Staying Safe

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Emily P.O.V.

'Go Diego Go!' is the first thing i hear as I open my eyes slowly. I move my hand to stretch only to whimper in instant pain. I bite my lower lip. I feel someone stare me from behind. I try to turn in horrible pain. I lay in my back looking at the ceiling as i let air i didn't know i was holding out. I close my eyes and open them again. I know they are hazel. "How are you feeling? Other than the horrible pain you are in right now?" I hear Ty ask and I turn my head to my right side. "When did you get here?" I say in pauses as i try to breath right.  "Not long ago, around 5:30 ish. The kids are watching TV." He says and i'm confused. "They are watching what?" I ask. "TV, they are watching TV" He says and looks at me confused reflecting my face. "Who the hell know what that is" I say giving up. "You slept through the night with a fever according to Fla" he notifies and i nod with horrible pain slowly closing my eyes. I take a deep breath and hold it as i sit up not giving myself a chance to breath before standing up, Ty grabs my arm to hold me in place as i finally breath. I rest my head in his shoulder and he slowly lets go of my arm knowing he was hurting me. He places his hand behind my head. "Its going to be okay little one" he says and i nod. I try to stand up right with a bit of Ty's help, i'm able to do so. I walk to the connection of the room and the kitchen/leaving room. I look at the rest sitting in the couches looking at a random square that looks like a laptop without the keyboard. Looks more like a desk computer but without the monitor. It was playing some guy hanging from a vine to get an animal up in the tree. "Is that what you call a TV?" I ask Ty who is next to me. He nods. "Yes, that is a TV and what they are watching is a cartoon" He says softly. I slowly walk into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge but then i see a  bottle of alcohol and i change it for the bottle. I open it and start drinking it as i walk to the couches not sitting down, i touch Kat's head. She looks up. "Mommy!" she yells and stands up to hug my waist. I wince but lay a hand in her head brushing her soft hair with it. "How are you little one?" I ask with pain evident in my voice. "I'm good an' you?" she says in her sweet voice. "I'm okay little one. You ate already?" I ask and she nods. "He made breakfast" she says pointing at Brandon and i nod slightly chuckling. "His name is Brandon, little one" i say and she nods. "Brandon made breakfast for all of us. It was delicious! He's an awesome cook" she says, letting go and jumps when saying 'delicious'. Brandon chuckles. I take a sip of the bottle. I put it down in the side table and look at Jacob who is curled in a little ball in the corner of the couch. "Jacob? Come here bud" I say and look at him who looks at me with tearful eyes. "Whats the matter?" I ask as he come to me. "Diego didn't save the puppy first, he saved the kitten first. Its not fair!" he says and crosses his arms. I look up at Fla sitting in the opposite couch. "Son, Diego will eventually go back for the puppy, but he could only save one at the time. See he's on his way back to get the puppy." Fla says looking at him then at the square thing... oh TV. "Come on bud wash those tears and keep your head up." I say and half hug him since he is standing in the couch's arm rest. He nods wiping his tears. "There!" He says with a smile on his face. "Can I have some?" He asks looking at the bottle. I shake my head no. "No bud, not today. You should go finish watching D-Diego. You too little one." I say to both Kat and Jacob. They both sit back in the couch watching TV. "How are you feeling?" Alex asks and i look at him. "I'm doing okay, i'll survive." i say to him before taking another sip of alcohol. "You feel good enough since you are drinking. Even though your eyes tell me you are in horrifying pain right now... Your eyes don't lie." Fla says and I nod. I hate the fact that him and Ty both know me well. "Sis? How bout you take that sweater off, i feel hot by just looking at you with a sweater." He says but i instantly shake my head no. He huffs. "Did you eat?" I ask him. He shakes his head no. "How-come?" "Just not hungry, I been worried that's all" he says. "And I am meant to believe that. I won't" i say and he look down at the floor. "How about I make you some breakfast. I know Ty hasn't eaten either along with Fla" I say. "How do you-" "I know you guys, I have lived with you. I had to deal with you guys more than anyone can think of, so you can't either trick or lie to me." I say cutting Fla off. "Are you you going to eat with us?" Ty asks and I shake my head no. "Why?" asks Ed. "Not hungry." I say walking to the kitchen. "Are you really going to cook for us? You don't usually do that, what changed?" Fla asks "Yesterday, I noticed some stuff.... lets just leave it like that" i say and take out some eggs and the ham. I take out a pan pouring some oil in it, letting it hit up. I then crack 4 eggs placing them in the oil and making them scrambled and cut the ham into pieces. I pour the ham on top of the eggs and mixed them, letting them cook before turning off the fire and serving them in 7 plates. "Evan, Brandon, Alex, and Matt. Come eat, I know you haven't eaten either." I call for them and they slowly walk towards the kitchen table as i place food in front of them. "Thank you Sky." They say and start eating. I lean on the counter looking at them eat as I drink the rest of the alcohol in the bottle. I go to the fridge looking for another bottle but find nothing. "It was the last one." Fla says not looking at me. I huff and go back to the counter. "Where are Ty and Angi?" I ask noticing they where missing. "They went to the park with Blake." Ty says. "Why is Blake here?" I ask. "He's here for a fight, he will have later" Ty notifies. I nod. "Ed what you thinking? You haven't said anything" I ask. "Nothing I'm still wondering what you noticed yesterday that made you wanna cook for us? You don't like getting near the kitchen because it involves food" he says and I nod. "I noticed how important you all are in my world. You guys are the reason I did not give up and left with them yesterday. You all are the reason I have stayed strong. The unknown reason that I had lived up to now. I realized how amazing you all are and the important role you guys take in my life" I say truthfully looking at him straight in the eyes. "Thank you guys, all of you" I say and go back to the fridge looking for another bottle hoping i had just not looked right and Fla could be wrong. "Em. I'm serious there is no more alcohol. We can go buy more later" Fla says. "Nah, not today. I want to stay here and enjoy a day in peace. I know there will be no emergencies or safety issues here. So I just wanna stay here and enjoy. I have my guitar and my phone and laptop all i need to survive a day at home" I say and he chuckles as he nods. "Okay" is all he says. I decide to take a shower to clean up all the blood from my shoulder from the night. 

