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Blake P.O.V.

So it's 8 in the morning and i'm driving through Emily's new street. I finally find the number and turn off the engine. I look out my window and into the leaving room window to see if there is movement. I see someone sitting down in the couch and the reflection of the T.V. . I excitedly get out of my truck and walk toward the door ringing the bell. I hear an 'I have it!' from the other side of the door, seconds after the door opens reveling a guy around his early 20's. "Hi, can i help you?" he says "Yea umm... do Edwin and Emily live here?" i say hoping i didn't have the wrong address. "what if I said no?" he asks "Then I would go to my truck and call Edwin." I say. I hear a laugh from behind the door then another guy came to view. "Baby stop making him get nervous. You must be Blake right?" the guy says. "Yes Sir that's me." i say happy it was the right address.  "Cool come in." He says and opens the door for me to come in. I go in and the warmth of family hits me. I smile and look at the guys "Nice house" i compliment them. "Thanks." the first guy says. "Edwin, Flamingo come down Blake is here!" the other one yells up the stairs. I hear footsteps running down stairs then i'm attacked in a hug. I chuckle and hug them back we stay in this position until i notice Emely is not in the hug. "Where's Em?" I ask them. They both look at me then down, I look at them confused then ask again "Where is Emely?" i ask more worried i remember seeing her record included suicide attempts. "She's upstairs" Flamingo says slowly. "Why didn't she come down?" I ask now more confused then ever. She's usually the first one to greed me. "She hasn't been down here for 5 days now. She's locked in her room... again." Ed says now "Why did she locked herself?" silence ..."I'm hungry what 'bout you Ed, You hungry?" Flamingo asks ignoring my question "yea, we should eat." Ed answers also ignoring my question. They start walking towards i guess the kitchen but i stop them. "Ed, Fla.. why is Emily locked in her room?" "She locked herself it's all we can tell you." "Why did she lock herself?" i ask again. "Man we don't know ok. You think we would let her down if we knew? No man we wouldn't leave her alone, but she is pushing everyone away, She is not the same girl you left 2 years ago. She's different in so many ways... I told you not to leave and you ignored me and left for your own pride... now deal with the consequences" says Flamingo. "How is she not the same?" "I don't know man why don't you just figure it out yourself? She's in her room." Ed says. I look at them confused on why they are acting up. I look towards the two guys and notice two other guys. "Mind if i go check on her?" I ask them. They look at each other then nod "Follow me" one of them says and starts walking upstairs. "What's your name?" I ask realizing i didn't know. "Brandon and the one that opened the door was Evan my husband, parents of Emily the other two are Alex and Matt parents if Edwin." "oh ok." i say, He stops in-front of a door. "This is Emely's room she hasn't open up in days." he informs me. I nod and try the knob but like he said it was locked. I knock the door and say "Em it's me open up." no answer. "Em?" I try again. "Emily open up or i'll open the door." still no answer... I reach for my choker that contained my blade i use to stab annoying people. I struggle to open the door but when i do i put my blade back. I go in and look around seeing a mess.  "What the hell?" i hear two whispers behind me. I look at Brandon and Evan? I look around the room and see empty water and alcohol bottles also packs of cigs and cocaine in the floor. I kneel down picking up a pack of c and a bottle. I stand up and keep looking around the room. I don't see Em anywhere so I turn to the bathroom door. I walk to it and try the door to find it lock as well. i open it and walk in seeing Emely in the floor in a huge sweater and sitting in a blood poodle. I frown seeing that she in shaking and ashen. I pull her up only for her to let out a whimper and pull herself down. "Em come here. Why are you in a blood poodle? what happened to you? Why are you shaking and pale?" i ask and pull her up again this time not letting her go when she whimpers. She tries pushing me off but i don't let her go. I sit her down in the sink and look at her. "What the hell happened to you?" She looks down, I pull her chin up for her to look at me only to see very silver and blackish eyes. "Em... Answer me?" still no answer. "Emily answer me for god's sake." Still no answer she just looks down numbly. She's clearly not ok. "Em are you in acid or something?" she shake her head no. "Then why don't you answer me?" she shrugs. I hug her only for her to whimper and try to pull of. "What hurts?" I ask noticing that every time i touch her she whimpers. She shrugs "Emily take your sweater off let me see." I say but she doesn't move. I try taking her sweater off for her to curl in a ball. "Emily... Let me see" she shakes her head no standing up almost falling and going to her room picking up a bottle of alcohol on her way to the bed, she curls into a ball. I look at Brandon and Evan they seem helpless. I sit next to her and try pulling her towards me but she flinches and pulls away going to the corner of the bed. "Em?" i ask confused of why the hell she's like this. "Em." I say again expecting her to look up. "Emily why are you acting like this? Why are you not you? Why are you locked in here?" she looks at the bottle and doesn't answer. "Em when was the last time you ate or even slept." no answer. I sigh "Em I need answers or you know what will happen." No answer. "Ok then lets go to the hospital." I say standing up and pull her to the edge of the bed. She tries pushing me off and lets a tear roll down her face. "Em are you crying?" i ask and more tears well up. "Em come here. Please." I say but she doesn't move she just covers her face with her pillow. "Em. Get that pillow out of your face." She holds it tight i look at her expecting her to move it. Her grip becomes more loose and I notice she stopped breathing  "Emily. That. Pillow. Off. Your. Face. Now." she doesn't move. I reach and take the pillow off myself. She stares at me then looks down numbly, still not breathing. What the hell. "Vampy please breath." She still doesn't. I touch her shoulder and she flinches curling back into a ball. I sit next to her silently. I pull her so her  head is resting in my lap "Sleep some Vampy, you'll be better when you wake up" She lays her head down in my lap and i can feel her tears soaking my thighs. I play with her hair until she stops crying. I rest my head back in the wall. Evan and Brandon sit in the bed doing the same.

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