10 years later....

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Emily POV

"Get your ass up you faggot!!!" Once again I heard my father yell he thought I was asleep but I  wasn't able to sleep. I never sleep ever since that night. I roll in my bed but I roll to the wrong side and fall off with a big Thung sound. "I guess I'll wake up then" I mumble to my self still tired. Why does life have to be so mean! I walk towards my closet and grabbed some black ripped pants, a black Tank Top, my sweater that has a wonderful skull in it my cat beanie and head for the shower. I took a quick hot shower which I didn't want to come out of but I had to I got dressed and went to my mirror. Uh... I hate how I look, I'm ugly and fat. I get my hairbrush and brush my black and blue hair, I then blow it dry and it stays puff up just like I like it. It covers my eyes and it makes it easier for me to hide from my bullies. I then hear my dad leaving for "work" and I open my medicine cabin and grabbed my little shiny friend. I pull up my sweaters sleeve and I cut one for being ugly, two for being unwanted, three for being stupid, four for being born and five for being bullied and beaten by my dad. I then wash my wrist in the sink. Once my wrist is clean I go to back to my room to get my skull backpack, my packet of cigarettes, I place my friend in the little bag inside my backpack, I then look over at the clock in the cabin next to my bed and see I have 20 mins till I get to class. I then put my black combat boots on I get my gun from under the bed and secure it in my hip then cover it with my hoodie. I get my phone and headphone and lastly, I grab my skateboard and head out for the day. I put my headphones on blast and start skating to school. half way there I turn on a cig. 

I enter school hoping that today I wasn't going to get bullied. I walk toward my locker but right before I got there I heard Liam my bully say "Morning fag!" I keep walking trying to avoid him "didn't you hear me fag" he yells as he pushes me to some locker. A sharp pain shot through my body. He kicked me in the stomach and I bend over trying to catch my breath he rose his hand in a fist. I closed my eyes waiting for the punch to come but it never did, I slowly open my eyes to see Edwin holding Liam's fist and giving him a death glare. "Aww look the fairy is defending the fag," Liam said. Edwin was about to punch him straight in the face when I hold him back a whispered an "It's not worth it." Edwin looked at me then at Liam and told him to Fuck off and Liam did. "Hi... how you doing?" asked Edward and I just shrugged and "you?" he also shrugged. I slightly chuckled at him and continued my journey to my locker with him on my back. Our lockers were next to each other luckily. I grabbed my stuff for 1st class and left my bag and skateboard in it but not before grabbing my pack of cigs and my little back that contains my blades and was about to head to class when Edwin grabbed me from the wrist and I flinched. He looked down at my wrist then back at me I was looking at my shoes. He pulled me towards the guy's restroom and told me to wait outside as he went to check if anyone was in the restroom. He came back as the bell rang and everyone left for a class he told me to come in. I do as told and get in. He looks at me when he asks "You have been smoking and you cut... why? let me see your wrist" I hesitated then pull my sleeve up revealing countless cuts. He looks at them then at me and asks why again my answer was usually already. He said, "You need to stop." I say no I'm not going to stop and let me see your cuts yes he cuts as well he pulls his sleeves up revealing 4 cuts "Why?" I ask. He looks down and says "My dad punched me in the stomach multiple time yesterday, sorry I couldn't take it." I look at him then say "it's ok" and I hug him making sure not to hurt him. I pulled away and he asked, "why?" I looked down and say " He has gotten worst he drinks a lot and he hurts me in so many ways it hurts, sorry" he pulls me in for a hug and says "It's time for class" I nod and we both walk out after pulling our sleeves down. We walk to class. I wasn't paying attention... I was scribbling in class til I got bored and blocked out.

 The bell ringing and went to my other class, biology. The day dragged by slowly and it was finally over. Edwin and I walk to our lockers to get out homework and stuff from the morning. We leave school making our way to the park to meet up with our gang. 

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