Its Finally Over!

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Emily POV

I'm so bored! I really am.  I have nothing to do. I never thought I would say this but I'm getting tired of the same songs. Why does my life has to be this silent and weird. I swear Imma die from boredom. I huff. Then I start singing in my mind. Imma die. Imma die. I'm so fucking bored. Imma die. Imma die. Cause my life is so boring! I repeat over and over again in my head. I take a audible sigh. And huff again as I sing along in my head.  I move my head side to side along with the rhythm of my new boredom song. "what are you think Em" says Evan with a chuckle I hadn't noticed him come in the leaving room. "oh hi" I say startled and sit up right in the couch. I was previously laying down upside down. "Hi.  What you doing upside down and moving your head around?" he asks. "oh I just created a new song." I say and throw my hands up in the air. "really?" he asks as he looks at me.  "Yea, it called the boredom song" I say and we start laughing hard. "you are one crazy cookie Emily" he says as he calms down. "Really?" I ask in a surprise tone. He nods. "Yeap!" he says cheerfully and plops down in the couch in front of me.  "so whatcha gonna do today?" he asks and I shrug "I don't know honestly." I say. "Well what you wanna do? You don't work today do you?" "Nope not today. I don't know" I say popping the p. "why did you guys come home early, you and Matt? It had been a while since you guys where absent or home early. " I ask curiously as I look at the time in my phone. "There was testing going on so the elective classes where canceled. We teach dance and music classes they count as electives." He says with a sigh. "you like dance?" I ask. He nods. "nice I do to and I also teach music and dance at the building.  I enjoy it. You know it's a way to forget about life sometimes" I say. "Cool you might show us your skills later on if you want." he says and I nod. " what time do Angela and Tylan get home?" I ask. "They will probably get here like in an hour or so, they are bringing some friends with them" He says and I nod.  "so what are you guys gonna do?" I ask him. "We are just going to hang around the house for today. You know since we have been out and in the house the last few weeks it's hard to not be home." he says and I nod.  Matt come into the leaving room huffing. I raise an eyebrow. "you okay?" I ask.  He nods but it doesn't convince me. "what's the matter?" I ask. "nothing just bored and confused and a but angry." he says sitting next to Evan.  "angry?" Evan asks. "Yea Alex told me to behave my age and not to act like a little girl telling her mother that's shes hungry" he says and crosses his arms. I chuckle, "okay well I don't K of what bothered you the most the fact that you where called a little girl or the fact that you were trying to catch his attention and you didn't get it." I say. "he called me a girl!" he protests.  I nod.  "Okay, can't you just tell him to not call you a girl next time?" Evan asks.  "No! He'll be like 'you need to act your age baby'" he says and huffs.  I chuckle. "Just next time call him but wait for a valid response before calling him again" I say. He nods. "But still it's not fair for him to call me a girl!" he argues. "Baby stop arguing. I'm sorry" Alex says as he enters the leaving room. Matt pouts and I chuckle. Alex kisses Matt softly biting his pout in the way. Matt opens his mouth to protest but Alex capture him into a deep kiss. They finally pull back and Brandon sits next to Evan bringing him into his lap. "so how are you Em?" Alex asks.  "I'm good" I say and he nods okay.  "what you up to?" Brandon asks. "creating a song called the boredom song." I say and they chuckle. "Nice nice" Brandon says. "indeed" Evan says. 

"You hungry?" Alex asks me. "Nah not really thanks tho" I say and look at my phone that had vibrated. I frown as i see a message of Fla asking me to go to his house that he needed help. That his father was planning something bad. I text back  'okay and if i went though the front door?' 'yes, it will give me time to cover up' I nod to myself and stand up. I check my waist to see if i had my gun with me...nope. "You gotta eat tho." Said Alex and I shake my head no. "I got no time for that. Have you guys seen my gun?" I say and they all shake their head no. I sigh and run upstairs til i find it. I run back down but Matt stops me. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Fla!" I yell for them to hear me as i run across the street. I make sure my gun is not as visible as i cover it with my hoodie. I look back to the house and see that Brandon and the rest had seated down in the porch and where looking at my every movement. I press the door bell. I hear someone stumble towards the door. Fla's dad opens the door looks at me and closes it again. I shrug and look up the window to Fla's room. I walk back to the sidewalk and run towards the wall using my skills to climb up the wall and into Fla's balcony. I hear Fla yelling 'stop and please' over and over. I take my phone out and look for the record app. Once i find it I put it in my back pocket. I take out my gun and kick the doors easily opening them. Fla's dad stops and looks at me. He lets go of Fla and runs towards me I shoot his arm and leg but before i know it he's wanting to push me off the balcony. I punch him and we change positions. I kick him a few more times before pushing him off the balcony. He falls and i jump off the balcony after him and fall in my feet. I take out my pocket knife as i walk towards him. He crawls backward until he sees there is nowhere he could go and looks at me. I walk towards the sidewalk, standing in front of him. "Thought you where to much of a man? Thought you where better than anyone else? Thought you were loved? Thought the world was over you? Or did you think you could be special until someone found out? Thought you where tough and important? Thought you deserve everything?" I ask with a dark laugh as i play with the corner of my knife. "Answer." I say but he doesn't. "Answer!" I yell at him but he seems to not be here. I grab him and throw him towards the car he hits his head in the tire. "Does it hurt?" I laugh. He nods. "You have seen nothing." I say and squat down next to him. He tries to throw a punch but i block it. "Are you into to much pain to walk?" I ask. He nods. "That is what your son has to deal with daily! He has to deal with pain of beatings, rapes, and with your everyday bullshit along with the gangs!" I yell at him and stand up looking down at him. "Who is the one in the floor now? Who's the one that will know what his son felt? Who's the one that will get his beating? You know you and I could have so many similarities but no matter what those where you will never see them because you ruined that chance. You should have taken care of your son when you could. He never calls me but when he does it's because of something big. You know we could had avoided all this by simply being fair and cool with your son." i say as i look at him. "We could still give it a chance and get along?" He mumbles and I laugh. "Yea sure and i'm going to allow that right?" I say and kick him in the stomach making him fall to his side in pain. I kick him over and over until he was coughing out blood. "How does that feel huh?!" I yell at him and grab him from his shirt and push him towards his car. "Answer!" I yell at his face. "I-It h-hurts-s" he stutters and i laugh as i let him go. He tries his best to hold onto his car for balance. I look towards the house and see that Ty, Angela, a shy girl, and Ethan where looking at me. Ethan was walking towards me, but Ty tries stopping him. I point towards the inside of the house and he nods getting rid of Ty's grip and running upstairs of Fla's house. Ty was looking at me with a confused face, I ignore it and look back at Fla's dad who was still trying to hold on. "So have you thought about what you have done?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. I punch him in his face causing him to lose balance. I grab my knife and kneel down next to him. I grab his wrist. I slide it over and over. "This is what your son did to deal with the life you gave him. He used to say it helped him numb the pain. Does it numb your pain?" I ask and punch him, again no answer. I punch him over and over in his face taking out all the anger that had build up for years. The hater. The pain. The feelings. The anger and isolation. I took it all in him as i punched him over and over again, It would get worst as every punch landed in his face. I punched him he tried to fight back but had no skill to do so. I felt him stop trying. He was dead. I didn't stop, all the memories of me being back at my father came over me filling me up with anger once again. I punch him so hard. I am angry! I am sad! I am isolated! I am alone! I am messed up! 

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