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Emily POV

It's my birthday!! Today I turn 3 finally.

I live in Italia, I have a wonderful mom, an okay dad, I also have an older brother named Kevin he is 17, I have a sister Elena she's 14, I have a twin Cayden, and my mom just gave birth to a new little sister who I named as Angelica

I'm so excited my dad said he had a special gift for the exact time I was born and that it was especially for me (November 8 at 3:24 pm). My mom and sister and brothers call me Skyden...since I'm trans.

Today I woke up to everyone in my and Cayden's room they were all singing happy birthday and mom was caring two cupcakes one for me and one for Cayden (Mom loves cooking sweets). Everyone wished us happy birthday and that they hoped we liked it. Today I was so happy mommy bought me some boy shorts I loved and a t-shirt that said 'i'm the boss'. Mom told me to take a shower then I could change for the day. Let me tell you that for my age I'm pretty mature. I know how to change and shower on my own. I know how to help mom with home stuff. Mom says I need to be ready for the real world... I don't really understand that.

Cayden and I went downstairs for breakfast, Mom made our favorite breakfast pancakes with chocolate chips and a strawberry milkshake. When Cayden and I finished I got off my seat and took my plate to the sink so did Cayden. We had to be on my tip toes to reach but that's just fine I'll someday grow, right? I really want to grow up already I want to go to school and get a dream job like mom said everyone does.
As we go out to play in the backyard Will Jurat (cop) and Andy Clay (doctor) busted through the door making us both jump back and almost fall. Once I saw them I knew something was going to happen. I don't like them when they come dad gets drunk and yells at mom then when they leave dad hits mom, I looked back at mom and she smiled at me and pushed us outside. We went to play in the sandbox.

Dad called us inside and told us to go to our room. When I closed I door dad was yelling at mom.

Dad called me downstairs that my gift is here. I ran down but Cayden stayed to clean the toys up. I got down here and my dad has a silver thing on his hand a gun I remember dad telling me a few days ago, Will has a silver thing something like a knife but small I remember mom saying it was used for self-defense only, Andy has the camera. Mom and Elena were in the middle. Mom said "I love you don't ever forget that and always remember our song baby. And become a gangster just like me make me proud". Mom looks sad. She's suppose to be happy it's my birthday. Just as I was about to ask mom why she was sad my dad said it's time and he showed me his phone it read 3:24 pm I look up to dad shooting mom in the head and Elena near the heart. They looked motionless I ran to mommy. shook my mom saying " mommy, mommy wake up...wake up please "I look to the staircase only to see Cayden and Kevin wide-eyed. Dad says "happy birthday Emily!" I look at Will to see that he is cutting both moms and Elena's' wrist this a blade. I tried to stop him but I receive a kick on my side from dad..? Cayden and Kevin were told to stay where they were if they wanted to live. Andy turns off the camera and calls for an ambulance saying that 2 girls committed suicide I don't know what that is.. The ambulance gets here in less than 10 minutes and by then dad had put mom in a position so it looked like she had killed herself. They take them away but I see Elena is still alive. I grab the little knife thingy they cut their wrist and save it. I look around to see if dad was around he wasn't he was outside talking to more police so I look at Caden and Kevin and say "run away and take Angelica with you, go somewhere and don't come back...I'll look for you when things are better I promise. I will go with dad to the hospital and you guys run, stay safe, I love you.." Kevin says "No" and I say "yes do it for Cayden and Angelicas so they can have a bright future" Kevin looks down at Cayden then nods.

 Dad comes back and says we're going to the hospital. I nod and follow him but before I close the door I say "don't move anything" and then I keep following dad. When we get here in the hospital Andy tells us to stay in the waiting room. We do as told and wait here. A few minutes passed and Andy comes and tells dad something but I'm not listening I'm trying to take it all in. All I hear from the conversation is dad saying "...kill her..." Andy nods and leaves. Andy comes back with an older kid behind him 10 mins later telling dad there both dead. Dad turned to me and says "you're finally mine!" He comes to me and tells me I'm useless and fat and ugly that I should die and also that he had to go somewhere that he'd be back for me. He then leaves and so does Andy. 

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