Are you willing to?

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Evan P.O.V. 

After a long night in which Kat woke up crying due to nightmares and fever, I woke up once again. This time it was morning. Skyden kept on telling us to go back to bed that he had it. Don't get me wrong she knows a lot but Kat was not getting any better with nightmares. Even though he probably knew more since he experienced it himself. He wouldn't go to sleep either so we had to give them both a sleeping pill. It worked for Kat but not for Sky.

"Morning love," Brandon says as he stretches making my hands rub his chest. I growl. "Can I sleep in?" I ask. "You know sleeping in isn't healthy love.," He says and rests his left hand on my hip. "Besides, I'm making special dinner tonight," he whispers in my ear making me shiver. He kisses my sweet spot and kisses me deeply. Before letting go and getting in the shower. I get my stuff and joined him in his shower. 

"Good morning everyone!" Brandon says as everyone comes downstairs and Emily parks outside. "Good morning someone is in a very good mood. Today is your guys anniversary.," Alex says as he makes his way to the couch with his lover. "Good morning," Angela, Ty, and Ed say together. Sky comes in the house with Kat asleep in her arms. "Good morning to you all," she says. "Good morning where you go so early?" I ask. "I had to take out some money from the bank that's all." "What you need the money for?" Brandon asks. I rest my head on his shoulder. "That I will need to talk to you guys about in private all four of you," he says. I stand up, so does Matt, Brandon, and Alex. Skyden lays Kat in Ed's arms. "Where is Fla?" Ed asks. "He was out all night drinking. He'll be back soon, should take much longer unless he gets in a car accident." 

"What is it Skyden?" Matt asks. "I need us to go to El Paso, for a few days.," He says. "Why is that?" Alex asks. I listen tentatively. "My father will come looking for me, and you all. He knows I now have a family, he will come to kill. I need you all safe and the only way to do so is to take you all where he expects the least for me to be in. El Paso. Are you guys willing to go?"  "Well, are you really willing to- to go to El Paso?" Matt returns the question. I take a deep breath. "For your guys' safety... yes." "What's going to happen to Kat?" Brandon asks. "She will be staying with Crystal. It's the best for her. She's not used to you guys and I was talking with her earlier and she said she rather stay with Jacob and Crystal since she needed times. So that's what will happen..." she says and I shake my head no. "No what?" he asks me. "She will be coming with us. She needs his father, besides are you going to leave her where she runs the most danger?" I say. "No. Imma leave her in the safest place which is here, with Crystal. Crystal doesn't live alone. She lives with one person that will do anything for her and her kids. Kat being one of Jacobs best friends and yes she need me but she needs time from guys who she doesn't trust. last night was traumatizing for her," he says and I just look at her and nod still disagreeing. "I know you don't agree but it's the best for her..." he says and looks at me with silver and blue eyes. "You're the dad... do what you got to do," Matt says. Sky just nods and walks towards the door. "Where are you going?" "I'm simply not going to risk it...Kat will wake up anytime soon," "risk what?" "Nothin'," he says and walks out. "risk the fact that he can be hurt.." Matt answers my question. I just look at him then back down.

 I huff and walk after him. "I'm sorry..." I say once I reach her outside on the sidewalk. "For what?" he asks pretending to not know. "For the way, I talked to you," I say and he looks at me then down. "Don't matter, just go inside Imma go for a walk.." he says and turns on a cig. "Please come inside and eat something," I say and he shakes his head. "Not now," he says with green, hazel, and silver eyes. "What hurts?" I ask. "What are you talking about?" he asks. "Your eyes have hazel on them... means your in pain right?" I asked unsure of myself. "Yea, that's what it means, I'm glad you been connecting the dots and my lungs do," he says. "Then you should stop smoking it's only going to make it worst. I know what I'm telling you," I say and he shakes his head. We hear a whistle and we both look at the direction. Sky nods and turns to me. "I have to go, but I'll be back later," he says and I nod and start walking towards the house. He waits until I go in. I walk to the leaving room and look out the window, he was standing in the same place looking down, the guy that whistled came behind him. He tells him something before grabbing his arm and pulling Sky towards the road. They walk all the way to the corner of the road together. "What is it, love?" I hear Brandon say for the 10th time. "Nothing." I finally answer him. "You sure?" "No.," I say and walk out the leaving room. I walk into our room and lay down in bed pulling the covers over me, silently crying. I hear a knock on the door multiple times but I don't answer. 

