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Skyden's POV

It's been only a few days and I can ones again walk and be normal me. I was unable to do so for two goddam long days! "Yo! Merry Christmas!" May yells as I near. I just smile. "Uh true you don't celebrate Christmas..." Keah says and pouts. "Sowy not sowy," I say and chuckle. "Daddy! Merry Christmas!" Kat yells and runs to me I catch and spin her around. "Merry Chrismas to you my love," I say and sit her on my hip. "Daddy guess what!?" Kat squeaks. "What?" I ask. "Grandpa Brandon and Alex gave me a big teddy bear! Grandpa Evan and Matt gave me a puppy!" "Is it alive?" I ask putting her down. "No duh dad! It's dead. They would so give me a dead puppy right?" Kat says and hits her head on my hip. "Hey, if it was Fla he would hand me a dead puppy and be like Merry Christmas motherfucker," I say laughing and Fla nods laughing. "Sky so I do know you hate Christmas because of life but I couldn't stop myself from buying you this specific gift when I saw it..." Ed says and I look at him and Fla suspiciously. Ed hands me a box that had holes on the top. I grab the box and place it on the table. "It better not be a rat." I look at him as I warn him. "It isn't. I promise." I look back at the box and take a deep breath. I open the box and see some clothing in the box. I look up at Ty who was smiling. I move the clothing as feel something move. I yelp. They all start laughing. "What is this!" I squeak. "Just keep moving it." They all look with attention. I pull the clothing all off at the same time. A snake falls into the box and I look at it with amazement. "No fucking way!" I yell and grab the snake wrapping it around my arm. It was so adorable. Brandon and the rest take a step back. I look at Ed. "It's a fucking Mexican boa! Where you got it from!?" I ask evidently excited. "It's a present I am to not tell you," Ed says and I pout. From the corner of my eye, I see some car pull up I ignore it and kneel down to show it to Kat who was scared. "It won't hurt you, it's a boy," I say as Kat nears. "Sky they are calling you. Who are they?" Chris says making me look up at him then at the car that came in. My blood turns cold. I turn around. I wrap the boa around my arm under my sweater. "Let's start training shall we?" I talk to the boa. "Stay together." I look at Evan and the rest along with Mike. "It's my father," I mumble to Chris who turns on red lights on the park. 

They move around the park surrounding them with guns pointing. I was turning when I feel Ed put something on my hoodie. "Don't get me in trouble." Fla and Ed stand in front of the family with their guns visible. "Look after Kat," is all I mumble before I walk towards my father. "Well well well looks like you found me didn't you?" I say. "You left Houston. We were going to come back but then one of your friends told us you where here, so we came and look they weren't wrong." "Oh, really and who was that?" I ask curiously. "Andy bring him down would you?" Clay walks to the car and pulls out someone I was obviously not expecting to see. It was Jasper. I close my eyes. "Surprised?" "Actually yes. I believed he was dead but you know we all just live in a world of lies. However, it does not surprises me that he betrayed me. It is him." I say looking at Jasper then back at my father. I felt a thun in my chest. "Well you found me can you tell me what you want?" I ask. "I want you back with us. Not some silly family who doesn't care about you." "Us? Since when did Clay become part of the group here? I mean just last month it was just you. You never needed anyone else to protect you? Not even Jurat." "Jurat is dead!" He yells, "You Killed Him!" I can see the hurt in his voice. "He was going to hurt my daughter! I was NOT going to allow that! You all have already killed me, but her? She is innocent and sweet, very unlike me. She is a little girl that has the world in her hands. I never had that now did I? You, Clay, Jurat. You all cut my wings when I was just a baby in arms." I say and he shakes his head no. "We did not want to hurt her!" "Then why did he rape her?" I ask with my hands open. Boa was just resting under my sweater. "You did not get to see the body but the night he died was the night he raped my little one, he didn't deserve to live." "If you would have never left that wouldn't have happened." He growls out. "But I did. I left and I talked. I left and won't go back." I say. "Come here." He orders. I walk forward only a few steps. "Tell your men to put the guns down." Clay orders and I just laugh. "You shut the fuck up! This is a conversation between him and myself. You aren't part of this. You are just one of his dogs who he doesn't care about. Or are you going to tell me he cared about Jurat? I mean, after all, he did care about Jurat more didn't he?" I ask and my father shakes his head no. "Your wrong there. I did care about Jurat!" Father yells. "Wow now did you?" I say trying to hold back laughter. "Why are you laughing?" father questions. I look at him in the eyes. "I laugh because you are evidently scared. You knew mom could have killed you because she was a gangster and you know I am too. You know I could easily kill you, you could kill me. One thing that I've always been told was students are meant to overpass their teachers. I got news dad. You taught me well." I look at the fence. Joker came into the property. "I won't deny your mother was strong but she wasn't able to kill me. No one can kill a marine!" He yells. "I disagree. Just know I was a marine myself. I have killed many military people before, you don't impress me." I look down and notice he had come up to me making us a few inches away from one another. I take a step back but he grabs my left elbow. I pull. "Get Kat." My father orders Clay. I dig my nail in boa's skin and threw him at Clay. Boa bites Clay in the neck. Clay struggles with boa and I push my father off me. He punches me but I duck it. He starts throwing punches. Unable to stop some I was soon on the floor. I stand and look at him. "Everyone put your guns down! Fla, Ed not you." I order. They all seem surprised. Father smiles. "This is a war between you and me, let kill it. I am tired of running." I say. "What?" Father seems confused. "Let's fight this off mother-fucker!" I yell. "Oh." "Yeah, oh. You are that stupid." I say. "Manners!" Father yells. "Manners? I wasn't taught manners though." I say and chuckle. "What's the deal?" Fathers seem intrested. "I win you die. You win I go back to you and your dog, it's on you to do as you wish to me ones back at home. Kat stays with the family. Well if he survives the bites." He thinks about it. "Can you stop the snake?" he asks. I walk towards Clay pointing him with my pocket knife. I grab boa and it wraps around my neck. "Skyden what the fuck are you doing. Is this like some suicide plan." Blake holds my waist holding me back from my father. "Let me go." I order. "You are going to get yourself killed my Joker and Killer." Chris says. I shrug. I set free from Blakes hold and look back at Kat. "Kat baby come here," I order. Crystal slowly lets her go. I take our the gun from my hoodie and point it to father and Clay who took a step forward. "Stay behind or I will shoot." I say and kneel down to Kat. I hand her Boa. "Stay safe little one. You are strong and you can get through anything if you believe it. Follow your dreams and don't give up. You always have them all to reach out to. Boa is going to keep you safe for now." I say in her ear. Father takes a step towards me and I glare at him daring him to do anything. "Daddy please stay with me." Kat begs. I look at Chris. "Stay with grandpa baby." I order and she walks back to the rest. I stand and threw my gun towards Chris. "I am to not be trusted with guns, right?" I ask. "Let's get this over with. No weapons. You stay where you are. Bubble Head hold him." I order bubble head and he walks behind Clay holding him back. "Tell him to fuck off." Father tells me. "No. This is between you and me. He is to not interrupt. My men have a word and will set him free with my order to do so. Now weapons to the side," I order and he unarms himself. 

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