Good People

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♡ Amini Salazar ♡

"We have to make this quick." I exhale as his thick lips latch onto my neck. The heat from both our bodies was fogging the windows of my Range but at this point in time, him nor I gave a single fuck about that. I lean back against the steering wheel and grind against his dick until I feel it inside me.

I then lean forward and wrap my arms around his tattooed neck as I slowly start to ride him, the feeling of his nails digging into my sides make me ride him even faster and place my hands on the fogged out window for some type of support. "Damn, Moonlight." My husband tosses his head back against the leather seat of my car and bites down on his lip, the sight of it was honestly so damn beautiful to me. Watching him pant and part his lips becsuse of me turned me one, his low grunts and his nails in my skin was caused by me, I was making him react this way and it felt good.

It felt good to know that I still had this type of affect on him even after all we've been through. I slow down, resting my hands on his broad shoulders and just watch him constantly bite his bottom lip. I guess he wasn't with the shits because before I knew it, his large hands were holding me in place while he was thrusting into me, causing me to now let out faint moans. I grip onto the roof handle for support while burying my face in the crook of his neck to try and keep my moans at a minimum but I couldn't because the shit felt so good, nearly going a year without sex to constantly having sex for three weeks straight was one hell of a high for me and I wasn't coming down anytime soon especially with him being the one who was sexing me this damn good. When I feel myself about to climax, I quickly remove myself from him and sit back in the passengers seat. I exhale and pull my tights back up then look over at my husband who was fixing his jeans. When he looks up at me, we stare at one another before letting out some ugly ass laughs.

"You enjoy sex for the first time in public?" I ask him as I pull the sun visor down and open the small mirror to check my makeup, it was fine except for my lipstick but the color honesty didn't go with my skin tone so all I have to do is wipe the remaining of it off.

"It's cool when you want to be quick but I'm not a mintue man plus, I need more access." He tells me.

"We'll try the backseat next time then that way we have much more room and time but let's go before we're late." I reach for the silver door handle and push my door open. Once outside, I fix my denim jacket because it was honesty chilly as hell out here. I meet up with my husband at the back of my car, we interlock our fingers then begin to walk to the tall building across the street.

The last time I found myself in one of these chairs- these offices the tension between my husband and I was high and I was stubborn at the whole idea of it as well as nervous. Two years ago we were trying to save our relationship now two years later we're trying to save not only our marriage but our family as well. This time around I'm all for it and ready for whatever type of brutal honesty it is my husband and I have to face in order to get things back right between us. I'm ready to listen to his side of the story as well as his feelings too and I hope he's ready for the same thing.

"It's nice to have you guys back for a second week. Since last week we got on the topic just introducing yourselves now we're going to do a few exercises where the two of you tell one another something you like that they do, it can be big or small but it has to be honest." I nod and look at my husband, placing my hand on the back of his tattooed one. "I'll go first." I say, turning my body in my seat.

"I love how loving you are to our kids." I smile.

"I love how our kids are always your first and last thought of the day." He replies.

"I love your honesty."

"I love how stubborn you are."

"I love your freckles."

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