I suddenly feel the bed dip in from the corner. I look up to Fla being there. "Sit up man," he says strictly. "No," I mumble. "Don't be stubborn and sit up," he says even more strictly. I do as tell but don't look up at him. "Sky is just trying to stay alive... that's why he's being cold. It's better if we go back to El Paso for a few days, without Kat, because their first instinct when they find out Sky isn't here will be to think that Kat is with us... they won't look for Kat here in Houston. Kat is safe here," he says. "How did you know what was wrong?" I ask. "Because I reacted the same way you did when he told me he wanted Kat to stay in Houston." I nod and look up at him. "How are you feeling? Don't say ok or fine." "I'm numb, went out drinking all night, I needed it," he says and I nod. "What's going on in your mind recently?" "Nothing good," he answers honestly and stands up. "I'mma go watch over Kat, who's asleep. Ed will go to work in a few mins," he says. "Who was the man who came to get her?" I ask him as he was walking to the door. He stops. "A man came to her?" he asks. "Yeah," "How he look?" "Tall, fit, gangster, scar in his left arm..." I say confuse. "Fuck, Skyden. What you got yourself into?" he mumbles to himself. "Who is he?" I say worried. "No one friendly," he says. "You just described half of the people that hang out with Y'all," I say. "A guy that will hurt her if he deserves it..." Fla says and walks out the room, instantly yelling for Ed as he walks down the stairs. I decide to walk out after him. "What Sky do?" Fla questions Ed in the kitchen. "He went out to a fight last night for like 10 mins, out here in the street, why?" Ed asks. "Killer came after her earlier," "Yeah, I know, Evan was staring out the window to them every movement," Ed says. "Why he come for her though? He doesn't usually do that. He usually tells us to go to him or we die.. what changed?" Fla asks. "Everything, last night Sky fought to protect us. To keep Clay out of here, they know where we live, now. She let Clay go, but he is hurt. He is considered Sky family since he raised her along with Jurat and his father, Sky hurt Clay. He is being hurt for that.." Ed explains. "Where are Angi and Ty?" Fla asks. "asleep." "Fuck, they will come after us today.." Fla yells to himself. "I need you all to pack your guys stuff, take anything important. Please take clothing, we are going to El Paso today. We can't stay here. Sky will understand when he's back. Kat is coming with us," Fla says and we nod. "Wait why?" Ed asks. "Because if they know where we live they will know where to find Crystal," Fla says and Ed nods. Fla calls Crystal. 'Pack your shit, you're coming with us to El Paso' 'okay, when?' 'today.' He says and hangs up. "Guys take what you can, we don't know if we will be able to come back to this house while Sky's dad is alive." "Whoa, calm down," Alex says. "Calm down? You guys life is in fucking danger I'm the one responsible for your guys' safety right now. I'm the adult right now. Get your shit together, we have an hour to get out of here," Fla says and Alex nods. "Okay, but when are we coming back?" Alex insists. "Probably never, So shut the fuck up and get ready, Ed take what you can don't worry much about clothing, you got your shit in El Paso, ok?" "ok," Ed says and runs upstairs to pack. Fla keeps making calls and the hour flies by and soon Sky is home and we are all packed up with the things in both the van and Jeep. "Sky, we are leaving right now, you know why." "Okay," Sky says and goes upstairs to get 3 things, an owl plushie, a choker, and Kat's bag. He comes back down and looks out to the house taking a deep breath. "Sky, it's time to go, they will be here soon, Blake is here already," Fla says and rests his hand on Em's shoulder. He nods and turns around. "Let's go," he says. Sky, Angi, Kat, Alex and Matt get on the Jeep. Fla, Ty, Brandon, Crystal, Jacob, and I are in the van. Blake was leading the way in front of us all. Fla was the one driving, he kept an eye on the road all the way to San Antonio where we make a stop. 

Blake goes on a building with the bracelets he wouldn't leave Em go herself. Em walks to the van and opens the door. "Do any of you want chips? We will not be eating until we are at El Paso," "I do!" Ty yells and Sky hands Fla some chips. "The house was just attacked by the way," Sky says before walking to the Jeep again. He sits next to the back wheel curling into a ball. "I'll be back," Fla says and walks towards Emily who was crying into his shoulder. Fla wipes Sky's tears as Blake comes back with a busted lip, who hands them the bracelets. Then we are back on the road to El Paso.

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