Please No!

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Mike's P.O.V.

"Hey Sky, how was work?" I ask as he plops on the couch of his house. "Normal." "You okay, sis?" Ed asks. "Yeah." "You seem pretty silent if you ask me," Brandon states. "I'll be fine!" Sky protests and stares at the wall. "Here Sky," Fla says as he hands him a beer. Sky grabs it. "I don't think it's healthy for you to be drinking..." Kevin says and Sky huffs. "I don't do anything that is healthy for me. Never have. Can you all just fucking leave it alone!?" Sky yells. "Sis, come." Ed stands and walks to the kitchen. Sky thinks of it before standing up. I'm able to catch him before he fell. He closes his eyes. "You sure you are okay?" I ask. Sky nods. "You can let go now," he says. "Yeah." Sky walks to the kitchen and I can only hear mumbling coming from there. After a few minutes, Ed walks back to the living room. "Fla, Sky's going upstairs." "Okay." Fla stands to follow Sky upstairs, I stand and follow him Brandon just nods at me. "Hey, Sky please open up bud," I hear Fla say as I insert the room. We could hear soft sobs from inside the restroom. Fla leans on the door closing his eyes. "Bud please," Fla begs. After a few minutes, the lock turns. Fla turns the knob and opens the door and sneaks his head in. He sighs. "You threw up blood again little one and you cut come one stand up.," I hear Fla says as he closes the door behind him. I stand outside awkwardly. "Sky stay awake little one," I hear Fla say and hear the toilet flush. The doorknob turns as they come out. Sky was as pale as snow. Fla carries him to bed. Sky's eyes start closing. "Call Brandon please," Fla orders and I do as told. "Brandon, Fla need you upstairs," I say and he nearly runs upstairs and I follow. "I need you to stay awake Sky," Fla says as Brandon clears the blood from Sky's wrist. "I need to put stitches." Brandon looks at Fla who nods. "Only Chris has stitches, no one else." "Okay." Brandon tries to stop the bleeding but Sky seems to be losing consciousness. Fla calls Chris but Emmet answers. 'Fla?' 'We need Chris to stitch Em's arms the bleeding won't stop.' 'He is... he's on his way...'  Within minutes Chris was in the room and was stitching the cuts but he had put something over the cuts for them to stop bleeding, I'm guessing it hurt since all we could hear was mumbles and growls from Sky. I close my eyes for a while. "You okay Mike?" I hear Brandon ask. I just nod. "Sky has another fever Fla," Chris says. "I got the water," Brandon says and goes to the restroom to turn on the water. "He...he threw up blood again..." Fla notifies Chris who looks at him then at Sky. "He has been losing way to much blood.," Chris says. "The water is ready." I grab Sky and carry him to the bathtub. "He's very light..." I state. "He doesn't eat," Chris says frustrated. I nod and walk back into the room as Chris closes the door. "What do they do to Sky in there?" I ask. "They wet his body in warm water forcing the fever to lower, sometimes it works other times it doesn't," Fla answers as he gathers clothes for Sky and hands it to Chris. After 15 minutes Chris walks out with Sky who was asleep. "Is it safe for him to sleep?" Fla asks and Chris thinks about it. "Not really, because we both know he will wake up with nightmares and is more likely to take off the stitches as he always does." Chris lays Sky down and Brandon sits next to him and I lean on the end of the bed. "I should wake him up then," Fla says and Chris nods. Fla slightly shakes Sky up but Sky won't move or even protest. I look at Chris. "He's breathing," Brandon says. "His heart is barely beating, the pumps aren't really noticeable," Brandon says and leans on his hands and knees. Chris closes his eyes. "Call Ed," Fla orders. "Why?" Brandon asks. "S-Sky might not make it out of this one, please just call Ed or he will lose it. Please just do as told!" Fla yells. "I got it." I run downstairs and Ed looks at me. "What is it?" he instantly asks. "Fla said to call you," I say and my voice cracks. "Sky might not make it..." I finally say and he pushes me out of the way as he runs upstairs. Cayden runs behind him. I stand at the entrance. I decide to follow them and I walked upstairs. "Sky. Sis. Please." Ed says and I could tell Fla was silently crying. Chris walks to him and hugs him. I stand in shock. I look at Cayden who was not breathing and was just standing and looking. Evan and Alex and Matt came into the room. "Breath," Alex tells Cayden and Cayden does as told only to break down crying. Alex gets him before he fell. They both sit on the floor, Alex holding Cayden. Ty comes into the room and hugs Ed who just pushes him off. "Ed he's gone." Ty ones again try to get Ed off Sky's body. Ed yells no and lays down next to Sky hugging him and crying. "Fla no!" Chris says as Fla tries to get off Chris grip. "No!" Cayden yells. Ed kisses Sky on the head. Alex lets go of Cayden as Cay pushes him off. "Cayden stop." Kevin from behind us orders.

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