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Emily P.O.V

"Ok great we will be there" I hear Edwin say as he hangs up the phone. We decided to sit in the leaving room in which i am falling asleep in. "Ready for some fun?" He says looking at me with an evil grin. "What's on your minds Edwin Delare?" I ask and he pouts since i used his full name. "We have to go to the building." He said as he sits down in the opposite side couch looking at me. I look at him and rest my head back. "nay i'm not going." "You kind of have to sweetheart." he says and stands up. "at 2 pm love." he says standing up and walking out of the leaving room. I pick up my phone to check the time. 12:10 it read. I growl and huff somehow twitching til i fell to the floor and standing up still huffing and threw my head back with my eyes closed. I drag myself to the kitchen and i hear giggling it was Evan and Brandon sitting. "Everything okay?" Evan asks still giggling. I open an eye. "yea why?" I ask as i sit in a stool and drop my head in the table. "You are huffing and mumbling." Brandon comments as the giggling vanishes. "Why can't I just get a day when i'm home" I say in a childish voice and cross my arms. Brandon and Evan start laughing again, i pout. "Where are you going now?" Evan asks. "We have to go to the dam and stupid building" I huff as i stand up going to the fridge. I open the fridge and see a bunch of food. My stomach growls. "Are you hungry?" Brandon asks in a surprised voice. I grab an apple. "no" I say as i go back and sit down. I bite my apple instantly regretting it since my stomach growled louder. I slowly chew in the piece of apple and swallowed. "Yea sure then why did your tummy growl?" Brandon asks. I look around and try to look for something to change the subject. I notice they were reading something before I came in. "What you guys reading?" I ask. "Bills. Don't change the subject. I'll make you something to eat if you are hungry." Brandon says. I look down at the apple and take another bite. "No thanks i'm not hungry." I mumble. "Em look at me." Brandon orders me. I shake my head no. "Please" he says in a serious and worried tone. I can't resist and slightly looks up at him. "Em you need to stop starving yourself. it's not good. I'll make you something and you are going to eat it okay baby girl?" he says I look down half ways. "I'm okay. I don't want to eat please." I say and look everywhere but him. "I know but you need to." he says standing up. I stand up as well. "I'm not going to eat. I'll finish throwing up. I don't want that sorry." I say and walk out of the kitchen and walk into my room. I drop myself in my bed. I get my phone out and notice i have 2 missing calls and 5 messages from Fla. I press the call back button and put it in speaker. It ring twice before I hear a 'hi Em'. 'Hi Fla watt's up?' 'not much i heard you are not feeling well today' he says catching my attention 'who told you?' i ask 'Ed... he said you seem pale and that he heard you throwing up earlier. Are you okay? Did you throw up blood?' He asks and i huff. 'I'm okay or will be, i just feel like doing nothing today.' 'i feel you but we got notified that we have to go to the building later on' he says and i nod but remembered he can't see me. 'Yea I know. Are you going.?' I ask hoping he said no. 'yea we kind of have to. Fuck them. What do they want now?' he says in an annoying voice. I could tell my eyes were yellowish. 'yeap' i agreed. 'hey i got to go Fla imma try to rest before we have to go. I'm tired as fuck.' I say and rest my head in my pillow. ' you want me to hang so that you can sleep some?' he asks. I think about it then give up on deciding. 'sure.' i say. 'okay i'll hit you up in a bit.' he says and hangs up. 30 seconds later i hear the door bell ring. He was already outside when i said sure asshole. I can't deny but think of what he would have done if i had said no... He would probably still come because he would be to lazy to walk back to his house. "Emely!" I heard Brandon call me from downstairs. I stand up lazily and walk to the staircase. I walk down. "Why do there have to be so many stairs?" I protest as i get to the last stair. "Oh My-" "Shut Up." i say cutting Fla out. "Em What The Fuck! You're more pale then Ed mentioned." He continues. "What's your point? It's normal isn't it? I go more pale as everyday passes. Until I die." I say and roll my eyes starting to walk upstairs. I feel him grab my elbow and drag me down. "Don't talk like that. That's not going to happen anytime soon." he says. "Actually... according to the doctors papers i should already be dead so I wouldn't say it won't." "Doctors?" Brandon seems surprised. "The gangsters. And come on man you and I know i'll die soon a way or other. Come on let me go." I say to Brandon then at Fla. "Actually... No. I'm not going to let you go. You and I are going to the building before the rest so come on you need to be seen." Fla says and tries drag me to the door. "What?! No! I'm not going I just need rest." I fight back managing to set free. "Em let's go NOW." he says and i shake my head. "you can go. I'm not. You need a doc as well..." I say and start walking upstairs again. "Em we have totally different things. I will survive this 3 next year with the asshole of my dad and will get out alive. Now you in the other hand won't live by the end of this year if you are not put in treatment now. Em you need to fucking understand that what you have is deathly." He says "Trust me I know it's deathly and that is why i'm doing what i do." I say as a wave of dizziness washes me over, I grab the rail and Fla holds me again. "Wow chill. Calm down see this is what I mean." Fla says as he pulls me down the stairs once again. He holds me close and I rest my head in his chest. "Can we go sleep some?" I mumble out. "sure come on" he answers and we head upstairs. He open my door and I go in. I sit in my bed and played some music. 

Messed up...for LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon