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Emily's POV

"Hey your girlfriend wants to come see you." Fla tells me. I nod. "She knows she can come when she wants." I say. I am glad that me not being able to talk just lasted a few minutes. "Okay, She said she has been texting you and calling but that you won't answer." Fla tells me. I nod, looking for my phone. "It's over here." Ty says from the couch. I nod and he throws is my way, I successfully catch it. I look through my phone and notice a few missed calls and messages. I answer her messages and look though the missed called. I feel someone sit next to my sides. I see I have a missed call from Jennifer Jurat and a few from Ed and Alex. I look at both Alex and Ed. "You guys called me?" I ask. "Yea that was a few hours ago before we got here." Alex says, I nod. "I called to see if you were okay but you didn't answer and I send Fla." Ed says and I nod looking back down at my phone. "I noticed a bunch of missed calls, who else called you?" Asked Emmet from my right side. "J.J. called. I don't know what she wants." I say not looking up from the phone as I go over the thousand of messages from Jurat. "Is she the one that those messages belong to?" He asks. "No, this is her husband. Will Jurat the cop that hates me." I say. "The one that went for you at the park when you where three?" Chris asks. "Yea, him." I mumble. "I'm actually surprised that after so long he is still your dad's best friend." Ty says and I shrug. "Yea, well i'm not really surprised hes as much of a criminal as her dad and the doctor. Even if one is a cop and the other one is a doctor." Emmet says. "There just titles. It's like you guys calling me a doctor. Which i'm not, not yet. I do have my doctoral degree but i don't work as a doc." says Ed. "Just like my dad was an 'engineer', there just professional when they can get something from it" he adds with a huff. I just stay silent. "What you thinking Em?" Brandon asks out of nowhere catching my attention. I look up at him and shrug. "Nothing really. I've lived my whole life with them. So what they are saying is like nothing new to me. They have done the impossible to me." I say. He nods. "When we where going to the aquarium you said that the cop already knew you lived here? How does your dad not know then?" Alex says. "Cops and doctors are often easy to cheat on and threaten. I have the cop on a threat he talks I speak up what I know. It's a win win for both" I say. He also nods. "So you work at the Aquarium?" asks Chris. I nod. "And that the only job right?" He asks with an 'it better be' tone. I shake my head no. "I thought we had talked about you not having 2 jobs." He says and I hear Ed, Matt and the rest chuckle. "I don't have 2 jobs." i say holding back my laugh. "But I you don't have one huh?" He asks totally confused. "I have 4" I mumble crawling to the corner of the bed before starting to laugh. "Haha very funny." He says standing up and pulls me from my feet to the edge of the bed. "I thought I had made it clear that I didn't want you to be working more than 1 job." he says annoyance clear in his voice. "You can't blame me! I'm naturally active." I say trying to get away from his tight grip on my ankles. "Okay I get the you being naturally active because that's the way we were raised you but you must know your limits and abilities." He says, effortlessly having a tight grip on my ankles. "I do! I really do! I just choose to ignore them." I say. He looks at me with an 'are-you-serious' face. I nod. "For reals man. You need to take care of yourself." Chris says "Chris let her go" says Emmet from behind for some reason Chris does as told. I try to stand up but I get dizzy and Chris catches me in time. I rest my head in his chest. "Fuck" I hiss as I feel my lungs cramp. Chris seems to catch whats going on since he helps me stand up right and sits me back down. "What just happened?" Asks Evan. I shake my head. "Nothing just my ribs hurt a bit" I lie. "Sure..." Emmett says not falling for the lie. "Lay down let me see." He orders standing up from next to Ty. I just look at him. "Lay down little one come on." He says. I look at Fla. "Hey man um... why not just leave him. Brandon and Alex already checked on her." Fla says trying to help me. "Do they know what Em truthfully has?" He asks looking at Fla. "No..." He says "But Fla also already checked on me. This has been happening to me don't worry i'm fine." I say. Emmet looks between Fla and I