Not waking up...

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Ty's P.O.V.
I got nervous at every step I made on our way to her room."Ty you okay?" Chris whispers in my ear. I nod. "Yes just a bit off. Sorry" I say. He nods. As we go into her room. I see the figure of her. She was pale, not wearing a sweater, thin as fuck, and motionless, nonetheless she was breathing. "She's breathing. Have you tried waking her up?" Asks Chris. Fla nods. "I try waking her up. She sometimes moves but not really." He says. I sit next to her. I move her green hair out of her face. She was a bit warm. I grab her arms and notice all the selfharm she also had a hand print bruise. "She has more in his stomach and legs. Also her shoulders." Notifies Fla. I nod as I examen her body she has countless cuts. Why does she had to do this to herself. That is the question that has been invading my head. "Has she been doing drugs frequently?" I ask. "They said they haven't seen her." Fla answers. I shake Emely slightly. She makes no move. I try again this time I get a hum. I try again and she moves. "Wake up sleepy head." I say unsure of myself. I continue shaking her until I see her eyes slightly opening as they get used the the light. "Um.. h-hi..." She mumbles. "Hi... finally woke up I see." Says Emmet. She tries to sit up but fails. Her body is weak. "Here let me give you a hand here." Chris says helping Em to stand up. "I'm going to let Brandon and the rest knows she's awake." Emmet says and walk out.

Matt's POV.
I was on my way upstairs when I bump into... One of the guys that came with Ty. "Um...sorry. Hi. Just wanted to let you know that Em woke up." He says and my face lights up. "Okay! Let's go see him." I say and try walking past​ him but her stops me. "Wait him?" He asks and I nod. "So he finally told you?" He asks and I nod again. Now it was his turn for his face to light up. I laugh. "Common let's go. I want to see him." I say. He nods. We go up and in. I peak my head through the door. We walk in to see Em sitting down. "Hi Sky." I say and he waves at me. "How are you feeling?" I ask. He doesn't answer instead just gives me a thumbs up. "Are you sure?" I ask he nods. "Why won't you talk then?" I ask but he just looks down. I look at Ty and Fla. They just shake their heads at her then look at me with eyes that tell me not to pressure her. I nod as everyone else comes in. "Hey! Your awake!" Brandon yells happy that he woke up. Em looks at him. Fakes a smile. Then looks back down. "I know you didn't want to live but I need to know why." Says the other guy that came with Ty. He shrugs. "Sky you know that is not an answer." Ty says. He just shrugs again. "Em I know that you not talking is not as excuse but I also know you know how to communicate without talking. So might as well tell us." Fla says. She starts doing signs. I finally understand she knows sign language. "Why don't you want to talk about it?" Asks Ty.

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