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◇ Omniscient ◇

There's only so much a soul can take before breaking, crumbling and deteriorating. The soul is of course much more stronger than the vessel that it is the home of. Withstainig the impossible and always coming out stronger in the end.

But, these two souls were tired. Slowly losing the battles they have been fighting for years on end without any breaks in between. Although they were weakening they still had fight in them, just a tad bit of fight.

That tad bit going a long way.

Of course the two of them thought about throwing the towel in a few times but what would be the use of that exactly?

Why come this far to give up now?

It's stated that right before one chooses to give up they're inches, mintues, seconds, away from achieving what it is they have been yearning for most.

That night in the hallway of the dark mental health center, Quinten thought about giving up, he felt like he had no fight in him. He believed that his time was up and he had served his purpose along this earth. He felt that his soul was ready to return home.

Those florescent blue and red lights told a whole different story, it wasn't the end of his fight and it wasn't the beginning either. Amini felt that same way as she cried beside him with his blood on her shaking hands. She had been through so much and was still trying to balance herself. Many times she thought about quiting, giving up. Letting the Devil win, giving him his glory.

She didn't.

Even if that little voice in her head told her to she didn't, she wouldn't because she had to keep fighting, not just for herself but for the man she adored. The man who saw all the good when all she could see was the bad. The man who taught her self love. The man who she loved.

If she couldn't do it for herself she had to do it for him.

A smile creeps along her plump hydrated lips as she looks into his warm eyes that reminded her of hot chocolate with a few pieces of tiny marshmallows floating along the surface. Closing her eyes she let's a small moan emit from her lips, feeling the energy shared between the two of their souls.

Bruised souls that still had love and life to share with one another.

He smirks at her as he shoves a spoonful of cheerios in his mouth, milk running down his chin, just barely catching it with a wipe from the back of his hand.

I need to change your bandages.

Quinten nods and watches as she finishes her cereal, disposing the bowl into the kitchen sink before slipping into his dining room to retrieve the first aid kit.

A small chuckles releases from his pink lips at the sight of her nearly slipping while entering the kitchen.

Fuck you. Sticking her tongue out at him while placing the kit on the marble surface.

Gladly, after I'm healed of course moonlight. She was shocked at how bold he had become within the last three days. She knew that he'd never verbally say that to her which for some reason made her love it more.

Speaking with one another through the intense vibration of their somas for the last few days is something the two of them adored. There was no need for verbal clarification when it came to expressing their feelings, both their souls were an open book; dancing with one another along the shore of a sandy beach under the moonlight while the sound of waves crashing soothed them.

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