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♡ Amini Salazar ♡

I listen to the steady beating of his heart as he slowly runs his hand up and down my thigh. At this very moment, it felt like time was frozen between us; we were spilling our love into one another endlessly without any interruptions. Our children were spending the weekend with his sister which took a lot out of my husband. He was too paranoid to let them out of his sight after what it is we all had went through but some how and some way, Cyarra and I convinced him that everything would be okay. "If I could, I'd never leave this bed." I tell my husband while looking at whatever it was he was watching on t.v. I feel him kiss the top of my head and mumble something as he rests his hand on my thigh. "Huh?" I look up at him and catch him staring down at me with his lips tucked, dimples evident as ever. I find myself smiling, trying to hide it by looking away but my husband gently grabs my face and makes me look at him. "No, I want to see that prepossessing smile of yours." I roll my eyes and remove his hand from my face then turn over, leaving me on my back staring up at our ceiling. It had been about a week or so since I broke the news about me being pregnant. Since then it seems like literlly EVERYTHING has slowed down with us. I mean here we are in bed with one another, no tension between either of us and leaking love, by that I mean we can't get away from each other for about five minutes. I kinda feels like I'm a lost puppy following him around all the time or vice versa. He can't get enough of me and I think- I know it's because of our child. It's bringing us closer together. It's crazy that even before a child is born it came bring so much love into a home, it's changes everyone's life, not just mine or my husband. We told our children that they were going to have a little brother or sister and they were all excited especially Paz. She wants another sister while Yesenia and Osvaldo want a brother. Lur really doesn't care too much about it. She just made it clear that she wasn't sharing her toys with her soon brother or sister. I really just hope that everything will turn out well for my family. As of now, work is the last thing on my mind. I mean I really want to take a few photoshoots before my belly gets too big but, at the same time I rrally just want to disappear and focus on my child along with my family. Work is too stressful and I alrrady know that my husband would feel some type of way if ai said I wanted to work throughout this whole pregnancy. I know he'd support be but so also know that he'd wish that I just took time to myself.  "What are you thinking about?" I hear my husband ask. I glance over at him then back at the ceiling. "Everything I guess." I say truthfully using my elbows to push myself up and sit upright in our bed. "We need to think of how we're going to go with this pregnancy because I don't know shit." I admit.

My husband chuckles and sits up as well. He pulls me over to him and in between his legs, I rest my back against his chest and tilt my head back to look at him. Wow, he looks so beautiful from this angle actually, my husband looks beautiful from every damn angle. "You're so beautiful." I tell him. "That is because you are looking at your own reflection, my love." He places a kiss on my forehead then rubs the sides of my arms. "Okay but as you were saying. What is it you want to do and when will we make a legit doctor appointment? I need to know so I can clear my schedule and make sure that I'm there." Hearing him say that makes me heart smile. I already get to see him in daddy mode with our children now but the fact that I'll be able to see him so loving and caring with our child once he or she arrives just makes me so happy. "I forgot to tell you that I have a doctor's appointment Wednesday it's nine in the morning." He nods at me then sits silently for a few seconds, "Yesenia has to go to a hearing that same day but that's fine since the hearing is not until later on that day." I furrow my brows at his whole statement. Why the hell did Yesenia need to go to a hearing for and why was I unaware of it? "Why, we signed the adoption papers long ago.." I trail off.

"Yes, we did. Unfortunately, Zaveri decided to press charges and from what I can remember Yesenia has a record." I remove myself from his lap and turn around to stare at him. "A record for what!?" I catch myself and try to relax, deciding to ask my question more calmly. "What does she have a record for?" My husband laughs at me and shakes his head while getting out of bed. I watch him walk to my side of the bed and extend his hand for me to take. I grab it and let him pull me out of our comfortable; messy bed then lead us down the halls of our quiet home.

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