then at Brandon and Alex. "What are you guys hiding from us?" He asks knowing us. "N-Nothing." Fla and I say. He looks at us then at Brandon and Alex. "What are this two hiding from us?" he asks them. They look at each other. "Other than a bunch or bruises and broken ribs and cuts, I don't thing there is anything else?" Alex says speaking for both of them. Emmet looks at us. "Bruises? From who?" Emmet asks me. "I've been getting in fights that's all" I say. "And you want me to believe that after I just went over your folder?" He asks. "That folder says nothing positive about me, so no surprise if they don't have the right info yet." I say rolling my eyes. "I'd believe you if you said that you defended yourself from someone, you dislike starting fights." Ty says. I huff. "Fla just F it. We can't lie to those who taught us to lie." I say as I let myself go back into the bed. "Hate that." He huffs. "So?" Emmet asks. "Just look at the bruises and lashes she has in her body. Look closely not all of them are self-harm." Fla says. Chris, Ty, and Emmet look at each other. Emmet get close to me and pulls up my shirt slowly, instantly regretting it. "I'll be back." Chris says anger in his voice. "Don't, Don't go after him please. Please i'm begging you don't go after him." I say sitting up. He looks at me angry. "What am I suppose to do? Sit around and see you get abused? Fuck no man. I've done that for a while now. I'm not going to do it again." He says and I look at Emmet and Ty. "Can you guys just calm down please, all of you." I say. "He's right Sky are we just suppose to see you get hurt?" Ty asks. I look down and rub my face in my hands. "It wasn't his faul-" "Disagree" Says Fla cutting me off. "What's what happened i'll tell you who's fault it was." says Chris and I shake my head no. "Then I will go after him. I will put that motherfucker in his place. I will give him what he deserves. I will--" "Fine! I'll tell you. I went out at night into a bar. I was having fun with someone else he told me to leave but I was drinking and having fun so I didn't later on he wouldn't stop following me and telling me to dance with him. I agreed and he wanted to dance somewhere else which I disagree on but he grabbed me and forced me somewhere else." I say holding back tears. "I don't see how that is your fault little one." said Matt. I look at him with glossy eyes with tears that threaten to fall. "I should had left since the beginning" I murmur. "Still not your fault" says Chris and Ty. "I don't expect you guys to understand but no matter what just don't blame in on him." I say as my voice fades. "Em did he threaten you?" asks Emmet. "No..." I sigh. "Then you will have no issue with us talking to him before we leave Houston." Chris says. "I guess not... you are still going to do it." I mumble. "Your right in that." He says and sits next to me wrapping his arm around me. I rest my head in his arm. "Little one?" "Yea?" "I need a reason on why you attempted suicide?" he says. I shake my head no. "No what?" "Nothing." I say. I crawl back to the position I was back into staring at the corner where my bed touches the wall. "Em please just answer already." He says and rest a hand in my upper arm making me jump. "I'm just tired." i say and close my eyes. "Tired? Tired of what?" he asks. I don't answer. We all stay in silence for a good 5 minutes but Chris was still waiting for the answer. I could feel his eyes on me. "She's tired of living, of trying, of fighting, of not being good enough, of being her." Evan answers Chris question. I could feel his gaze leave me before it came back. "Is that true Em?" he asks. I don't move but i feel the tears take over. I cover my head with my pillow. Someone lays down next to me. "Hey little one come here" Emmet orders and takes the pillow away and wrapping me into a hug in which I just let it all out. This are the arms I know I can trust. This is the hug that tells me they care. This are the hugs that make me feel safe and out of danger. I let out a sob but then bite my lower lip to prevent the rest to come out. He rubs my back softly making sure not to hurt me. "Calm down little one. It's all messed up right now but i will not always going to be like this. Let it all out, I know you need to just let it out" Emmet whispers soft things into my ear until I feel myself start drifting off to sleep. I feel him play with my hair until i just drift into deep sleep. 

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