Where She Is

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♡ Amini Salazar ♡

"It's too cold out here, we need to hurry up and go back to California." I hear Yesenia say as we all walk down the halls of the New York studio. Today I would be doing a radio interview with The Breakfast Club, my first Radio interview at that and instead of letting my kids stay back in California, I decided to bring them with me; for one, I really didn't want to fly out of state without them by my side and for two, their father and Cyarra would be going out for the next few nights since Cyarra would be flying out of the country for the next few months because got a nice ass job deal. She wouldn't be in California during May, aka her and Quinten's birthday so they were celebrating months in advance.

"We're leaving later tomorrow morning anyways." I reply, opening the door. I wait for the four of them to enter the room we would be waiting in before I enter myself. "It's warm in here." Paz says walking over to one of the chairs in the room. "Lur get away from that window." I say a little sternly, I knew that if I didn't sound serious enough with her she'd disobey since she still likes to think that she can sweet talk me into letting her do what she pleases. "Okay, we're so high up, Mimi." Yes, on the fucking twentieth damn floor.

"Yes we are, do me a favor and sit down in one of these chairs, I don't want you running around. I don't want any of you guys running around for that matter."

"How long we gotta be here, Ma?" Osvaldo questions me, scrolling through his phone like always. He was fourteen now and I notice that he's really staying to himself. I mean he always has unless he was trying to insult someone but he was doing it much more now. "However long this interview takes." I sigh as I put Ixora's baby bag down on the table I front of me. I had to make sure that she was straight before even walking into that interview, baby girl is teething now and she really not having it. Sometimes her teething ring and teething gel don't cut it for her so I gotta just let her cry it out and let me tell you, that breaks my damn heart.

I was trying something new today though, my husband's mother told me about trying frozen fruit, it was nice and cold which would be soothing for my baby girl's gums and it was also sweet so it's also a light snack for her as well. "Here baby girl," I hand her a small mango slice and watch her start to gnaw away at it. "That should hold you until I get back." I pick her up and quickly kiss her cheek then walk over to Yesenia, "Watch her for me please and if she starts to fuss just give her another fruit, there's some frozen bananas and mangos in the little lunch pail in her baby bag."

"Okay mama, good luck."

"Yeah good luck mama, have fun too!" Paz yells.

"Bring me back some candy, Mimi." Lur speaks up. I swear candy is really the only thing that's on her mind. I laugh and say my goodbyes to my babies then meet up with Jabari who was down the hall waiting for me. "Okay so what is it they're not allowed to ask me?" I ask him as I lean up against the wall that was separating me from the interview room.

"Try to just mainly talk about the new shit you got popping and whatever it is you don't feel comfortable answering you don't have to answer. That nigga Charlamagne got a smart ass mouth so he might say some shit that'll piss you off but don't let it, alright." I nod and push my flat ironed hair over my shoulders then smile as the door to the interview room opens. Angela sticks her head out and gestures for me to follow her, I quickly hug Jabari then enter the room and smile at everyone in it before taking my seat.

"Morning everybody, it's DJ Envy, Angela Yee and Charlamagne tha God. We are the breakfast club. We have a special guest in the building this morning! Amina Salazar!"

"It's Amini." Angela corrects him.

"Oh my bad, Amini."

"You good don't even worry about it, good morning by the way." I say politely as I briefly look at them all

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