Break From Love

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◇ Omniscient ◇

The loud music blaring through the speakers in her bedroom cover up the sound of her cries. At this point they were silent but her pain wasn't. She hugs her tear stained pillow that was her only form of comfort, moving into a new home that was empty was all new to her. Living alone was now new to her. Even before she married her soon to be ex husband, she always would wake up next to him whether she was staying the night with him or he was staying the night with her but. Things were all different now. She was alone and heartbroken, a heartbreak she caused upon herself.

Amini knew that she was far from perfect, she knew that she was not easy to love but, she truly believed that the love she had shared with her husband was the one in a life time kind of love. It was, it truly was but flaws got in the way, lies and broken trust, miscommunication. It took a toll on the marriage. Arguing over what had been said out of anger made it no better, the two always decided to drag an issue out or act blind to it instead of facing it and even now, a sorry could not fix this marriage.

It was over. Amini knew it and so did her husband but, she still could not bring herself to sign the divorce papers. It had been two weeks since he filed for divorce and within those two weeks Quinten went home for a week and spent time with his mother until returning back to California where he talked to not only his sister but Jabari as well about everything. It was only right for him to do such since he did ask for Jabari's blessing to marry his cousin. Quintwn also took tge time to help Jabari move a few things into their new house while Amini spent a few days with Kendall because she knew that if she were to see Quinten face to face, she'd break down and cry. She didn't want that. It wasn't that she didn't want to look vulnerable in front of him....she just didn't want to cry over something that was her fault.

"Amini!" A similar voice shouts from down the hall causing Amini to lift her head up off the plush pillow. She wipes her tears then looks at the cracked door of her bedroom. To her recollection, she was the only one home, the kids were spending time with their father for a few more days until everything in the new home was set up and the only person who knew where she moved was her husband, cousin and sister but, Almasi was in Florida, her semester of college was coming to an end and being faced with finals as well as motherhood, there was no way that she'd have time to even visit her sister even if she made plans to prior.

Amini listens to the sound of heels clicking along the marble flooring of the second floor of her home followed by whispers indicating that there was more than one person in her home. When the door opens she looks at her two friends then lays her head back down the pillow, pulling it close to her and closing her eyes. "How are you, are you okay... we missed you." Kendall mentions as she steps into her room with Bella following right behind her. "We did, you got pregnant then disappeared." Bella chimes in, looking at her baby bump that had grown, she was now six months pregnant and although she missed her monthly check up she figured that her growing baby was fine, she was just ready for the last few months to go by so she could hurry up and give birth then get back to work because staying home and crying over a man who no longer wanted her was not something she wanted to do. If she was busy with work then she'd be too busy to think about him and too busy to cry over him.

"Are you having a boy or girl?" Kendall questions plopping fown on the bed and laying her head next to Amini's. She lays silently waiting for her reply. "Do you want to talk about it?" Propping her head in her hand, Kendall looks down at Amini who finally opens her bloodshot eyes. "What's there to talk about, I lost the love of my life and now I'm a single mother." She sniffles, slowly pulling her body up which took a lot of effort with her growing baby bump. "He left me while I was five and a half months pregnant, why would I want to talk about something that painful?"

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