and coffee. They sat down around their small table. The size of the table was changed regularly depending on how much company they expected for the meal. Most times it was a small table meant for just the three of them. Cecily liked it that way. It was cozy. Just the way she liked it.

They started to eat without talking. It wasn't an awkward silence, it wasn't one that was just screaming to be filled. It was a good kind of silence. It was part of their everyday routine. Wake up, quickly eat, train, some days they would go out with the others at the Institute, Alec went everyday, but sometimes Ceci would join. This routine happened everyday and it being Cecily's birthday didn't change that. She was in love with the uniformity of it all. One thing she hated about it, no phones at the table. This rule meant she couldn't text her girlfriend. 

Oh, yeah that's another thing that happened over the past few months. She came out as bisexual, and now she was happily with her girlfriend of 2 months. Her name was Rose and she was a werewolf. Cecily loved everything about her, her laugh, smile, personality. Some days when she was stressed Rose let her braid her hair until she felt relaxed, or when one of them was sad, the other would let them curl up and they'd watch one of their favorite movies. Magnus 100% approved of their relationship, and if anyone tried to make a rude comment about them, it wouldn't end well for them. And tonight, Cecily hoped she could get a free minute to go see Rose. Despite only seeing her yesterday, it felt like an eternity since she last saw her. 

"So Ceci, I was thinking," Magnus began. "instead of training after breakfast like usual, we could go out and do something." 

"Like?" Ceci asked in between bites.

"Let's go to the mall!" Magnus excitedly told his daughter, "It'll be fun." 

"Alright." Cecily smiled, she loved mall trips with her dad interesting things always happened on them. One time, someone tried to pickpocket them and he made the mannequins attack. It was really funny for them, but Ceci was sure the pickpocketer would have nightmares for years after. 

Ceci finished eating, then ran back to her room to change. She threw on a sweater dress, leggings and her brown uggs. She brushed back her blonde-brown hair into a low bun, then put some makeup on. She looked at her reflection, satisfied with what she had done. Then she walked back out to join Alec and Magnus in the living room who looked to be arguing. 

"Cecily, you don't mind if I don't go shopping with you right?" Alec asked, his voice filled with hope, if there was anything Alec hated more than the mundane version of Simon, it was shopping. 

"Of course not! Do whatever you want." Ceci informed Alec with a smile, she knew the shadowhunter hated most shopping, which typically left her and Magnus to shop together. 

They left the apartment shortly after this. When they arrived at the mall, Rose surprised Cecily by meeting them there, of course Magnus had planned it to happen that way. After they spent most of the day shopping they headed back to the apartment. Where, to Ceci's surprise, all of their friends were waiting. According to Magnus, he and Alec had planned the party and the shopping trip was just an excuse to get her out of the house. Towards the beginning of the party, Magnus magically gave everyone-except for Cecily and Rose who were still underage-glasses filled with wine. Ceci and Rose got sparkling apple cider.

"To Cecily!" Magnus raised his glass in a toast, "You are the most stubborn daughter I've ever had." Laughter spread through the room, "But don't worry we all love you for that. I have no doubt you'll continue to be an amazing shadowhunter as you grow older. Happy 16th birthday Ceci I love you!" Everyone in the room raised their glasses in response and then lowered them to take a sip. Rose gently kissed Cecily's cheek.

"Happy birthday Ceci."

"Thank you Rose." Ceci kissed her back. "You really made this birthday awesome."

"It was all your dad. And Alec of course." Rose blushed. 

"Speaking of which, I'm going to go talk to them." She gently pecked Rose's cheek once more, "But don't worry I'll be back."

She walked over to Magnus and Alec, Magnus put his arm around his daughter's shoulder. "Thank you for the awesome day guys." She smiled and looked up at them as she said this to them.

"Your welcome." They said in sync in response. 

"Happy birthday Ceci." Alec told her, raising his close to empty wine glass, and taking another sip.

"Thank you Alec." Cecily smiled, Alec saw Jace, then excused himself to talk to his parabatai. "Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I hadn't been drawn into the shadowworld."

"I know," Magnus pulled his daughter closer, "But let's just enjoy tonight. No negatives tonight okay?" Ceci smiled.

"I know." She glanced at the party, "So does this mean I can get my drivers license?" 

"Watch out Brooklyn Cecily's going to be behind the wheel now." Magnus joked, Cecily backed away defensively.

"Wow. I won't be that bad of a driver." She rolled her eyes and smile, "At least it wasn't a no." 

A/N: HEY GUYS LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!!!!! Sorry it's been so long. I've been pretty busy lately with school....but mostly reading. I've been wanting to update this so often. I've forgotten how much fun it is to write with these characters. *cries* Hopefully I can establish a normal updating schedule of at least a part a week maybe? I don't know any more. In other news, I got my braces off today, which I've had on since November 16, 2010. So Rest In Peace Zoey's braces, November 16, 2010-February 23, 2017. See you guys next time!

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