Emotional Angi

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Angelas POV

Today is the day before we leave back to Houston. I dont feel like doing nothing. I have horrible pain on my lower stomach and it hurts to even move. I am laying down in bed and Angelica is sleeping next to me. Sky went to work so he should be back anytime now. "Are you okay?" Angelica asks me as she awakes. I nod and sit up trying to breath. Ive never been in so much pain. "You are pale. You want me to call Brandon or Alex?" Angelica insits. I get fuatrated for some reason and yell at her to shut up and leave me alone. I take a deep breath and apoligize to her and she just nods staying quiet. I hear the front door open and close following by Sky greeting everyone. I walk to the restroom and notice some blood on my panties. I sit confused for a long while until I finally tell Angelica to call Sky.

Skydens POV

I was drinking a monster on Flas lap as everyone was just sitting on the couches. "Are you guys all packed up to leave tomorrow?" Ed asks. "All packed up and ready man," Fla answers. "Skyden we still need to talk please," Mike says from the other couch I ignore him ones again.
Ignoring his has become a habit now so much easier.
"Sky?" "Yeah?" I say looking up and notice it was Angelica. I shut my mouth. "Angela said to call you. She needs your help and she doesn't seem to feel well. She yelled at me earlier but shes acting wierd," Angelica states. Confused I look at Brandon then I stand to go with Angi. "Angi? Where are you baby girl?" I ask. I hear a soft "In the restroom." I walk to the restroom and knock. "Sky im scared." I hear her say from the other side of the door. "Whats the matter?" I ask. "I-I have blood on my panties..." I sigh in relieve. "Its fine okay give a sec imma go ger something. I'll be right back." With a soft okay from her I run upstairs to grab a pad and run back down. "Can I come in?" I ask her.
I walk in and teach her how to put the pad on and explained to her the basics that she needs to know like it will happen every month for a short period and that we would go 'girl shopping' to get her pads and stuff like that. I walk out of the restroom and get her a pair of clothes for her to change into. I hand it to her and tell her that her period may sometimes consist of sharp pains on her overies and mood swings and cravings so she won't panic on that fact.
"What if I cant take thd pain?" she asks. "Then you go to either Brandon, Alex, or Fla. They should either give you a pain killer or a tea to calm down the cramps. They will understand." "So they will know about this?" "They are docs they will understand what is going on. You can also come to me but I dont often have access to pills at least for now..." I say and she nods.
We walk back to the living room to everyone. "Why is she pale?" Matt asks me instatly. "Girls stuff.," I state and he nods understanding. "Well Angi and I have to go 'girl shopping' so we will be out for a while guys. See ya later?" I say then I ask Ed who was also feeling down. He slowly nods and I text Fla to look after Ed while I am gone.
We go girl shopping and I answer lots and lots of question. I wonder when this child will run out of questions. She asks if she should have any restriction and I explaine what foods and cares she has to have to avoid cramps and stuff like that. We finally get back to the park and I escape her questions. I go home and grab the ice cream and start eating it on the couch. Ed sits next to me and starts eating ice cream with me. "Bud, were is Kat?" Evan asks me. "Kat is with Ty and Ana at their house probably eating some sort of candy while watching something online." "okay."
I pull out my phone which was vibrating and answered it. It was Jez. "Sky can we please talk? Im scared please..." Jez voice quivers I look at Ed then at Fla and the rest. "Whats the matter? Where are you? I can go pick you up and we can talk," I say but he just says no. Fla and Ed look at me worried. "Please come..." "Where are you?" "M-my house..." Jez says. "How am I supposed to go in? Either wait for me outside or I am going in through the balcony. Leave the door open. Im on my way..." I say and was going to hang up but he mutters a 'please dont leave' and I put on my earphones so I could drive. "Can I go?" Fla asks but I shake my head no. I grab my keys and drive to Jez place. I see him shivering from cold under a tree at the very back of the front yard. I get down and take off my sweater in the process I walk towards him he had a chain on his wrists. I fight with the chain for a while until im able to crack it and set Jez free. He still haf the hands cuffs but ill take that ones at my house. I hand him the sweater and guide him to the jeep. We silently drive back home all we could hear were his slight sobs and shivers.
I carry the little ball of him inside my warm house and sit him on the couch Ed and I were. Fla was confused and so was Ed. Mike and Evan seemed curious along with the rest. "Ed bring me the first aid kit please," I say and Fa gets a wet cloth to wash Jez red amd stained face. After a while of trying to break the chain between Fla, Ed and myself I am finally able to do so. I sigh and sit on my legs as I was on my knees. I manage to clean his bloody wrists from the chain and check the rest of his wrists to only see a few cig burns. "You did this?" I ask Jez as I try to breath right. I felt short of breath from the force I was doing. Jez shakes his head no. I nod. "Who did?" Evan asks. Jez looks at me. "Um...He got in an argument with another gang while skating home," I lie to Evan. "And why were only you contacted?" Ed questions it. "Because certain members of that gang have been attacking him for a few days now and I knew so he contacted who could help him out...Or are yoi able to break a chain?" I question Ed as I finish cleaning Jez burn marks. "No... I wouldn't be able too," Ed states "Exactly." I say. "Are you scared of Bubble Head?" Fla asks Jez who shakes his head no. "Then why didnt you tell him the other day when he answed what happened to your eye?" Fla questions. "I-i didnt want him to get involved he could end up hurt..." Jez mumbles. "So you decided to involve Sky?" Mike asks him I just ignore him but Jez looks at me as if asking for permission to answer. I shrug. "Because no one can hurt him. Hes been through hell and back and is still alive. That is why I near him instead. Because everyone fears him now a days..." Jez answers and sit next to him on the arm rest. Silence runs in the room.
"You need to tell Bubble Head." I say to him. "What why?!" Jez argues. "Because I am leaving tomorrow and I can't leave you hurting with out someone looking after you.. to make sure you are okay," I answer. "I cant you know what will happen if I do...Please dont tell him." Jez begs. "Them putting you in chains is too much. I told you either you tell bubble head who is your mentor or I as going to stop it when it was to much. Chains is too much so this is your last choice either you tell him or i will." Jez looks down and stands up. "Go ahead and tell him or hes going to get mad at me for not telling anyone the truth other than you." "Ill tell him and by the way Bubble head isnt like that he will be proud of you for even talking to someone unlike us." I say to him and we walk out of the house and Fla follows us.

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