"Hi Em" says Blake as he sits next to me in my bed. I look up at him. "Hi" I mumble "your in pain, your eyes are hazel with a little of dark coffee" He says and i just look at the wall. "Have you eaten?" he asks noticing i hadn't answered. "No..." "how-come?" "Just not hungry that's all" I say and sit down in the bed. I miss my bed it has walls in 3 sides and this one only has one that is the top one. I look down at my hands. Blake places his hand over mine making me look up at him. "Let me see baby girl. Take your sweater off" he says but i don't move instead i just look back down. "Hey baby girl please" he says shaking his hand over mine. Brandon come into the room. "Is everything okay?" he asks, Blake nods, "I'm just wanting to make her take her sweater off. Em let me see, let me heal it little one" He says as Brandon sits to my side. He brings me into a hug them lets me go. "Take it off baby-boy" Brandon says grabbing a piece of sweater and softly pulling on it. I shake my head no. "I won't be surprised to see bruises little one, please" Brandon says. Matt and Evan some in joking around with Fla who seems happy. Fla looks at me then at Brandon's hand. He continues playing with Evan and Matt. "Em please" Blake says. I look at him with blue, hazelish silver, and capri eyes. "Come on little one, take it off... I wont fall for that capri color in your eyes." Blake says i softly huff. "Come on baby-boy" Brandon says and i give up. I slowly unzip my sweater and pull it off carefully. Brandon gasps but i just close my eyes. "Hold on" I hear Fla say. I feel a cold hand on my cut up wrists. I slowly open my eyes to see Fla is the one holding my wrists. He is analyzing them but mainly focuses on my left one, which is a bit swollen and has blue around it more that the normal bruise my father made. "This wrist is broken, how is it that you are not using the bandage?" he asks and i just stare at my cuts and shrug. "It's out of place again" says Alex who is standing next to Evan. "I know" i  mumble and try to pull away from Fla. "No. Imma put it back in place and we will put a bandage around it and don't think I didn't noticed the blood in your shoulder last night" I nod. Fla slightly presses around my wrist just like Alex had before i left to the aquarium just a day ago. Once he finds it he pops my bone back in place, I just keep my eyes close this whole time. I feel someone else starting to wrap the bandage around my wrist while Fla holds it in place. They clean up my shoulder as well and wrap it up. When they finish wrapping it up I feel the hand who was wrapping my shoulder grab my hand and lay in in my leg but not letting go. I slowly open my eyes to see its Blake. He is observing my bruises and the cuts my father did in both of my arms, he finally looks up at me. "Is the rest of your body the same?" he asks. "No... its worst" I say and he look at me worried. "okay. Imma talk with Ty." Is all he says and walks out of the room as I put my sweater back on. "Go back to sleep beautiful, you really need rest" Evan says sitting next to me where Blake was and made me lay back down. I cover my face with my pillow as I slowly let tears fall. I feel a pull on the pillow but i don't let go. Not long after I feel a a cold hand rubbing my back softly, bigger than Fla's hand. I wipe my tears and slowly remove the pillow from my face. Alex is the only one next to me, the rest went to the kitchen/leaving room. He watches over me as i fall asleep.

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