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Chris P.O.V.

"Sky!" I yell after him as he runs out of the house. Running after him I grab him by the wrist making him face me and stop. He tries to pull away but I just tighten my grip. "Who is she?!" I yell. "Who? Who the fuck are you even talking about!?" Sky mumbles pretending he doesn't know. "Elena. Who is Elena?" I ask again. "She's none of your business," Sky snaps and tries to walk past me but I stop him. "Who the fuck is she?! You either fucking tell me or you are going to fucking finish at the stupid hospital!" I yell at him making him flinch. "Elena was your sister," I hear a voice say and I look behind Sky and Sky does too. Confused as fuck I look back at Sky who was just looking down. "Who are they?" I ask him. "I don't know, okay?! I don't know who they are or what they want or anything! Elena was a fucking friend of mine who was killed when I was in Houston for the first time! Before Blake, before you, before anyone!" Sky yells and pulls away trying to run away but I once again stop him. He struggles to set free as I have a tight grip on him. "You are hurting me!" Sky yells. "Stop fighting and you won't be hurting," I say calmly and he does as told. "Are you done?" I ask Sky. He nods. "Okay, well how does Elena's death have to do with you being suicidal?" I ask. "How? She was killed because of me! It's my fault she's dead!" Sky yells, I look to the side and notice Joker's truck coming into the property. "Wipe off the anger from your eyes," I say and he looks confused. "Why?" "Do as told." "No..." "then your gonna die, Joker is here," he looks surprised and instantly tries to remove the red from his eyes. "How may we help you, Joker?" I ask as he nears us. I let Sky's arm free. He looks surprised as done so. "You won't be able to help me... but she will," Joker says looking at Sky who takes a step back. "H-how" Sky clutters. "I need a favor," "Depen-nds" "It's about my brother, Killer." Yes, their mother was a psycho. "I haven't done anything bad therefore I want nothing to do with Killer,"  Sky says straight-forward. "Well too bad because you will deal with him anyway," Joker says getting irritated. "Force me." Sky dears and takes another step back. "Wanna bet?" Joker states as he comes forward. "Hey, Hey, chill. Take it, easy man. I think we can talk this out," I say and stand in between them. "Why hm? There is nothing to talk about! They are psycho! Just like their mother!" Sky says from behind me. "You shut the fuck up!" I yell at Sky. "Yes! I am psycho but my fucking brother needs you right now," Joker says. "Both of you shut the fuck up!" I yell. "What does your brother need?" I ask. "He has been down since Em came back to El Paso and needs her back in Houston," Joker says. I feel Sky's hand on my back and I step to the side. "I won't go back to Houston in a while, my father is looking for me over there and I won't risk him finding me, he is going to kill me if that happens," Sky says and Joker seems surprised. "Wait what? He told me you were here to avoid him..." Joker says. "No, I'm not here to avoid him. I have a family whom I have to keep safe, they had their lives perfect in Houston but because of my biological father, we had to move here to avoid him," Sky says and Joker looks back at the truck. "I'll notify him of that, for now, you better not be lying to me and you better tell them who Elena is," Joker states. "I already told him," Sky says. "And I was born yesterday? Don't you think I met your mother back in Italy?" Joker says making me confused. "I don't think they deserve to know who Elena was, yes, I get they are trying to keep me safe but I don't need their safety all I fucking need is to get this over with so we can move on," Sky says and Joker looks at me expecting me to say something but I just raise my hands in defeat. "I have to go but you better not be doing stupid shit," Joker says and walks to his truck and out. "AND IF I DO WHAT!" Sky yells after the truck. "Then you will pay consequences," I state. "Watch me," Sky says and tries to walk away. "Sky, why don't you get it?" "Get what?" he asks. "That we are trying to watch after you," I say. "I think you guys are the ones that don't get it. You guys don't fucking get that I am going to die anyway. I am not going to be taking the treatment and that will cause my death eventually, my father will eventually find me I can't always run away from my problems, you guys can't take back what I hate from life and it going to kill me, slowly but surely..." "Or maybe not so slowly. Right?" I ask he nods. "What are you going to do today?" "I got class, then I'll be back and I got training, I skipped it yesterday... then I don't have no idea." "What happened to your knuckles and why is your wrist wrapped up, don't think I didn't notice." I question. "Why do I feel like I am at an interrogatory?" Sky asks. "I just want to know," "I hit the rock wall yesterday night, I hurt my broken wrist and Brandon wrapped it up before giving me some drink to make me sleep for 20 mins without nightmares," Sky says calmly. "Are you going to help your family decorate the house? We thought we could decorate our houses as well you know to light up this park," I state, he takes a step back. "Don't count on me," Sky finally says, "I have class, I have to go..." "Sky. Someone has to go with you? I don't trust you alone right now, to be honest, I don't want you alone," I say and he looks down. "Angi!" Sky yells towards the benches. 'mhm,' we hear from behind us. We look back and notice the little girl was looking at us with attention. "What's going to happen with them?" I ask Sky. "They are looking for Skydin," Sky says and I slowly nod. "Do you want to go to UTEP with me? You know since that is your dream college, I was thinking you could come with me," "Yea! But can I go change real quick?" Angi replies. "Yeah, hurry." Angi runs towards their house. "Do you by any chance do you know where Skydin is?" I ask Sky. "No." "You're the last one that talked to him." "I saw him about a week ago in Houston, he said he was heading to El Paso... after he attempted to kill me," Sky says. "So he's here?" "I got no idea." "Man, come one just tell us where he is. I want my brother back, please," says one of the guys. "I look after who I really care about, Skydin not being one of them...Kevin," Sky says. "Wow, wait a minute. I though Skydin did not have brothers," I say. "We all hide things, don't we? We all just live in a world of lies," Sky says to me. "Unfortunately," "Yea.  I'll be back later," Sky says. "So what we do with them? Do we just let them roam around and hope Skydin comes along?" I ask. "Do as you wish? if they want to roam around and see what their brother has to deal with then do so, if not the doors are wide open..." "Wait, how did you know his name? who they were looking for?" "They looked for Sky in Houston at the mall..." "Your mall?" "Yeah, our mall." Sky says and walks to the Jeep, Angi walking behind. They leave and I look at the helpless family. "Hey!" Ed comes. "Hey," I say. "Have you seen Em?" "He just left for class," "oh.," he sounds disappointed. "Okay, well see ya," Ed says and runs to the skating area. "you guys can do as you wish, Skydin won't be around for a while, not that I know about, I'm sorry." I turn to walk away only to be almost run over. "Hey, take it slow," I say and look at who it is. "Oh, hey. Um. Did you see where Skydin hide?" Izik asks. "Skydin isn't here?" "Yes, he is. We were playing a while ago," I look towards the family who seemed confused. "Where did you see Skydin?" I ask. "We were playing tag by the basketball court." "You do know he should be around here without permission right?" I ask Izik who shakes his head. I huff, "what do you know" I mumble to myself. I look at Emmet who was walking toward us. "We have to look for Skydin if he's in the property, he doesn't belong here without any permission and he's breaking the compromise. His family is also looking for him," I say to Emmet who nods and runs towards the pole and turn in the blue lights on and makes everyone walk out of their houses. "What do the blue lights mean?" Izik asks. "Means everyone must be outside to examine the houses and park." I walk towards everyone at the middle of the park. "Why are you guys hunting down Sky!" Izik yells. I turn and walk to him again. "Look. You are new and know nothing. For now, make us a favor and stay out of our way and stay with the family. If you see Skydin again let me know, you better not help her out to escape or you are going to fucking die even if your the newest kid here, understood?" I say and he nods scared. 

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