The Worst

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♤ Quinten Salazar ♤

Her head is laid upon my chest while her bare leg is tossed over my lower half. The once bright sun was no longer seeping through the curtains of her bedroom window.

Realizing that we have been lost in her covers since yesterday morning, I can't help but to smile to myself. "I can't believe that she was so worried about being relevant." Amini mumbles, staring at the television. I look down at her, running my large hand down her back before gently kissing the top of her head. "Sadly, so many people feel that the level of popularity defines who you are." I reply, now looking at the television only to see the woman yelling at the airport assistant in front of her.

"What would you do if someone yelled in your face?" Amini inquires, looking up at me. I look down at her then avert my eyes while I try to think of an answer similar to how I would react if I were put into that position. "I'd ask them to calm down for starters. My father always told me that a person can never get things down while angry."


"Well because when you're angry you act on your current emotions rather than your true self. Which is also why we shouldn't make decisions while angry because once we've calmed down and look back at how we reacted to a certain situation we-" I glance at her small hand that is placed over my mouth then at her. She laughs at me and removes her hand, sitting up.

"You were on the right track until you took a left then turned a simple question into a lesson." She laughs, straddling me. I rest my hands on her sides while she rests her's on my bare, broad shoulders. Looking down at me through her messy bed hair she smiles and leans in; placing her lips against mine. I smile into the kiss before I begin to kiss her back.

"I told you not to turn all the questions I ask you into lectures Professor Salazar." she says breaking the kiss, I bite down on my bottom lip, masking my laugh. "I'm sorry Miss Howard, I'm just use to it but aside from that. Do you know if you'll be free Tuesday night around eight?" She runs her fingers through her hair, letting out a sigh while staring out her bedroom window at the dark sky.

"I'll have to see if Monica is willing to cover my shift that night. Hopefully she will." She rolls off of me; landing on her back.

"If I were at Club Envy I'd just call and tell Calvin that I had something important come up but my new manager isn't that kind of person." It was evident that Amini missed her previous job since she never had anything positive to say about her current one but she had to look at the big picture and realize that she was safer here than at Club Envy.

"If you can't then that's fine. I won't be busy next weekend so maybe we can sort something out." I mumble turning over, pulling her body closer to mine. Resting my chin on her shoulder, I gently place a kiss on the sensitive area behind her ear.

"I'd like that to be honest." She mumbles turning over to look at me. I stare back at her in admiration; I could never understand nor explain the feeling I felt when laying in bed with her but it was a feeling I yearned for whenever we were in each other's presence. "Why do you always stare at me?" She questions running her fingers through her hair. "Because you're a work of art to me and I can't help but to stare." she laughs at my cheesy statement and leans in to give me another kiss.

"You're so corny, I swear but, I love it." she sits up right and crosses her legs. "What time is it?" I reach over to grab my phone and realize that it was still off from the day before. Amini had this rule that when we're together both our phones are turned off so there wouldn't be any distractions.

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