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TW ⚠️- SA

Hi guys due to me having some dental surgery done today my good friend ericiaxjade is updating this chapter for me bc I'm too loopy from the drugs💀 show her some love and enjoy this update 💚

♡ Amini Salazar ♡

I feel tears forming in my eyes out of frustration. I'm not doing this shit, never will I ever stoop this fuckin' low just for someone to know my name, I've been telling him this for the last two weeks but he just can't seem to get it through his fuckin' head that I can't be forced to do anything I don't want to do.

Exhaling, I stand to my feet and wipe away my tears. "Well, I'm not doing this. Find someone else, Jensen." I say standing my ground, realizing that a lot of the girls he manages don't. They just follow his rules without any question, I'm too stubborn for that. I watch as he tucks his bottom lip and nods, I guess thinking of some other way to get me to obey.

"You're in the position to be the next big LA model, how do you not want that?" He asks, slowly standing from his seat

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"You're in the position to be the next big LA model, how do you not want that?" He asks, slowly standing from his seat.

"The respect I have for myself is more important to me than the fame." At this point I don't even care if he stops managing me. The last two weeks he's been trying to get me to go along with these rumors floating around of Hayden and I, I'm not having it.

On top of that, he's been verbally harassing me non-stop and booking me for shoots that seem more like fuckin' porn audtions.
It's like he wants me to be this model that does whatever the fuck their told. To sit down and shut up while everyone plans shit out for me but I'm not. I was doing that nearly all my life and I refuse to go back to such a toxic and dark place where even darkness is scared of itself.

"Well, you have to figure something out because you have four more weeks. That photoshoot you did with Bella was not good enough. You had chemistry with her that night in that hotel room but once on set you were horrible, you both were actually." A year ago if I had someone standing in front of me being this fuckin" disrespectful I'd commence to beating their ass but, I'm not going to do that therefore, I'm going to remove myself from the situation before I make matters worse.

I toss some of my hair over my shoulder and begin to walk toward the steel door of his office only for him to come up behind me and grab my arm, pulling me back. Meeting his green eyes, I feel rage within me. "I own you, that piece of paper you signed gives me the right to do as I please as your manager; if I tell you to fake a relationship, you fake a relationship. This is not a game, this is my money you're fucking with as well as yours. So if I tell you to do something you do it!" I purse my lips when he points his finger in my face knowing that out of anger I'd be childish and attempt to bite that shit off.

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