Fuck This!

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Alex P.O.V.

"Fuck This!" I hear Em yell from the room. "Fuck what? How you fucking huh?" asks Matt playfully. We look towards the connection just as Em peaked her head out of the room. Hes red as fuck. "I'm not fucking everyone,... i mean no one! Shit!" He yells turning more red if that is possible.  We all laugh but he doesn't. "I'm out." He says. "What you mean? Thought you wanted to stay home today?" Asks Fla. "I swear I DO NOT! Do not understand how so many teenager spend a day with only technology! Its been 3 fucking hours and I am already tired of being online! I'm going to take a breath up in the ceiling. I can't resist to be in here for another 10 minutes." "How about 5 minutes?" "NO!" "But you said 10." Evan says playing with her. "Fuck you" He says and walks towards the leaving room grabbing a pair of cigs that I had actually not seen, "Hey! You going out to smoke?" Ty says getting angry. "Yes, and you will not stop me" he answers and walk out the room. "She forgot her gun. And she will be back in 3.....2....1...Yup!" Fla counts down just as Em comes back into the room and grabs her gun. "Sis can I join you?" Ed asks. "Sure." They both walk out of the room. "So are we going to watch TV the whole day?" Brandon asks. "We would but Em doesn't even know what a TV is all she knows is laptop and phone... no TV or cartoons." Fla says. "how 'bout we go ice skate?" asks the little girl, Kat. "No. I suck at doing so!" Jacob yells. "But you can always learn" Kat says. "Just like you can learn how to skateboard!" "No!" "Exactly! I win this!" "No you don't! I can skateboard I just don't like it! Meanwhile you can't ice skate!" Kat yells. "I'm not interested on learning!" "Just like I'm not interested on skateboarding!" "Both of you shut the hell up!" "NO!" both of the kids yell at Fla who shut them up. "Yes you will both shut up. Kat to the room. Jacob to the couch. I don't want to hear anything about you guys until Emily is back, Understood?" Ty says. "Fine!" Kat yells and goes to the room and Jacob goes to the couch. "Is it just me or Kat has the same attitude as her mother?" Blake asks finally speaking. "She sure does. The thing is I don't recall a time when Em and Ed argued over something like a place they want to go." Ty says. "So Em is the mother of Kat?" Brandon asks. "Not exactly" Ty says. "I'm confused what do you mean by not exactly?" says Evan. Blake looks as Fla and Fla looks at Ty. "we aren't allowed to talk about the topic, if you want information about the kids talk with Em." Fla says and i huff. "Em won't give us any information" Matt says and rest his head on my shoulder. "Then so be it we can't talk about it." Ty says and stand up going to the kitchen getting a water bottle.

The door open and in comes a very happy Emily and Edwin, giggling and joking around with each other. "You guy okay?" asked Brandon. "Yea!" Edwin looks at Brandon then at me. He whispers something in Em'm ear and she just shakes her head no. "but why?!" Ed protests. "Because i said so" Em says and slowly sits in the couch. "Em please its going to be fun. Please I know you love it, come on sis" Ed insists. "Blake is here. Brandon and the rest are here, along with Ty and Fla are you really going to do it? We will die by the end of the day if we do" Em says and Ed looks at all of us and frown. "Where is Kat?" He asks and Em looks up standing up walking to the room, "Over here" she says. "How did you know she was there?" asks Evan. "I've raised her, Besides Jake is here... no matter how mad they are with one another they won't go to one place without the other." Em says and sits in the arm rest. "And how did you know they where mad at one another?" asks Matt. "Because they are in separate rooms and Fla got a confused face which means he is still questioning himself on something that has to do with the kids." She says and leans her head in Eds arm as he wraps his arm around him. "Don't question her you guys will get weird answers, that motherfucker knows who she hangs out with and raises" Blake says finally speaking. "Zanku" Em says "Zelcome" Blake answers. Em nods and closes her eyes. "What hurts so much?" Ty asks. "My shoulders and ribs and just my body hurts. "I'm not surprised to hear so. Your body was finally getting used to not being hurt as bad daily, or at least that I know about" Blake says looking at her. "Its not about the hits and bones its about the internal pain of my lungs and my broken ribs, they are just bothering today" Em says and heads to the room. "Hey! where you going?" Ed asks. "Imma talk to Kat" she mumbles before going into the room. "So what happened up there?" asks Fla to Ed. He just shrugs and sits in the couch. "So what you guys wanna do?" asks Blake "Shouldn't you be resting so you can go into that fight later on?" Ed questions Blake. "Are you really going to use the fact that I have a fight later on as an excuse to get rid of me?" Blake says and Ed shakes his head no. "Its not that, its that you need to rest that way you can do better in the fight" Ed answers. "In that case i should be resting but then again since when have fight ever stopped me from living my life how I usually do?" "never... that I know about?" Ty says. "Exactly." "Then you aren't resting today?" Ed asks again. Blake closes his eyes taking a deep breath. "No Edwin. I'm not resting. Not today little bro." he says with as much patience as possible. "okay" he says as he sinks into the couch. Em comes back into the room with Kat in her arms. "So what you gonna do today?" asks Fla. Em shrugs "Imma do whatever you guys tell me to do, today... i'm not in the mood to make decisions... as long as it doesn't involve murdering me i'm good for it all"Em says and Fla looks at Ty who looks at Blake who looks at Ed who looks at Ty. "Em are you feeling well? I think that those cigs had something else other than nicotine" Blake finally spoke. "What? Whats wrong with a day in which i don't make decisions... I mean what could happen, right?"

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