Christmas Shopping

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Skyden's P.O.V.

"Yo! Aren't you guys supposed to be at school already?" I ask Ed and Fla who are just sitting in the leaving room doing nothing. "What the fuck? Are we supposed to get back to our old routines?" Fla starts panicking. "No duh! I wouldn't be telling you stupid!" I say and they stand up and run upstairs to heading to their rooms to change. "School?" Evan asks as he was also sitting in the living room with the rest. "University," I say and he nods. "What are they studying to become?" Alex asks. "what everyone is forced to study for, to become a doctor and to become part of our gang's law enforcement," I answer him and lean against the wall. "Don't you have to go to class?" Ty bro asks me. I shake my head no, "I already took the classes and I am already into that shit since I was like 12? So yeah no need for school until tomorrow..." "What are you going to school tomorrow for and where?" Angi asks. "UTEP and psychology class," "No Way! UTEP!" Angi yells out excited all of the sudden. "Uh... Yea?" I raise an eyebrow. "No fucking way! Yo! That's my favorite university! My dream university!" She yells. "Oh, well it's the only university in El Paso?" I confirm and she nods. "How about work?" Brandon asks. "Yeah, I have to go back to the training ring at 3 pm today... have you guys eaten?" I ask. "Yeah, we ate some egg with chorizo earlier, chorizo is actually pretty good shall I say," Matt states. "Bro, can we check out the mall from here? I wanna see the difference, I made a bet with Josef" Ty asks. "Um.. yea? We can go check it out. I haven't been there in a while now. What's the bet about?" "That the mall here is actually pretty different than in Houston, I mean we are in another city everything much be different." He says and I look at him, stupid bets. "I'mma tell you this, Josef has been to El Paso and has been to the mall before. You are going to lose." I say to him as he looks at me. "Oh, I was hoping..." He says looking down. "Hey bro chill ok? don't be so rough on yourself, we'll drive around El Paso so you guys get familiarised with it," I say and Angi nods excitedly. "Sky?" "Yea?" "Christmas is coming up..." Matt says and I look at him then at Evan. "Ok? What's the point of that?" I ask hoping he wouldn't say decorate. "Well, I was thinking we could decorate the house a bit, put up a tree and go Christmas shoppin'.," he says and I look everywhere but him. I take a deep breath. "What's going on?" Fla asks as he and Ed come back downstairs. "They want to Christmas shop and decorate the house," I mumble. "Oh...Well if you want I can take them later on?" Ed says. "I mean are we even gonna celebrate Christmas this year?" Fla asks. "We are going to the mall today, I think they could buy what they want then and there," I say with a sigh, "If you want or I can t-" "I got it..." I mumble. "You sure?" Ed asks and rests his hand on my shoulder. "No... but I'll survive," I say and he nods. "Well we have to class but if you can't handle their Christmas spirit, call us we will catch up where you are and you know change spots..." Fla says and I nod. "OK. Shall we?" Ed asks as they walk to the door. "You don't like Christmas, do you?" Evan asks. I look at them, "No. I don't have good memories of Christmas," I say and feel my butt vibrate. I pull out my phone and saw a message that read, "Stay positive, you can get through it. I'll see you later sis <3" from Ed. 

"Are you guys ready?" I ask and they nod. We make our way out to the Jeep. "Sky! Are you guys going out?" Chris asks. "Yeah, we are going to the mall...and Christmas shopping..." I say and he nods looking behind me to the family. "Is Kat going with you all?" He asks and I nod. "Okay, well make sure to check in with me once you are back, please" I nod and we turn around and head to the Jeep and van. I turn on the radio and heard Alex singing along with The war against ourselves by Joel Faviere. 

"Well hello sexy," I hear a voice say from behind us as we enter the mall. "Hellow," I say as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Where were you? You disappeared from El Paso," Miky (Stars bbf) states. "Star didn't tell you, I see," "Told me what?" "That we left to Houston, we have a family..." I say and he looks behind me. "Yeah them." "Nice, weird but nice. I never thought I would see you have a family. I mean you hated families and the responsibility that came with it." "Just because I hated families and responsibilities that come along with it didn't mean I didn't have one. I still had the responsibility. I had my father, Clay, and Jurat to deal with." "True. I just didn't see you with a good family at all," "I know, I didn't either," I say and turn a store as I stop. "Um... It was nice to see you, I have to go back, my break is over" he says and leaves. "So no family huh?" Angi says. "Don't even Angi. You know they weren't a family they were a fucking burden who didn't give to shit about me. Now quit it please," I say. "Ok... Sorry," she says and I look at her. "I'm sorry okay? I just don't like talking about them. They didn't mean shit in my life and it has taken lots of time to get over them, I just don't wanna go back to the old times." "It's okay, you don't have to apologize. So shall we start by just looking around or should we go directly to Christmas shopping?" She asks. "Um... It's up to you guys, you guys rule here. I'mma be at the tattoo store, call me if you get lost," I say handing Brandon my credit card. "Angi knows the pin. Don't worry about the money or the price guys, just buy what you guys want." I state and turn around. "Um. Sky. Do you mind if I join you? I don't like Christmas shopping either," Evan asks and I nod. Evan and I walk in silence. "So you don't like Christmas either?" I ask Evan. "No. I have a bad experience..." he says. "What are you going to get as a tattoo?" "Imma just get a wolf with flames on my other shoulder.," I say and he nods. "I should probably get one, my love would love it!" He cheers and I chuckle. "Sorry about the anniversary thing," I say and he looks at me confused. "Your guys anniversary was the day we came to El Paso, I'm not stupid nor blind," I say. "We could celebrate it Matt and Alex's is today, we could celebrate both together!" He says and I chuckle. "Okay," I say and he nods. "So where are you gonna get your tattoo?" I ask him. "Over my heart, Imma get his name with music notes around it," he answers. "Cool!" I say as we enter the tattoo store. 

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